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Last updated 1 month ago
Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
The only channel on Telegram officially run by Tucker Carlson's team at TCN.
A successful U.S. military clandestine program to discredit China’s Sinovac COVID shot sheds light on just how much deception and propaganda influence our thoughts and behaviour.
The Pentagon Ran A Secret "Anti-Vax" Campaign During The Pandemic - One of Many Examples of Deception Warfare
A successful U.S. military clandestine program to discredit China’s Sinovac COVID shot sheds light on just how much deception and propaganda influence our thoughts and behaviour.
It's not surprising. MSM goes HARD in beaming out the idea that hesitancy is a result of "conspiracy theories." Why name call and ridicule? Why not just address the points being made, acknowledge them and explain why they are completely incorrect, if they are?
New Data Shows That Vaccine Hesitancy Among Parents Has Grown Significantly Since COVID
A new Angus Reid poll conducted at the end of last month suggests the number of parents opposed to vaccinating their children has grown significantly over the last five years in Canada.
".....That means the bodies have begun to pile up."
A smattering of nondescript storage containers sit nestled on a concrete slab in a back alley in St. John's, taking up a couple of hundred square feet between the Janeway children's hospital and Memorial University's school of medicine.
People are no longer claiming the bodies of their loved ones. Inflation and the cost of living are eating away at pocketbooks, leaving very little left over for the costs of cremation or other funeral services.
Biden endangering the religion of every liberal retard mask worshipper around him by not wearing a mask after Joevid diagnosis.
Sergeant News Network 🇺🇸
Biden doesn’t wear a mask as he boards Air Force One after cancelling events due to having COVID. ***🇺🇸***Join***👉*** @SGTnewsNetwork ***📎*** Twitter ***▪️*** Truth Social
Oh, my.
Knives are out.
We The Media
CNN's VAN JONES: "A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden." ***🔗***
This was the front page of the Washington Post YESTERDAY.
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Last updated 1 month ago
Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
The only channel on Telegram officially run by Tucker Carlson's team at TCN.