The first Telecom operator in Africa
Last updated 2 Monate, 1 Woche her
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Last updated 11 Monate her
"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
👉🏿 እና
👉🏿 በኩል ማገዝ ትችላላችሁ። በተረፈ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኔና ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ የሚጠቅመውን ሁሉ አበረክት ዘንድ አብዝታችሁ ጸልዩልኝ።
Last updated 2 Wochen, 6 Tage her
ሁላምችሁም ተጋብዛቹሃል
በአሜሪካ እና በካናዳ በትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊያን የሚከወኑ የመውሊድ ዝግጅቶች መሃከል በዚህ ሳምንት የመጀመሪያው ክላርክስቶን ጆርጂያ የሚደረገው ይሆናል። በዝግጅቱ ለመሳተፍ ዝርዝሩ እንደሚከተለው ይሆናል። ሌሎችንም ዝግጅቶች የምናሳውቅ ይሆናል።
Alsalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,
AIC,(African & Immigrant Communities of America) in collaboration with numerous Islamic centers and communities locally & nationwide, is thrilled to announce our 25th Annual Celebration of the Blessed Birth of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. We invite you to join us for these special gatherings:**
- Location: Piedmont College, 495 N Indian Creek Dr, Clarkston, GA 30021
- For program details, contact: Shaykh Wazir at (404) 944-4444; Br.Hassan (678) 789-6602; Sister Najaha at (678) 328-7426; Coach & AIC PR, Aminah (404) 964-0223.
Prominent Scholars, Munshideen, Ethiopian Airlines, Captain Bahairuden and others Dignitaries has been invited,
Very heart touching Menzuma, in Multi languages. Arabic, Amharic, Harari, Somali, Oromipha is insha’Allah prepared, the Bourdaha, would be read, very important lectures will be insha’Allah delivered.
Please bring your families and friends to enjoy this very important occasion of the Mawlid, please see the attached flyer, recorded audio messages in Amharic and English by our PR and Coach Amina, please share with others and help us in spreading the words!
Imam Sheikh Salahadin Wazir, African & Immigrant Communities of America, AIC, Inc.
CEO & Founder
P.O.Box 830603
Stone Mountain,
GA 30083 USA ??
(404) 944-4444
[email protected]
ተለቀቀ✨ ተለቀቀ✨ ተለቀቀ ⚡️
ዒድ ሙባረክ!✨✨✨
ጀሊሉ በኑር የመረጠው | JELILU BENUR YEMERETEW | ሐይደር የዱዲን / HAIDER YEDUDIN
The first Telecom operator in Africa
Last updated 2 Monate, 1 Woche her
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Last updated 11 Monate her
"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
👉🏿 እና
👉🏿 በኩል ማገዝ ትችላላችሁ። በተረፈ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኔና ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ የሚጠቅመውን ሁሉ አበረክት ዘንድ አብዝታችሁ ጸልዩልኝ።
Last updated 2 Wochen, 6 Tage her