Huquqshunos Xushnudbek Xudoyberdiyevning kanaliga xush kelibsiz!
O‘ta shaxsiy kanal: @xushnudbekuz
Reklama uchun:
Last updated hace 2 meses
⚽️ Futbol muxlislari uchun yaratilgan Rasmiy kanal!
⚽️Onlayn gollar
?TV dasturlar
?Reklama uchun:? @jaxon_rek
Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
?? Madridistlar haqidagi tezkor, ishonchli yangiliklarni bizda kuzatib boring! ?
Barcha madridistlar shu yerda!
Murojaat uchun : @RUZALOQABOT
??Reklama : @RUZALOQABOT
Last updated hace 2 años, 7 meses
🟢Bugungi kunda ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda trendga aylangan ushbu jarayon Andijon davlat chet tillari instituti Yoshlar ittifoqi BT jamoasi tomonidan o'zgacha ko'rinishda aks ettirildi.
🔹Telegramda bizni kuzatib boring:
how to deal with T/F/NG:
Step 1.
read the first 2 questions carefully, not all the questions.
Step 2.
find out the key words, e.g. names/places/years.
Step 3
Quickly scan the passage looking for the keywords.
Step 4
Read the sentence carefully paying close attention to synonyms.
Step 5
Choose the answer depending on the information given in the texts.
p/s: don't overthink or dive deep in to the passage. The answer is in the passage, not in your head.
T/F/NG types:
closely located
answers are in close order, following each other by a few sentences.
sparsely located.
answers are sparsely located throughout the passage.
Passage vocab
feeding - diet
entirely - exclusively
depend on - rely on
foresee - predict
worry - concern
✅Ayni vaqtda Andijon viloyatida Intellektual olimpiada oldidan tayyorlov musobaqalari bo'lib o'tmoqda. Unda Andijon davlat chet tillari institutining "Unity" jamoasi ham ishtirok etmoqda.
✈️Telegramda bizni kuzatib boring:
Huquqshunos Xushnudbek Xudoyberdiyevning kanaliga xush kelibsiz!
O‘ta shaxsiy kanal: @xushnudbekuz
Reklama uchun:
Last updated hace 2 meses
⚽️ Futbol muxlislari uchun yaratilgan Rasmiy kanal!
⚽️Onlayn gollar
?TV dasturlar
?Reklama uchun:? @jaxon_rek
Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
?? Madridistlar haqidagi tezkor, ishonchli yangiliklarni bizda kuzatib boring! ?
Barcha madridistlar shu yerda!
Murojaat uchun : @RUZALOQABOT
??Reklama : @RUZALOQABOT
Last updated hace 2 años, 7 meses