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? بادرود خدمت همراهان عزیز ناسوپ
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این اعلامیه غیر رسمی و جهت آگاه سازیست
⚠️-پیرو حواشی اخیر در ایران درخصوص حمله نیروهای اسرائیلی به گذرگاه رفح و کمپین حمایتی ایرانی ها در حمایت از رفح بر علیه اسرائیل، سخن ما با هم میهنان و وطن پرستان این است که:
۱-یادمان نرود یورش اعراب وحشی به خاک ایران و سایر کشورهای غیر عربی خاورمیانه و تجاوز و قتل عام های وحشیانه آنها که هنوز تاکنون خودشان علنی به آن گذشته افتخار میکنند.
۲- یادمان نرود آن اصل سیاسی که میگوید؛ "دشمن دشمن من دوست من است" ، که در این برهه زمانی با توجه به اینکه اسرائیل در جنگ با جمهوری اسلامی و نیروهای نیابتی این رژیم قاتل است پس یا میبایست بیطرف باشیم یا اگر قرار است طرفداری کنیم طرف دشمن دشمنمان باشیم(یعنی اسرائیل) صرفا در این موضوع( که عده ای از هموطنان با پشتیبانی از کمپین حمایت از رفح دراصل از جمهوری اسلامی و تروریسم حمایت کردند) !!
۳- خواهشمندیم انقدر ساده نباشید و برای جذب مخاطب انقدر راحت هرچیزی را که در محیط پیچیدهی مجازی میبینید بدون تحقیق و فکر کردن سریع وایرال یا منتشر نکنید، ما درمقابل هر مطلبی که در اینترنت منتشر میکنیم مسئولیم پس حتما قبل از انتشار هر چیزی به عواقب آن خوب بیندیشید.
??( هم کشور - هم پیکر )??
?کتاب صوتی #نبرد_من
به قلم #آدولف_هیتلر ?
و گویندگی ستار ?
☩ قسمت 53 ☩
?کانال منبع: کتابخانه صدای اندیشه
"شاهکاری از یک اسطوره"
?? ( کانال ناسوپ ) ??
? Greetings friends and good members of Pars National Socialist channel.
⚡️ Today we want to talk about the battle of Berlin and all its events: (Part 13)
?? Battle result:
? The battle ended after a week of bloody conflict and due to lack of personnel and ammunition in the German army. The inventory of German ammunition was stored in the defensive lines around the city and was captured by the Russians very soon. During the battle in the city, the Russians lost more than 2,000 of their tanks and armored vehicles due to the German anti-tank rockets that many civilians were armed with or explosive traps. The Germans had few tanks. Despite having very little resources and ammunition, the German forces showed a very stubborn resistance in the last few days and both sides suffered heavy casualties. To conquer Berlin, the Russians benefited from the complete superiority in the number of people, the amount of fire and equipment, so that this battle had only one result. Hitler and his entourage had nothing to do with the facts, and despite the overwhelming superiority of the Russians, they decided to fight to the last man, which caused more pressure and casualties on civilians and the German armed forces stationed in Berlin.
? The Russians, who had endured war and bloodshed for four years, had decided to finish the job by delivering the last blow and defeating Germany and were satisfied with nothing but the complete and unconditional surrender of the German forces. were not The Russians used the same street fighting tactics that were used for the first time in Stalingrad and the same methods were used by the forces under the command of General Chuikov to occupy the Reichstag building in Berlin. The headquarters of the Red Army also thanked six hundred Russian officers and soldiers who participated in the battle of Berlin by awarding the "Russian Medal of Honor". The victory in the Battle of Berlin marked the end of the war on the Eastern Front and caused the new Europe to change shape and its cities and countries to be divided among the conquering countries.
? According to Hitler's will, after his death, Admiral Karl Dönitz Karl succeeded him as the head of the Reich government and Joseph Goebbels as the Chancellor of Germany. But Goebbels committed suicide on the 1st of May and agreed to complete surrender negotiations for the people behind him. The Supreme Command and most of the German armed forces surrendered unconditionally to the Allies on May 8, 1945. Although some German combat units fought for a few more days, the war in Europe had ended and the Third Reich had also been taken away. In the south of Berlin, and for a few days after its surrender, the German 9th Army made a great effort to escape from the siege and surrender to the Americans by joining the 12th Army and crossing the Elbe River.
? After Hitler's death, the officers and men of the 249th Artillery Brigade, based in Berlin, decided to break the siege of the city and get out of there. A little before midnight on the 3rd of May, the remnants of the mentioned brigade entered a battle to break the siege in Espandu area. At this time, the brigade was divided into two groups, one group under the command of Captain Herbert Jaschke Herbert was able to successfully open a way to the west. But the second group did not succeed and all its people were captured by the Russians.
Author of the article: Rudolf Heß
?? ( NSOP ) ??
کتاب صوتی #نبرد_من
به قلم #آدولف_هیتلر
و گویندگی ستار
قسمت 22
کانال منبع: کتابخانه صدای اندیشه
"شاهکاری از یک اسطوره"
موضوع : ایران در زمان ساسانیان ( قسمت دوم : به سلطنت رسیدن اردشیر ساسانی ) بعد از اینکه پابگ از دنیا رفت ، شاپور ( پسر پابگ ) ، مقام دار شد و میان او و برادرش اردشیر ، اختلافاتی پیش آمد . شاپور ، به طور ناگهانی ، از دنیا رفت و چنین نوشته اند که هنگام حمله…
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( کانال ناسوپ ) 卐 ( گروه چت ناسوپ )
(کانال ناسوپ) 卐 (چت ناسوپ)
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کتاب صوتی #نبرد_من
به قلم #آدولف_هیتلر
و گویندگی ستار
قسمت 18
کانال منبع: کتابخانه صدای اندیشه
"شاهکاری از یک اسطوره"
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