The first Telecom operator in Africa
Last updated 5 days, 16 hours ago
"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
👉🏿 እና
👉🏿 በኩል ማገዝ ትችላላችሁ። በተረፈ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኔና ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ የሚጠቅመውን ሁሉ አበረክት ዘንድ አብዝታችሁ ጸልዩልኝ።
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
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Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Samsung s7
Used good condition
4gb ram
32gb storage
Back cover has crack
Screen also has small crack
Battry 80% good condition
The rest Everthing is perfect.
Price 6,300 birr
Call 0912758887
ኦሪጂናል እና አስተማማኝ ስልኮች
A04e 32/3 10,300
A15 128/4 15,200
A15 128/6 17,000
A15 128/8 17,500
A15 256/8 20,200
M14 64/4 13,200
M13 64/4 14,000
M13 128/6 18,000
A05s 128/6 16,300
M34 5g 128/6 22,000
A34 128/8 27,000
A25 128/6 23,500
A23 5g 128/8 23,000
F54 256/8 33,500
A54 256/8 40,00
A55 256/8 45,000
Smart 8 64/3 10,400
Smart 8 64/4 10,500
Pop 7 9500
Po8 128/4 11,500
Spark 20 128/4 13,000
Spark20 256/8 15,000
Spark20 pro 256/8 18,000
Spark 20 pro plus 22,000
The first Telecom operator in Africa
Last updated 5 days, 16 hours ago
"ይህ የቴሌግራም ቻናሌ ግንቦት1/2011ዓም የተከፈተ ነው። የእኔን የስልክ ወጪ ጨምሮ አገልግሎቴን መደገፍ የምትፈቅዱ ጓደኞቼ በ
👉🏿 እና
👉🏿 በኩል ማገዝ ትችላላችሁ። በተረፈ ለቤተ ክርስቲያኔና ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ የሚጠቅመውን ሁሉ አበረክት ዘንድ አብዝታችሁ ጸልዩልኝ።
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
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Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago