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1 month, 2 weeks ago
***❌*** باسلام. لطفا ازین پس جهت …

باسلام. لطفا ازین پس جهت کسب اطلاع از برنامه های آیلتس۲۴ مستقیم از طریق ادمین تلگرام با پشتیبانان آموزشی ما در ارتباط باشید.

📲 @office_sea
0910 55 00 512

🌐 روابط عمومی آیلتس۲۴

1 month, 4 weeks ago

IELTS24 | آیلتس۲۴

مرکز آموزش شبانه روزی بین المللی آیلتس

24/7 Online International IELTS Centre


واتس اپ / تلگرام:
0098 910 55 00 512

2 months ago

100 ساختار مفید برای شروع جملات در بخش های مختلف رایتینگ آیلتس تسک 2

عالیه این فایل باتشکر از سحر عزیز.


4 months ago

⭕️ خبر فوری آیلتس۲۴: اطلاعیه سازمان ملی سنجش و ارزشیابی نظام آموزش كشور در خصوص ثبت نام آزمون آیلتس به اطلاع داوطلبان آزمون آیلتس می‏ رساند براساس هماهنگی ‏های صورت گرفته با موسسه IDP، ثبت نام آزمون آیلتس کامپیوتری (CD) از تاریخ اول مرداد ماه ۱۴۰۳ (2024/July/22)…

4 months ago

با آرزوی موفقیت برای شما آیلتس۲۴ های عزیز.

4 months ago

⭕️ خبر فوری آیلتس۲۴: اطلاعیه سازمان ملی سنجش و ارزشیابی نظام آموزش كشور در خصوص ثبت نام آزمون آیلتس

به اطلاع داوطلبان آزمون آیلتس می‏ رساند براساس هماهنگی ‏های صورت گرفته با موسسه IDP، ثبت نام آزمون آیلتس کامپیوتری (CD) از تاریخ اول مرداد ماه ۱۴۰۳ (2024/July/22) از طریق درگاه اطلاع‏رسانی سازمان ملی سنجش و ارزشیابی نظام آموزش کشور به نشانی انجام خواهد شد. لازم به ذکر است تمامی داوطلبان بایستی از طریق درگاه اطلاع‏ رسانی سازمان به نشانی فوق‌الذکر، پروفایل ثبت‌نام را تکمیل و سپس تاریخ آزمون، شهر و مرکز آزمون خود را انتخاب کنند.
0910 55 00 512

6 months ago

سوالات پارت سوم با موضوع مصرف گرایی
Part 3 Cosumerism

Sample answers with vocabulary and ideas ?****

Does consumerism have any impact on the environment?

Oh yeah! Earth suffers as consumerism spreads. I guess that most of the environmental issues we see today can be linked to consumerism. We are already consuming resources at an alarming rate and more quickly than our planet is able to replenish, and regrettably, the need to produce more and more goods leads to more pollutant emissions, increased land-use and deforestation, as well as accelerated climate change. We are also experiencing devastating effects on the planet's water supplies as more and more water is used as a part of intensive farming procedures, and are turning our oceans into a giant waste disposal pit because of the worldwide problem of waste disposal. So, undoubtedly, consumerism negatively affects the environment.

Why do some people like to buy expensive things?

Well, there are quite a few reasons, actually. I guess most people like buying costly items because these things act like a status symbol.
Some of these people believe that using expensive items will make them a cut above everyone else. Others think that buying brand names will help them gain acceptance from a certain group of people. I mean they want to belong to the upper class of the society and be accepted by the rich. So they hope expensive products will do the job. Another reason is that buying expensive products makes people feel better about themselves. I mean some people think that brands make them look trendy. Or they feel proud of themselves if they can afford to buy such things.

6 months ago

سوالات پارت دوم با موضوع چیزی که نیاز به تعویض دارد
Part 2 Describe something you want to replace

Sample answer with vocabulary and ideas ?****

At the moment, I'm looking for a new phone as my current one is driving me crazy.
The main problem is that the touchscreen has almost stopped working properly as I accidentally dropped the phone several times. It survived the first fall with only minor damage, but the second one appeared to be almost fatal. At first glance, it looks normal. However, if you look closely, you see that the glass face shattered, but the lines are so thin that they can't be seen with the naked eye. Therefore people roll their eyes as I tell them I want to replace my_phone. Well, sometimes everything works well, but sometimes, at the worst possible time, the touchscreen stops responding to the touch gestures. And that makes me mad.
Another reason is that my phone's battery is on its last legs. It dies halfway through the day and I constantly have to recharge it. Again, it dies when I need it the most.

But, to be honest, even if everything was fine, I would like to upgrade to some new model because new models usually come with increasingly advanced and cool features.

I want to consider several options before I make up my mind. Now I'm thinking of Samsung Galaxy S23. It's super expensive. And that's the only reason why I can't buy it right now. In January, Samsung released its latest model, the Galaxy S24. And this means that the price for S23 will inevitable fall. Ljust have to wait a little until the price drops and, while waiting, have to set aside some money each month.

6 months ago

سوالات پارت اول با موضوع اعداد
Part 1 Numbers

Sample answers with vocabulary and ideas ?****

What's your favourite number?

Oh, my favourite number is definitely number 1 as, first of all, it speaks of new beginnings and fresh starts, and, secondly, because my ambition has always been to be number 1. I like this number so much that it has already become not only my favourite but also my lucky number. If I meet this number somewhere, I know that something good will happen to me soon. It just can't be otherwise.

Are you good at remembering phone numbers?

Unfortunately, I'm not... despite the fact that ! train my memory to memorize important phone numbers, dates, etc. I guess the main problem stems from my overdependence on the smartphone. My brain just doesn't want to get crammed with the information someone or something else can memorize for it.

Do you usually use numbers?

Of course, I do. I do it daily like other people, for example, when I tell the time, enter the password to start using my email or when ljust count money to pay for something in the shop. I can't imagine anybody's daily routine without dealing with numbers, frankly speaking, as we have to use them even when we just look for the needed TV channel or try to find some specific page in the book.

Are you good at math?

Well, I'd say I am as Ihave a real knack for math which makes it very simple for me to prove and understand different math concepts. What is more, had a great math teacher at school, which also helped me become quite flexible with numbers.

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Last updated 1 day, 23 hours ago

[ We are not the first, we try to be the best ]

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago


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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago