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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 4 days, 1 hour ago
The only channel on Telegram officially run by Tucker Carlson's team at TCN.
Can’t fake this !!!!
What happens when you unlock the CNS?
Watch. ?
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Parkinson’s is a dopamine transport issue.
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for movement, amongst other very critical things.
Dopamine is transported inside CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) which is the circulatory system of the CNS. It is completely separate from the blood by your meninges/dura (blood brain barrier).
When the upper cervical vertebrae are misaligned it can cause a significant alteration of CSF flow.
If CSF and dopamine can’t get to the prefrontal cortex and the frontal lobe - it will/can manifest as Parkinson’s. Depending on what specific areas are affected it will give all the different symptoms of Parkinson’s that people can experience.
Like there’s a dam blocking or altering a river— Literally just unblock it, remove the dam, and the “river” will flow normal again. Dopamine reaches the frontal lobe and the symptoms disappear. Remove all layers of upper cervical misalignment, and keep the upper cervical alignment (everyone does at some point), complete the retracing cycles (mandatory healing process), and the results will be permanent--not because of me or anyone else, but because the body is capable of healing itself if given the opportunity.
This process is VERY different than traditional chiropractic and other techniques of Upper Cervical chiropractic care. All upper cervical techniques use imaging to determine what to adjust--and while imaging is the gold standard for pathology, it does NOT tell you how a joint "moves".
What you watched is upper cervical care AFTER a special analysis-- something entirely different that uses the inherent reflex systems in the central nervous system to give you precise and accurate information regarding the diagnosis of misalignment - a patented system of analysis - that makes this one of a kind.
It’s called Upper Cervical Specific Stress Analysis.
Joints fundamentally move, therefore imaging will never tell you the full and correct diagnosis of upper cervical joint misalignment. With this system we can unlock the CNS and all subsequent layers of misalignment (separate events--physical traumas-- great enough to create upper cervical misalignments that happen to occur on top of previous upper cervical misalignments--the spine has to fully unravel in reverse order of the all of the traumas acquired and absorbed)
This is NOT Faked.
His left hand has the slightest movement seen in the video (15 minutes after the treatment). The residual effects of dopamine bathing the frontal lobe in CSF takes time to smooth out, but eventually completes. (Shaking had ceased entirely later that day.)
Then a healing process still has to take place— "retracing cycles" are real.
Will discuss this in subsequent videos
The rate of which this happens and fully smooths out is different for everyone. This one went fast and we caught a dramatic response on camera after 15 minutes, and his hands were violently shaking before. Every minute this space stays open it will improve and improve.
But as God as my Witness, that is not faked even a little.
#Parkinson #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsDisease #ParkinsonsDiseaseRecovery #uppercervical #uppercervicalspecific #stressanalysis #uppercervicalchiropractic
Disclaimer***: This video is NOT treating Parkinson's Disease. This video is treating upper cervical misalignment, and the CNS is then responding to the "condition" known as "Parkinson's".
We do NOT treat or "cure" anyone of "disease".
We set the CNS/body free, and the CNS/body heals itself--like it was Designed to. Period.
The most insightful thread you’ll ever read.
If you know THIS then you will understand what’s happening right now.
Thread by @DrC_IET17 on Thread Reader App
@DrC\_IET17: Who are the Edomites? A factual and historically accurate cited thread ***👀*** 1/ Why does God say: For Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. Romans 9:13 Malachi 1:2-3 After losing his birthright to Jacob (Israel),...…
Another WILD and RARE case resolved
81 year old male
Case history:
After putting ANY food or drink in his mouth to eat he immediately experiences:
Face swelling
Parotid gland swells on the right side only
face and chest turn bright red
blood pressure drops to 60/20
heart rate drops to 20 bpm
turns ghost white
syncopes/passes out sitting in his chair
almost dies
If someone lays him down and puts his feet up then he comes back to normal.
went on for 4 consecutive days
Medical doctors and emergency room doctors and Neurologists have never heard of it and can’t find anything on imaging, urine tests, or blood tests !
Cardiologist is befuddled and wants to have a pacemaker put in to prevent him from dying but otherwise can’t explain why it’s happening.
After seeing me it hasn’t happened since!!!!!
Did the fun begin directly after the Super Bowl or what ?????
2024 Is ALREADY LIT and it’s just March !!
March Madness ?
April Showers?
Pope gonna have a bad May?
Julian Assange in June?
Independence Day July?
August is HOT HOT HOT ?
September the month of preparedness ?
Red October ?
Remember Remember the 5th of November is suppose to be election day ?
MAGA Christmas Santa Hammer time ?
2025 - the year of redemption ?
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Bots: https://t.me/iPapkornBots/2
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.
Last updated 4 days, 1 hour ago
The only channel on Telegram officially run by Tucker Carlson's team at TCN.