RME-DisCo @ UNIZAR [www.reversea.me]

Telegram channel of RME, part of the DisCo Research Group of the University of Zaragoza (Spain) focused on cybersecurity aspects. "It’s not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see"

Link to the channel: https://t.me/reverseame
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6 Monate her

Reverse Engineering for Noobs Part 1 #Introduction #ReverseEngineering https://x86re.com/1.html

6 Monate her
6 Monate, 1 Woche her

Heap overflow in JPEG loading in Samsung's Little Kernel bootloader (allows execution of persistent arbitrary code -- it survives reboots and factory reset) https://www.sstic.org/media/SSTIC2024/SSTIC-actes/when_vendor1_meets_vendor2_the_story_of_a_small_bu/SSTIC2024-Slides-when_vendor1_meets_vendor2_the_story_of_a_small_bug_chain-rossi-bellom_neveu.pdf

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Writing a system call tracer using eBPF #eBPF #SystemCallTracer #LowLevelProgramming #Linux #CProgramming https://sh4dy.com/2024/08/03/beetracer/

sh4dy's blog

Writing a system call tracer using eBPF

Pre-RequisitesSystem calls, eBPF, C, basics of low-level programming. IntroductioneBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a technology that allows users to run custom programs within the kernel. BPF

Writing a system call tracer using eBPF [#eBPF](?q=%23eBPF) [#SystemCallTracer](?q=%23SystemCallTracer) [#LowLevelProgramming](?q=%23LowLevelProgramming) [#Linux](?q=%23Linux) [#CProgramming](?q=%23CProgramming)
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Let’s Go into the rabbit hole (part 2) — the challenges of dynamically hooking Golang programs #GolangDynamicHooking #RuntimeHooking #ForeignFunctionInterface #CGO #QuarkslabBlog https://blog.quarkslab.com/lets-go-into-the-rabbit-hole-part-2-the-challenges-of-dynamically-hooking-golang-program.html

Quarkslab's blog

Let’s Go into the rabbit hole (part 2) — the challenges of dynamically hooking Golang programs

Golang is the most used programming language for developing cloud technologies. Tools such as Kubernetes, Docker, Containerd and gVisor are written in Go. Despite the fact that the code of these programs is open source, there is no way to analyze and extend…

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Double Dipping Cheat Developer Gets Caught Red-Handed #Developer #Cheating #InformationSecurity #CyberArk #DoubleDipping https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/double-dipping-cheat-developer-gets-caught-red-handed


Double Dipping Cheat Developer Gets Caught Red-Handed

Following our post “A Brief History of Game Cheating,” it’s safe to say that cheats, no matter how lucrative or premium they might look, always carry a degree of danger. Today’s story revolves...

Double Dipping Cheat Developer Gets Caught Red-Handed [#Developer](?q=%23Developer) [#Cheating](?q=%23Cheating) [#InformationSecurity](?q=%23InformationSecurity) [#CyberArk](?q=%23CyberArk) [#DoubleDipping](?q=%23DoubleDipping)
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Abusing RCU callbacks with a Use-After-Free read to defeat KASLR #UseAfterFree #AbusingRCUcallbacks #DefeatingKASLR #AnatomicalPrecision #LeakingAddresses https://anatomic.rip/abusing_rcu_callbacks_to_defeat_kaslr/

a place of anatomical precision

Abusing RCU callbacks with a Use-After-Free read to defeat KASLR

Introduction In this article, I will be walking you through a clever technique that can be used to leak addresses and defeat KASLR in the Linux Kernel when you have a certain type of Use-After-Free by abusing RCU callbacks. It is by no means a novel technique…

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Pwntools 102 - Crafting Shellcode with Shellcraft #Shellcraft #Pwntools #CTF #ReverseEngineering #ShellcodeCrafting https://www.archcloudlabs.com/projects/pwntools-shellcraft/

Arch Cloud Labs

Pwntools 102 - Crafting Shellcode with Shellcraft

About The Project Following up from Arch Cloud Labs’ previous blog post on Pwntools, we’ll continue to explore the pwntools framework this time focusing on shellcode generation. It’s not uncommon in the world of pwn/reverse engineering challenges for a requirement…

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Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week ago

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