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Last updated 1 week ago

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

1 month, 1 week ago

The Cold/Flu are The Cure.

It's a detox.

Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory

Credit: Dr Peter Glidden


1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Understanding what a cold/flu/pneumonia really is, and unlearning everything the medical industry has told us.... for the TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE

When we get a cold/the flu/pneumonia, what it really means is that your body is going through a detox to get rid of the mucus build-up that has taken place over time.

Mucus is the debris from all the toxins we are exposed to. This is usually from consuming pasteurized dairy products, preservatives, pesticides & other chemicals in our food, environment, the pharmaceuticals we have taken, injections included, dental treatments (with Sodium Fluoride especially) and many more things.

Our body will need to focus all its energy on the cleanse. Therefore, a loss of appetite will occur, accompanied by a loss of smell & taste.

Your body wants you to stop eating, so fasting induced autophagy can be activated, in which the toxins are eliminated. You can drink water, but not eating will shorten the detox process & you'll get out of it sooner.

The reason your loss of taste & smell happens is so you don't want to eat. Listen to your body, just rest in bed til it's over. Resting is key 🔑

You don't have a virus, long Convid, no such things exist. It's just the body detoxing.

You can aid the process by spitting out all mucus coming up, allowing it to come out from the nose by blowing into a tissue frequently. Keep a cup handy to spit out whenever coughing.

Recommended: There are holistic plants like Ecchinacea & goldenseal combo, which help the body to excrete more mucus. Also great: tangerine peels in a cup, add hot water, let steep for an hour with a cover on & drink 4 x a day. If you can't find tangerines, then any citrus fruit, including lemon/lime peel shavings. Wash the fruit well, scrub it too, before using the peels.

Terrain Theory 101:
It's not a virus. Your body needs to detox from toxins that have created a debris.

Note: as group animals, if one person starts detoxing, the people they come in contact with on the daily, can also begin a detox if they need it. This is an evolutionary survival method. We often are in sync with those around us in hormones & all ways to work as a group.
It's the same as many women who are in contact with one another daily or very often, getting their periods at the same time.
This is necessary in survival of the herd/group, so if one new mom no longer can nurse their young & take care of it, due to illness/passing on, other moms can take care of the baby.
Nature is quite amazing!


5 months ago

After all I have learned about how horrible all jabs are, I realized my two youngest were vaccine injured.

They had autoimmune issues, allergies, asthma, eczema and my daughter had PCOS.

They took so much allergy medicine every single day and it got worse and worse.

The only reason you can be allergic to all food is autoimmune disease. Your body attacks everything.

But death took care of all their sickness. At 22 and 23. I can barely survive with the loss of two children four months apart.

5 months ago

20, 2018 Press release: "In the process, the DOJ and HHS concealed critical material evidence of how vaccines can cause autism in some children” stated Hazlehurst, who obtained depositions and sworn affidavits documenting these facts."


Consumer Version
“Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain that occurs when a virus directly infects the brain or when a virus, VACCINE, or something else triggers inflammation.”


Thimerosal and Animal Brains: New Data for Assessing Human Ethylmercury Risk "...linking persistent inorganic mercury exposure with increased activation of microglia in the brain, an effect reported in children with autism."


Aluminum broken down in months:
At birth- 250 mcg
2 months 1200 mcg
4 months 975 mcg
6 months 1000 mcg
12 months 600 mcg
15 months 625 mcg
18 months 250 mcg

The FDA safe limit is 25 mcg (μg) per day.

At birth- HepB- Contain approx 0.5 mg of aluminum per mL of vaccine. A dose is .5mL. A series of 3 doses (0.5 mL each) given on a 0-, 1-, and 6-month schedule.
Convert that to mcg and an hours old infant receives 250 mcg aluminum at birth.
The FDA safe limit is 25 mcg per day.

At 2 months, an infant gets pediatrix, a combo Diptheria Tetanus, Pertussis, HepB, and polio, in a .5mL dose.
Each 0.5-mL dose contains aluminum salts as adjuvant (not more than 0.85 mg aluminum by assay).
That's 850 mcg.

Also at 2 months an infant gets Prevnar 13 in a .5mL dose containing 125 μg aluminum- thats 125 mcg.

And Hib- each 0.5 mL dose of Liquid PedvaxHIB contains 225 mcg of aluminum.
And finally, also at 2 months an infant gets Rotateq- an oral vaccine with no aluminum.

Doing the math that's 1200 mcg of aluminum is one office visit.

The FDA safe level is 25 mcg per day!

All this information can be found in the package inserts at the FDA website. In each insert, look under section 2- Dosage and administration for dose amount. Look under section 11- Description for aluminum amounts.


All this by 2 months old.

Then again at 4 months,

6 months,

12 months,

and 15-18 months.

You can look up the vaccination schedule for infants on cdc.gov

“We cannot stress how important it is that infants avoid aluminum from all sources, at all doses, due to the realities of cumulative risk from cumulative exposure.”


PR Newswire

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Demands the Office of the Inspector General and Congress Investigate Department of Justice for Fraud and…

/PRNewswire/ -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children's Health Defense (CHD), and Rolf Hazlehurst, parent of a vaccine-injured child, petitioned the...

5 months ago

Please save this info and share widely. Thank you.

We're told the science is settled.

We're told vaccines are "safe and effective".

We're told that vaccines do not cause autism.

We're told to believe otherwise is to be a conspiracy theorist.

Here is what we're NOT told about vaccines and autism:

"MMR antibodies are significantly higher in autistic children as compared to normal children, supporting a role of MMR in autism."


“Our results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and aluminum in vaccines…” ~ Entropy 2012


"In conclusion, long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide within the body assessed by MMF is associated with cognitive dysfunction"


*** "Our results show that children from countries with the highest Autism Spectrum Disorder prevalence appear to have the highest exposure to aluminum from vaccines.” ~ Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry


Toxic Effects of Aluminum as Vaccine Adjuvant "All these findings plausibly implicate Al adjuvants in pediatric vaccines as causal factors to increased rates of autism spectrum disorders in countries where multiple doses are universally administered."


Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe- Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 21 Number 4 Winter 2016


Biopersistence and Brain Translocation of Aluminum Adjuvants of Vaccines.


The CDC did find an MMR-autism link in a 2001 study, but ordered their scientists to destroy the data. Dr. William Thompson turned whistleblower and handed over his original copies of the study to congress.


Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC. This is about the guy who did the study "proving" MMR didn't cause autism, but he was a fraud, and embezzled money from the study funds.


"Thus autistic children have a hyperimmune response to measles virus, which in the absence of a wild type of measles infection might be a sign of an abnormal immune reaction to the vaccine strain or virus reactivation."


"In other words, nearly all of the children followed in the study who developed autism (88%) had regressive autism. That means they were NOT born with it but experienced a significant decline in function after an environmental stressor."


What is regressive autism and why does it occur? Is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals and the ability to regulate neural temperature?


Hair Toxic Metal Concentrations and Autism Spectrum Disorder Severity in Young Children


"Aluminum in adjuvant form carries risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation, associated neurological complications, and have profound and widespread adverse health consequences." Current Medicinal Chemistry vol. 18 number 17 June 2011 pp 2630


Heavy metals and autism.


Study Finds "Some of the Highest Values for Aluminium in Human Brain Tissue Yet Recorded" in Brains of Autistic Patients. "Today, babies receive unprecedented multiple doses of aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines."




Immunological findings in autism - PubMed

The immunopathogenesis of autism is presented schematically in Fig. 1. Two main immune dysfunctions in autism are immune regulation involving pro-inflammatory cytokines and autoimmunity. Mercury and an infectious agent like the measles virus are currently…

Please save this info and share widely. Thank you.
7 months, 2 weeks ago
7 months, 2 weeks ago

They mix different toxic concoctions into different jabs. This way they create a reaction in the body and its different after each different jab. That's how they create the illusion of disease. There is no disease. It's just how the body reacts to getting poisoned. For example, herpes is a reaction to whatever the toxins were in, [for example] the chicken pox vax. And not to forget that chicken pox is also not a disease, but a reaction/response to getting injected with poisons from another vax.
Diseases do not exist. Viruses do not exist.
Bacteria and parasites do exist. The jabs are filled with them. Plus the toxic chemicals and lately the self-assembling nanoparticles.
So all the jabs are nonbiological and biological weapons of mass destruction.
They create these reactions in the body that they then claim is a disease/virus and prescribe pharmaceuticals that they make also, that will do even more damage to the already negatively impacted system. The sicker a person, the more money they make off of that person.


7 months, 2 weeks ago

Yes true.
But all vaccines are bio weapons.
They were never about immunity.
They have been used to inject diseases into us as infants and we are told these diseases are hereditary. LIES. We've been feed lies. They've been giving us cancer, diabetes, MS, heart disease, mental illness, autism, the list goes on and on.

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Full bucket of Touhou Project.

Last updated 1 week ago

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago