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👮 महाराष्ट्र पोलीस 👮
फक्त पोलीस भरती करणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी
जिद्द तुमची मार्गदर्शन आमचे.🙏
MOB :- 8999553581

मार्गदर्शक - राहुल गाडे (महाराष्ट्र पोलीस)

@dmin :- अपेक्षा सुरेश साळुंखे

@ONLY_KHAKI - जिंकूनच राहणार

Last updated 3 months ago

Official Telegram Channel of Maharashtra Public Service Commission

☎️Contact on helpline for technical assistance 7303821822 and 1800-1234-275

Follow us on Twitter :- @mpsc_office

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

महाराष्ट्रातील शासकीय तसेच केंद्र शासकीय नोकरीचे अपडेट्स देणारे टेलिग्राम चॅनेल!
Latest Government Job Portal

Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago

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**# Vocabulary

♦️Inhabit- Live in or occupy (निवास करना)

♦️Significant- Noteworthy, remarkable (महत्वपूर्ण)

♦️Milestone- A significant stage in the development (मील का पत्थर)

♦️Remote- Situated far from the main centres of population, faraway (एकांत)

♦️Disparity- A great difference (असमानता)

♦️Anomaly- Oddity, irregularity      (नियमहीनता)

♦️Hurdle- Obstacle, problem (अड़चन)

♦️Stand-alone- Able to operate independently of other hardware or software (स्वचलित)

♦️Augment- Increase, expand (बढ़ती करना)

♦️Wreak- Inflict, cause damage or harm (उतारना)

♦️Whip up- Affect, provoke (तैयार करना)

♦️Frenzy- A period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour (आवेश)

♦️Sabotage- Deliberately destroy, damage (नुक़सान पहुंचाना)

♦️Outrage- Fury, indignation (उल्लंघन)

♦️Morph- Change smoothly from one image to another (बदलना)

♦️Malign- Harmful, hostile (नुक़सानदेह)

♦️Acquaint- Make someone familiar with (परिचित)

♦️Bilious- Bad-tempered, irritable (चिड़चिड़ा)

♦️Coercive- Using force or threats (बलपूर्वक)

♦️Diktat- an order or decree imposed by someone (फरमान)

♦️Laying down- Bestow (नीचे रख देना)

♦️Statutory- Legal (वैधानिक)

♦️Patrons- Promoter, protector (संरक्षक)

♦️Apparel- Clothing (परिधान, वस्त्र)

♦️Vigilantism- Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority (अतिसतर्कता)

♦️Harangued- Lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner (भाषण देना)

♦️Unethical- Not morally correct (अनैतिक)

♦️Conscientious- Honest, sincere (ईमानदार)

♦️Provinces- Territory, region (प्रांतों)

♦️Quacks- A person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine (नीम हकीम)

♦️Conceive- Form or devise in mind (विचार करना)

♦️Jurisprudence- The theory of law (न्यायशास्त्र)

♦️Petition- A formal written request (याचिका)

♦️Inherent- Existing in something as a permanent attribute (निहित)

♦️Touchstone- A criterion by which something is judged (कसौटी)

♦️Bias- Partiality (पक्षपात)

♦️Denial- Refusal, contradiction (इनकार)

♦️Absurdity- Being ridiculous (मूर्खता)

♦️Rhetoric- The art of effective writing or speaking (आलंकारिक)

♦️Procurement- The occupation of acquiring goods(खरीद)

♦️Reluctance- Unwillingness (अनिच्छा)

♦️Pose- to present, create (बना हुआ)

♦️Unleash- become unrestrained (उजागर करें)

♦️Futility- pointlessness, uselessness (निरर्थकता)

♦️Flaw- defect, blemish (त्रुटि)

♦️Ledger- a book of financial accounts (खाता बही)

♦️Timestamp- a digital record of time of occurrence of a particular event (मापन)

♦️Decentralise- transfer from central to local government (विकेन्द्रीकृत)

♦️Immutable- unchangeable (अडिग)

♦️Disdain- disrespect, contempt (तिरस्कार)

♦️Speculative- imaginary or involving a high risk of loss (काल्पनिक, विचार योग्य)

♦️Untether- untie (बंधे हुए को खोल देना)

♦️Irresistible- too powerful to be resisted (जो रुक न सके)

♦️Frenzy- madness, Hysteria, uncontrolled wild behaviour (सनक)

♦️Analogous- comparable (अनुरूप)

♦️Inconceivable- unbelievable, incomprehensible (समझ से बाहर)

♦️Render- provide or give (प्रतिपादन)

♦️Disparity- a great difference (असमानताऐ)**

2 months, 2 weeks ago
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👮 महाराष्ट्र पोलीस 👮
फक्त पोलीस भरती करणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी
जिद्द तुमची मार्गदर्शन आमचे.🙏
MOB :- 8999553581

मार्गदर्शक - राहुल गाडे (महाराष्ट्र पोलीस)

@dmin :- अपेक्षा सुरेश साळुंखे

@ONLY_KHAKI - जिंकूनच राहणार

Last updated 3 months ago

Official Telegram Channel of Maharashtra Public Service Commission

☎️Contact on helpline for technical assistance 7303821822 and 1800-1234-275

Follow us on Twitter :- @mpsc_office

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

महाराष्ट्रातील शासकीय तसेच केंद्र शासकीय नोकरीचे अपडेट्स देणारे टेलिग्राम चॅनेल!
Latest Government Job Portal

Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago