Michaelbrightwolf (Mbr)

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

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Last updated 11 months ago

"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
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Last updated 3 weeks ago

2 months ago

For a Better Tomorrow, Get Ready with Brolf Tech

In a world driven by innovation and technology, preparing for the future starts today. At Brolf Tech, we are committed to empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the ever-evolving tech industry.

With a diverse range of courses, including web development, app development, robotics, and software engineering, we cater to students of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you’re a high school student, a college graduate, or an adult looking to reskill, Brolf Tech offers flexible schedules and expert-led classes to suit your needs.

Our mission is simple: to inspire innovation, nurture talent, and build a community of forward-thinking individuals ready to shape a brighter tomorrow.

Join us today and take the first step toward a future of endless possibilities.

Brolf Tech – Influencing Young Innovation

2 months, 1 week ago
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In a world full of noise, many people sell their mouth rather than their work or service. They boast about achievements they’ve never accomplished, inflate their expertise, and prioritize ego over action. But when it’s time to deliver, their words fall flat.

Trusting such talkers can lead to disappointment. They overpromise but underdeliver, wasting time and energy. Instead, judge people by their deeds, not their words.

Be a person of your word—let your actions speak for you. The world needs more doers and fewer talkers.

Remember: "Well done is better than well said."

5 months ago

Missing Our Beloved Prophet: The Guide to the Path of Allah

In the heart of every believer lies a deep longing for the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He was not just a messenger; he was a guide, a leader, and a beacon of light in a world that often felt engulfed in darkness. Through his life, teachings, and character, he showed us the straight path—the way to Allah, the Most Merciful.

There are times when I find myself wishing, with all my heart, that I had been there, walking beside him. To witness firsthand the kindness in his smile, the wisdom in his words, and the strength of his faith. The love he had for his Ummah, for us, even before we were born, is something that transcends time.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was sent as a mercy to mankind. His mission was not just to deliver the message of Islam, but to live it, to embody it. His life was a reflection of the Qur’an—each action, each word, a lesson in humility, patience, and devotion to Allah.

When we study his life, it becomes clear that his guidance was not limited to the people of his time. Every hadith, every sunnah, carries a message for us today, centuries later. He taught us how to worship, how to treat one another, how to strive for justice, and how to maintain hope in Allah’s mercy. He showed us the way to live in this world with purpose, while always preparing for the next.

Yet, in moments of reflection, I cannot help but feel the ache of separation. To live in a time where the Prophet walked the earth, to pray behind him, to hear his gentle voice reciting the words of our Creator—these are the dreams that occupy my thoughts. But even though we were not physically with him, we are still connected to him through the love we hold in our hearts.

The Prophet said, “I wish I could meet my brothers.” When asked who they were, he replied, “You are my companions, but my brothers are those who believe in me without seeing me.” This hadith brings immense comfort, reminding us that our love for him, our longing for him, is not in vain. It is a bond that ties us to him, across time and space.

As we follow the path he illuminated, we draw closer to him and, ultimately, to Allah. His life continues to guide us, urging us to be better, to love more deeply, and to seek the pleasure of our Lord in everything we do.

In these moments of yearning, we can take solace in knowing that the Prophet (peace be upon him) left us with a complete and perfect example. His teachings are alive in the Qur’an and his sunnah, lighting the way for us as we strive to follow in his footsteps.

I may not have walked beside him, but through his legacy, I can still walk the path he laid out—the path that leads to Allah.

May we all be reunited with our beloved Prophet in Jannah, and may Allah grant us the strength to follow his example in this life, so that we may meet him in the next.

Peace and blessings be upon him, our guide, our light, and the beloved of Allah.


5 months, 1 week ago

Recognizing Our Common Ground
“Women Bu Yi Yang” teaches us that although we may not be identical, we are united by our shared experiences. We all seek love, happiness, and connection. Our differences enrich our lives and broaden our perspectives, allowing us to learn from one another.

Celebrating Diversity and Unity
Our world is wonderfully diverse, with each culture adding depth to our collective human experience. We don’t need to worry about our colors or differences; what matters is our ability to empathize and understand each other.

As we navigate our journeys, let’s celebrate our unique stories and recognize that, at our core, we are all just human beings trying to make sense of the world. By fostering connections based on empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious community. Together, let’s embrace our differences and build bridges, not walls. ?

10 months, 1 week ago

Finding Strength in Faith: A Journey of Rediscovery

In the whirlwind of life, there are moments when we feel depleted, as if our dreams have slipped through our fingers like grains of sand. Every task seems daunting, every hurdle insurmountable. Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a profound solace in the presence of faith.

There are times when my energy wanes, and it feels like I've lost touch with my dreams. Every endeavor drains me, leaving me weary and disheartened. But then, in the quiet moments of reflection, I find solace in the knowledge that Allah is with me.

It's in those moments of connection with the divine that I feel a resurgence of hope, a rekindling of the fire within. Suddenly, the challenges that once seemed overwhelming become opportunities for growth, and the dreams that felt out of reach begin to feel attainable once more.

In the embrace of faith, I find the strength to persevere, to keep moving forward despite the obstacles that stand in my way. For I know that with Allah by my side, I am never truly alone. His presence fills me with courage and determination, guiding me along the path towards my dreams.

Yes, there are moments when life feels heavy, when it seems like everything is working against us. But it's in those moments that we must remember to turn to our faith, to draw strength from the belief that Allah's plan is greater than anything we could ever imagine.

So, when my energy wanes and I feel like I've lost my way, I take solace in the knowledge that Allah is with me. And in His presence, I find the courage to dream again, to pursue my passions with unwavering determination. For with faith as my compass, there is nothing I cannot achieve.

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The first Telecom operator in Africa https://t.me/EthiotelecomChatBot

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

◉ Welcome to the 433 Films

Best Place To Find All Movies..

🤞For Promo - @Abusheymc

☕️Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/Films_433

Last updated 11 months ago

"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
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👉🏿 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ZemedkunB በኩል ማገዝ ትችላላችሁ። በተረፈ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኔና ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ የሚጠቅመውን ሁሉ አበረክት ዘንድ አብዝታችሁ ጸልዩልኝ።

Last updated 3 weeks ago