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Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
DAN COMMS: We Are Ready To Unleash Hell
Dan posted a black and white photo (= comms) of Trump from the 'Hello Georgia' rally at 11:42pm = 2342 => Q2342 Anons ready?
Additionally, by posting at 11:42 => 42:11 => Q4211 We are ready to unleash hell.
DAN COMMS: Soros Is Targeted
Dan dropped ominous 'George Soros Arrest' comms connecting HELLO ... Georgia to HELLO GEORGE. By posting at 5:50, Dan connects to Q550, which is a photo of Soros (and NoName). 5:5?
WOW HELLO = 113 => 11.3, connecting to Q15 11.3 - Podesta indicted ...PS, Soros is targeted.
Additionally, by posting at 5:50 => 550 = RUSSIA HAS ISSUED ARREST WARRANT FOR GEORGE SOROS, confirming the 'news' on 3-26-22 that Russia issued an arrest warrant for Soros.
DAN COMMS: Iran Is Next
Dan significantly changed his 'following' count from 986 to 947 -> Q947 Iran next []. No coincidences. Q
DAN COMMS: Podesta Indictment & Arrest Is Immiment
Dan once again connected to the remaining Q watch set during his weekend 11.3 Tweet Storm (see previous Dan 'watch' decode HERE & HERE).
At 10:57pm, Dan posted a vid of a dog panicking while watching SCOOBY-DOO = 113 => 11.3. Wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections -> 10:57, 22:57, 34:57 => Q3457 The watch worth remembering (originally posted in Q3231 & Q3232 on March 27, 2019).
To confirm the connection to the watch with the time of 4:49, 10:57pm = 22:57 => (2 + 2) 4:57. The vid is 8 seconds (457 - 8) = 449 = the time on the watch.
To solve Dan's full message, connect the main phrase from Dan's previous messages (see PART 1 here), IT'S TIME TO WIN BACK AMERICA = 243 = MARCH TWENTY SEVENTH (the date the watch was posted) = 11.3 ARREST OF JOHN PODESTA = On 3 year delta of watch set = On March 27th 20_22 at 4:49.
Is Dan baiting The Cabal to make a move, or will Podesta's public indictment & arrest finally occur and confirm 11.3?
DAN COMMS: 11.3 (Podesta Indicted & Arrested) Will Soon Verify As 1st Marker
Dan dropped a barrage of 113 comms in his weekend Tweet Storm.
#1 was a 1:56 clip of Trump coming on stage (1:56 => 156 = PROOF TO BEGIN 11.3).
#2 was a picture series of Trump's speech, emphasizing IT'S TIME TO WIN BACK AMERICA = 243 = PODESTA INDICTED & ARRESTED 1 1 . 3, and WIN BACK AMERICA = 113 => 11.3.
#3 was a vid of a SOARING EAGLE = 113 => 11.3. Anons asked Dan to post an eagle before 'Storm Tweet'.
#4 is a vid of a dog panicking while watching SCOOBY-DOO = 113 => 11.3 (this post decoded in depth HERE).
#5 is Trump's silhouette in front of the flag at 11:41 => 141 = 11.3 JOHN PODESTA.
#6 is a vid of A PLANE TAKE OFF = 113 => 11.3.
#7 is a vid of a LION HUNT = 113 => 11.3.
The 7 posts are ELEVEN HOURS AND FORTY NINE MINUTES APART = 446 = My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us = 11.3 upon John Podesta's Arrest Announcement.
Cont to PART 2 (HERE), where Dan put's 'Podesta' & The Cabal on notice.
DAN COMMS: Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game?
Dan once again connects to the 'watch set' by again posting a 15 second video precisely at 8:30am, just like he did on 3-6-22 (decode HERE).
By posting at 8:30am (wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections)8:30, 20:30, 32:30 => Q3230 Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game?
Q3230 shows how Q uses 'watches' to foretell future events. Q then posted 3231 & 3232, a watch set with 4:49 on the 19th, and 3:05 on the 27th.
Just like before, Dan posts another 15 sec vid => Q15 11.3 Podesta indicted [marker 1] 11.6 Huma indicted [marker 2].
The video Dan shares is from 3-11-22 => Q15's 11.3.
The watch set was posted on March 27, 2019. What a 3 year delta that would be. The question is, is one watch a date & one a time? Or are each separate events (i.e. Podesta and then Huma)?
After posting this, Dan followed up with yet another 15 second video of sheep celebrating (link HERE) set to the song "SKIP TO THE GOOD PART" = 219 = STORM IS UPON US.
DAN COMMS: Be The Autists, It's About Trump's 'BREAK'
Dan sent comms to Anons last night at 9:27pm, connecting to Q's post about Dan (wind the clock to find potentially relevant Q drops) => 927, 2127, 3327, 4527 => Q4527 3 seconds. Dan is to blame.
Q4527 was showing a 0 delta between Trump & Q (a 'Qproof'), and Q blamed Dan for posting Trump's tweet 3 seconds 'late'. Q4526, reposted in Q4527 You have been selected to help serve your Country.
Dan 9:27 post is a video of an AUTISTIC boy, #52, who wins a basketball game with a barrage of 3 pointers.
The boy makes his final shot at the 1:42 mark => 142 = PODESTA AND HUMA INDICTED. The full video is 2:10 => 210 = PODESTA AND HUMA INDICTED.
To fully solve, connect to Q314 Be the autists we know you are. It's about the BREAK.
314 = OVER PRESIDENT TRUMPS 'BREAK' (i.e. that is when it all goes down).
For the final layer of confirmation, the Autistic Boy wears #52 => 502 = BE THE AUTISTS WE KNOW YOU ARE. IT'S ABOUT THE BREAK.
DAN COMMS: The Beginning Of The End Is Here
Dan posted F-16 'Thunderbirds' flying in formation at 5:51pm => Q551 THE BEGINNING OF THE END>
To confirm the connection to Q551, 5:51 => 5 + 51 = 56 = THE END.
In the background of the video is the song SWEET EMOTION = 163 = PUBLIC ARRESTS = ATTACK FROM THE SKY.
Dan implies there are FF warnings due to imminent public arrests. Additionally, Dan elaborates on the message via 551 being encoded into Q34's words:
For more Q34 confirmation, 5:51pm => 1751 = On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta. Q = 1751.
DAN COMMS: Podesta's & Huma's [Public] Indictments Are Coming
Dan's video of the ocean from Mar-A-Lago was about the remaining WATCH set. Dan posted at 8:30am (wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections 8:30, 20:30, 32:30 => Q3230 Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game? The connection to the WATCH game is confirmed via WATCH the water.
Q3230 is inviting us to play the 'date game'. It shows how Q uses 'watches' to foretell future events. Q then posted 3231 & 3232, a watch set with 4:49 on the 19th, and 3:05 on the 27th.
Dan's video of the water is 15 secs, connecting to Q15 11.3 Podesta indicted [marker 1] 11.6 Huma indicted [marker 2], confirming the connection to the watch set.
Additionally, MARKER [1] SET Q + MARKER [2] SET Q = 257 = JOHN PODESTA'S INDICTMENT = John Podesta Indicted March 19 = PODESTA INDICTED AND THEN HUMA.
Q posted these watches on March 27, 2019. The second watch date is the 27th, and it is implied that may be Huma's 'public' indictment on the 3 year delta.
TRUMP COMMS: 34 and 0 = Q34 & Q0, The First Indictments & Arrests Are Coming Soon
Trump's statement about his endorsements being 34 and 0 connects to Q0 Hillary Clinton will be arrested..., and Q34 ...the primary fallout slated to occur upon the arrest announcement...
But Trump implies that the 'first arrest' will be more than just HRC because 34 = BIDEN and 0 => O(bama), connecting to my previous Obama & Biden First Arrests decode HERE.
The capital letters of Trump's statement: GDDAPT TEINISSD RINO I = 216 = FIRST PUBLIC ARREST, confirming the connection to Q0 & Q34.
Add the numbers from the statement (33 + 0 + 34 + 0 = 67) + 216 (capital letters) = 283 = FIRST INDICTMENTS UNSEALED = Indictment Of Hillary, Obama, Biden = They Will Be Arrested First = Military Is The Only Way.
Trump's message correlates with Mr Pool's recent PREPARE FOR ZERO-DAY 11.4 (decode HERE). It is quite likely Durham indicts HRC, Obama & Biden at the same time, triggering The Cabal's cyber-power attacks [attempts].
The official Telegram on Telegram. Much recursion. Very Telegram. Wow.
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago