?尺ƐÐÐɪらн ƐΛƓŁƐ (ℙ???)™?

?Best Leak Channel?
⚡️Premium Priv8 Tool
⚡️Premium Scama Page - Letter
⚡️Premium BotNet
⚡️HQ Combo Mail & All Combo
⚡️HQ Shell, Cpanel, Mailer, Smtp

? OWNER : @Mr_Exploits
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The official Telegram on Telegram. Much recursion. Very Telegram. Wow.

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.

Last updated 5 days, 1 hour ago

7 months, 1 week ago
**Black Spider (Telegram)*****✍️******✍️******✍️******✍️*** **This project is …

Black Spider (Telegram)✍️✍️✍️✍️ This project is implemented based on an idea from our dear user @wo6660.✍️✍️✍️✍️ **In this project, utilizing the latest technologies and through both official and unofficial Telegram APIs, it is possible to fully crawl all members of a group, even in groups where admins have hidden members for privacy reasons.

It includes an online database to collect comprehensive information about groups, members, uploaded content, and more.

The database is updated in real-time based on the settings in the code, fetching and crawling group information and other member details every 10 seconds, and automatically recording this information in the database.

Why was this code implemented?

For individuals working in cybersecurity who need to analyze individuals active in a specific region or country.
For cyber police in a government requiring continuous and automatic crawling for identification purposes.
For OSINT practitioners working in this field.
For those who collect information and seek data analysis.
For those who want to extract and crawl data from a country.
For those who wish to verify if a person they are dealing with is a scammer or not.
For those who want comprehensive information about an individual and to track their activities in other groups.
For those who intend to use it for phishing and reverse engineering purposes.
For those who want to perform hacking, spreading their web like a spider to catch prey.
This code must be used for purposes that comply with laws and respect privacy.
Any misuse can result in legal issues for the user.
Just as a chemist can create a drug that saves thousands of lives or endangers them, we must know how to use it correctly and ethically.

It will be released soon.**

7 months, 1 week ago



S͟͞ c͟͞ a͟͞ m͟͞ m͟͞ e͟͞ r͟͞ s͟͞

***⛔️***Interactive group and channel introducing Telegram fraudsters***⛔️***

7 months, 1 week ago
*****?***尺ƐÐÐɪらн ƐΛƓŁƐ (ℙ???)***™******?**********?***** **Projects under construction:*******✍️**********✍️**********✍️**********✍️**********?***** …

*?尺ƐÐÐɪらн ƐΛƓŁƐ (ℙ???)*?*?* Projects under construction:*✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*?* Creating Telegram hacking malware based on 0 day vulnerability.*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?* Credit card acceptance bot.*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️** Osint Instagram update 9️⃣*0️⃣*?** Ghost Hunter V1.2 update 9️⃣*8️⃣*?*✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*?* Osinte Telegram 7️⃣*0️⃣*?*?* Telegram target control (blocking, account deletion, etc.) 7️⃣*9️⃣*?*?* Instagram hack 1️⃣*9️⃣*?*?* Data leakage collection bot*1️⃣*?*?* Log collection robot (currency, site, personal accounts)*1️⃣*?*?* Black Spider (Telegram)*1️⃣*?**

7 months, 1 week ago
*****?***** **Credit card acceptance bot*******✍**********✍**********✍**********✍**********⭐️***** **Download …

*? *Credit card acceptance bot*****⭐️ *Download Limit :??*?Download? *Size : 9.5 KB*? *Upload Time :Sunday 09:08:30 2024-08-04*✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*⭐️ *Instead of buying a tool, you can buy a VIP subscription.*⭐️ *By purchasing a VIP subscription, you will have free access to all new and past releases, as well as the full source of all tools until the end of your subscription.*?Buy a VIP subscription(from the site)?Buy a VIP subscription(from the site)?Direct Purchase✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*?Support***Group link

7 months, 1 week ago


7 months, 1 week ago


7 months, 1 week ago


7 months, 1 week ago
***?*** **Credit card acceptance bot*******?*****[**https://t.me/Card\_Exploit\_Prv8bot**](https://t.me/Card_Exploit_Prv8bot)***✍️******✍️******✍️******✍️********?***** **Description:*******?***** …

? Credit card acceptance bot*?https://t.me/Card_Exploit_Prv8bot✍️**✍️*✍️✍️*? *Description:*? *This bot is based on carding that you can connect database or fake cards to it to use for any banking operation or software development.*⚪️ *Features of this robot:*◾️ *This robot is connected to a database that crawls all bank cards every 30 seconds.
In this robot, real shopping facilities from connected sites and connected APIs are used in the code so that if the card is real, it can make purchases with it. This robot is completely intelligent.
*⬛️ *Challenge to get free resource only *?*?* *people.*◻️ *It will be published today.

*✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*⭐️ *Instead of buying a tool, you can buy a VIP subscription.*⭐️ *By purchasing a VIP subscription, you will have free access to all new and past releases, as well as the full source of all tools until the end of your subscription.*?Buy a VIP subscription(from the site)?Buy a VIP subscription(from the site)?Direct Purchase✍️*✍️*✍️*✍️*?Support***Group link

7 months, 1 week ago
**Bank account receipt bot

**Bank account receipt bot

Configuration and installation of this bot is free only for VIP members.
The full source will be published tomorrow
FREE CHALLENGE ONLY FOR 1 PERSON FREE ACCESS TO THE RESOURCEhttps://t.me/Card_Exploit_Prv8bot Please report any errors etc

Any idea regarding this robot will be done for changes and check-in, just report to me**

We recommend to visit

The official Telegram on Telegram. Much recursion. Very Telegram. Wow.

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

🌐 https://ipapkorn.github.io
Stay connected with the latest iPapkorn Bots and News 🗞️

Bots: https://t.me/iPapkornBots/2

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.

Last updated 5 days, 1 hour ago