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ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT

🕊 ATEEZ (에이티즈) - южнокорейский бойз-бэнд, состоящий из 8 участников.

дебют – 24 октября 2018 год
фандом – atiny (에이티니-эйтини)

⭐️SH 🐿️HJ 🐶YH 👑YS
🏔️SN 🐥MG 🦊WY 🐻JH

по рекламе – @eeynmx

смотрите и наслаждайтесь 🦢
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Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago

2 days, 18 hours ago

🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟 листай и выбирай для себя 🌟


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2 days, 19 hours ago
ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT
2 days, 19 hours ago
ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT
1 week, 2 days ago


🇷🇺: Спокойной ночи, Эйтини~🌟

🇺🇸: Good night, Atiny~🌟

#other#jongho ; ;


1 week, 2 days ago


🇷🇺: 📌 Те Эйтини, у кого есть Twitter/X, у вас есть замечательная возможность поучаствовать в голосовании: , благодаря победе в котором, вы сможете помочь Ateez в продвижении альбома на Melon⬅️
Всё, что вам нужно сделать, это просто выбрать и нажать "Ateez" в опросе голосования прямо в Twitter/X, готово!

⚫️Также, не забывайте использовать оф. соц-сети для продвижения: TikTok, Twitter/Х, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Shazam.
Используйте официальные звуки, ставьте хештеги и по возможности снимайте челленджи!

🇺🇸: 📌 Those Atinys who have Twitter/X, you have a wonderful opportunity to participate in the voting:, thanks to victory in which you will be able help Ateez promote the album on Melon⬅️
All you have to do is simply select and click "Ateez" in the voting poll directly on Twitter/X, ready to go!

⚫️Also, do not forget to use the official social networks for promotion: TikTok, Twitter/X, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Shazam.
Use official sounds, use hashtags and create challenges whenever possible!

#info#ateez ; ;


X (formerly Twitter)

덕애드(DuckAd) (@duckad2020) on X

#덕애드 [5월 마지막주 컴백 스트리밍 이벤트] ***📢***트위터 투표에 참여하고 스밍 화력 지원받자***❗*** ***✨***DUCKAD users play your music 1,000 times on Melon on your behalf. 덕애드 앱을 통해, 멜론 스트리밍 재생 완료 기준 1,000회가 컴백 당일 지원됩니다. ***🏆***대상 : 본 트위터 투표 1위***🥇*** ***🎁***혜택 :

1 week, 2 days ago


🇺🇸: An explanation of what exactly happened🫠❤️

⭐️: This happened when we were supposed to perform on an open stage, and as far as I remember, I had Wonderland-era hair and a Wave suit. So we had to rehearse before the performance. I was asked if I wanted to do makeup for the rehearsal and I said that I would like to do it if other people saw me, but I was told that it would be a closed area, so I decided to go without makeup that time. We got on the bus to go to the rehearsal site, and when we arrived, I saw a lot of people and cameras... I had a nervous breakdown, my legs were shaking, and I couldn’t bring myself to get off the bus – then I still had a complex about my appearance, and makeup helped me feel good. But since I had to go down, I forced myself to go out, and my photo was taken by a fan at that very moment... but fortunately, this photo was taken very well. When I went on stage, I started having all sorts of negative thoughts like «What if the fans are disappointed to see my face without makeup? What if they all leave?»..My self-esteem was falling like that. And in that short period of time when I put on the headphones, I cried. I cried on the spot. The participants who were there asked: «What is going on?» The members were a little confused, but what was really valuable from them was that... we were where the other groups were rehearsing, but because I was crying, all seven of them surrounded me to protect me. «Hyung, first of all, calm down», they were all like that and at the same time they surrounded me, repeating: «Calm down for now, everything is fine, everything is fine, it’s not a big deal», and so I calmed down a little, finished the rehearsal and returned.

Cr. nobodylikehwa

#other#seonghwa ; ;


2 weeks, 3 days ago
ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT
2 weeks, 3 days ago
ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT
2 weeks, 3 days ago
ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT
3 weeks, 2 days ago

Игру проведëм завтра в 17:00

Нужно будет угадать мероприятие по Красной дорожке🔥

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Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago