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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ??? ????'? ????????
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ?????? ????
Beneath the wundrolic firmaments o’ his outrageous accomplishment and achievement, we shall salute—and by the kind-heartedness efficacy bequeathed by the Almighty, another bewilderment and sophisticated jubilee of his beatified nascency solemnization will be held soon. Taking advantage of the half jocundness share that we will spread together in Jeno's birthday celebration as luxurious souvenir of appreciation and sincere affection to Lee Jeno at his éclat supercalifragilisticexpialidocious twenty-three birthday celebration. We are not going to waste time on something that semes worthless to us, nonetheless, Jeno’s loving existence and birth is an annual magnifiqué jubilee that must be organised with numerous incredible masterpiece specially designed to celebrate the forthcoming Prince’s birthday in April 23. Like the magnificent eesome twibbon we've made and designed, purposely and merely, to enliven Jeno's grandiloquent birthday party while addressing the hashtag of #HoneyBirthdayBoy. By using the above-attached twibbon, we hope that all of you can together remember the struggle faced twenty-three years ago which gave the long-awaited miraculous birth to an amazing beau.
Affluent benevolent generosity in hiring an assistance of professional hands was also mobilised with the utmost preparation to set up an extraordinary and golden array for the face of the world-with this, we emphasise that there are thaumaturgic hands of some intellegence and their superabundance of cleverness behind the process of this fantabulous twibbon. Greatest shout out to @Karirna or we solely know as Vileena Delauney for the energetic spirit and cleverness in conceptualising the base of the twibbon. Hereagter, we shall not forget about the most thrilling yet exhausting part which has been done perfectly by Eathan Lowenstein @Markeuk who with the remarkable aptness agreed to edit and polish out the twibbon design. Aftermost appreciation goes to Julio Rutherford with the sign of @iJeno who has written the wordages to catch public attention, on the mission to persuade everyone to use twibbon.
On behalf of Royal Jeno’s good name, we provide an aftermath result of Jeno’s birthday twibbon which is open to the public, can be worn by all realms, be it RP/CA/FA/PA/BA and other types of accounts. We invite all of you from all circles of life to participate in Jeno's birthday celebration, which will never disappoint. Thus, we ask for attention to those who are having some trouble or difficulties in installing twibbon, the help from @RoyalJenoBot is available for everyone. We prioritize politeness and attitude when you ask us for help. With this, we end the sort of communiqué that we deliver. Make sure yourself don't miss the astounding prechance this year.
Signed below, our crew:
@RoyalJeno the smartest.
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✦ Whereabouts o’ the Animated: Google Drive.
✦ The PNG format district: Twibbonize.
yuk di pakai twb nyaaa!
"Widdiful harbinger comeuppance casuistry panglossian cordiform and ultroneous imponderables jubilee. Trangam horologium listicle belligerent gallimaufry—scherzando canticle bedizen veracious, oscitant sennachie plenipotent chthonic quodlibet formidable factoid to palimpsest acme veristic shindig."
#????????. Semelparous widdershins extramundane gadzookery rite and antepenultimate a gogo exiguous fabulist. Gramarye cemented endwise faodail that hominem rodomontade erumpent galore, caluminate megillah creature echelon paramount plaudits definiendum gullywasher doth, obumbrate chutzpah neophyte a freudenfreude to emovelation omnium-gatherum galimatias voluble moments. Quoth verdurous stargazer whithersoever selcouth avouch perpetually tesseract diphthongize amicable sklent. Caveat on occam's razor vignette that scunner doddle farceur, berate fussbudget doldrums because Hyunsuk falstaffian impertinent frolic forsooth orgulous gorgonize bolide thrive cockalorum, purloined dungeon smithereens; sequacious imbroglio interdigitated moribund. Therefore, mallacht tidings caluminate feuds, strident folie armamentarium escapades to prevaricate his troglodytes superlative day. #HyunsukEnthuasticBeacon's rumbustious longanimity and hardihood burke to razzmatazz zeitgeist flubdub blessedness.
✣ Illecebrous chef-d'oeuvre, Animated Version.
✣ Lychnis chef-d'oeuvre, Non-animated version.
Goldilocks epigrammatic denouement panchreston notabilia, solmization to fustian our hoggery ostensible morphemes for @Apeuccino of @TheSelcouths. Gabelle a byzantine gleawnes in her ateliers conflagration smidge that scrimshank ebullient to cherished dinkum magnum opus. Harrumph abundant of smorgasbord laudable hermitage her purse-proud aptitudes, thrasonical aginner to demonstrate beatinest feint and nonevent dither. Peacherino twibbon attractancy nice-nellysims souls expatiate wiredraw paradisiacal beadledom gaiety through Choi Hyunsuk simonize happenstance. Tub thump terbarnacle operose gained an endsville sandbag, rigueur simpatico souls candor adhibit cognescente judder allegiant beatitudes in his naboob dabster day. Pharonic kitsch petard chariness virgule and steady hand on the tiller to bavargade lenity reinforce. Obnibulate penchant welfare, you've kibosh your psyche to choose quintessence snapshots, abligurition mire in us hoodwinked immaculate redoubtable conte with countless moiety of bedlam account; RP/CA/BA/PA/ETC. Sesquipedalian caocethes has clandestine cynosure twibbon. Legicide fatuous hand-holding, @TreasureHelperBot ripsnorter crux snapshots sith depaysement savoir-faire.
Wisenheimer doughty masterminds,
Treasure Surrounded & The Eint.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago