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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
"CAGES" focuses on the bone-chilling, TRILLION-dollar industry of Human Trafficking. It takes a deep dive into this sinister underworld, exposing all its evil truths and opening the eyes of those who
The time is now for this to go viral. Watch the trailer and read the description and you will know why and how. ?
Learn this sign & teach your children!
CAGES: This is huge... We have removed every obstacle and every excuse of why NOT to share the most comprehensive DocuDrama exposing human trafficking.
Go to for:
- The film Cages for FREE
- Read and submit survivor stories
- Download and Share Cages
- Download and Share Cages quick clips
- Links to Human Trafficking exposure and survivors sites
- What is the scarlet letter?
- Much more...
We promised you we wouldn't stop with just Cages as we must lead by example.
This is your opportunity to bring massive attention to this issue... Soon to come will be REAL charities that have been fully vetted and massive solutions to the only REAL LIFE EPIDEMIC.
Make this go VIRAL!
I too am a victim of cps here in NC. The demands that they put on you in order to get your children back is like a new born puppy having to jump through dog hoops a mile long. 13 months later and cps transferring my daughters to 3 households, I won full custody. My testimony and witness to the hell hole of CPS is real. I will testify in the courts gleefully! If their is a team looking for someone to tell their personal endeavor please have them contact me.
Capt Kyle Patriots Podcast
Capt Kyle, Kelly and our Special Guest Lewis Herms with Screw Big Gov.
Video File
Visit Lewis' Telegram Page @
I asked God a question but I didn't like the answer.
Here is some context:
The documentary Cages has FANTASTIC REVIEWS. Yet the views have virtually stopped. That's probably just the holiday slow down, so no biggie.
I have such a Heavy Heart Today... I really want to make a difference and help. So, I created a DocuDrama that people love but very few watched, I created two Telegram channels to expose traffickers and help victims and in the background I am currently gathering truthers together to help get out more stories as light is the best disinfectant.
So, why do I feel like I am failing? Well, I have recieved numerous victims reaching out to me for help after the release of Cages. I just don't have all the answers and I am a solution guy so this is a struggle for me. I feel like many podcasters are ignoring the Human Trafficking conversation but will soon promote Sound of Freedom after it seems as it is going viral (cowardly in my opinion to wait).
So, feeling deppressed (which is highly unusual for me)... I reached out to God for answers and was shocked with the response.
Here is my prayer... "God please guide me in what I should do now in helping the victims of Human Trafficking and the Good parents trying to get their children back".
The answer was simple but powerful "BUILD YOUR CHANNEL". I have learned never to second guess God but I said "What, that's it?"... "Yup, that's it". My next thought was... WTF?
This one is VERY, VERY HARD for me as I have learned and as many of you know, I teach to always listen to that first voice.
Although, I have in the past been very good at forcing the square peg into the round hole. I must step back now and let God take the wheel.
To be honest this one is very frustrating, but whom am I to ignore him?
Maybe focusing on my channels will create the solution.
With a DEEP BREATH... I will take a break for a few days after my interview today.
I shared this with y'all because it's important to understand that influencer or not... we are human after all.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago