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6 days, 11 hours ago

Neocon China hawks; Ukraine failed, focus on Taiwan

6 days, 13 hours ago

Massale raketaanval op F-16 vliegveld.
Het is officieel, nieuwe Russische basis in onze volksrepubliek Lugansk.

Gisteravond lanceerden de Russische lucht- en raket-troepen een enorme raketaanval op het centrale deel van Oekraïne.
Volgens binnenkomende informatie werden de aanvallen voornamelijk uitgevoerd op het militaire vliegveld in Starokostiantyniv, waar de NAVO-landen van plan waren F-16-vliegtuigen in te zetten.

Deze raketaanval wijst er mogelijk op dat de vliegtuigen zich al op het grondgebied van Oekraïne bevinden, en misschien is dit een voorbereiding op het begin van een nieuw offensief van de Russische strijdkrachten in de regio's Soemy en Tsjernigov.


Massive Missile Attack On F-16 Airfield | New Russian Base. Military Summary And Analysis 2024.05.26

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 26th of May 2024 THE MAP: Store: Google doc:\_DOlFOzvjh6iT1N8ltDvaCeWu1cPK\_eaHK…

6 days, 13 hours ago
2 weeks ago

Over the past night, information was received that the Russian Armed Forces, during a fierce battle, established full control over the village of Starytsia.
In the Kupiansk direction, according to sources, the Russians entered Miasozharivka.
In Chasiv Yar there are strong battles already within the city limits.

Field Hospitals in Sumy | Battle For Liptsy | The Russians In Chasiv Yar. Military Summary Ana Analysis For 2024.05.18

PREMIRE: 10:30 AM GMT +3

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Military Summary Map

2 weeks ago

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump takes the stage in Minnesota!

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) - Live Coverage of Political Events, News and Commentary

LIVE: President Trump Keynotes Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner – 5/17/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's remarks at the Minnesota GOP's Lincoln Reagan Dinner on Friday, May 17, 2024. RSBN will be LIVE on Friday night. Stay tuned for the official start time. Diversify your savings into real physical gold with our rally partner…

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump takes the stage in Minnesota!
2 weeks, 1 day ago

In the areas of Vovchansk and Lyptsi, Russian forces have achieved further territorial gains. Some sources claim that Russian soldiers are preparing for an attack on Sumy, just across the border from the Sumy Oblast. Reports suggest that large parts of the village of Bilohorivka have been captured by the Russians, although there are no geolocated videos to confirm this. According to some military bloggers, Heohiivka has fallen after a Russian attack. The transfer of forces towards Kharkiv is gradually becoming noticeable at the front. In Staramaiorsk, Russian forces have also advanced deeper into the village, securing more buildings and positions. A satellite image indicates that three fighter jets were apparently destroyed and one damaged in an attack on the Belbek airfield in Crimea. Additionally, Ukrainian drone attacks have damaged more Russian oil refineries in the Krasnodar region.

The Bloom | Heorhiivka Has Fallen | Opening Of The Sumy Front. Military Summary For 2024.05.17

PREMIRE: 10:30 PM GMT +3

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Military Summary Map

3 weeks ago

Not a single electric vehicle is part of Biden's nearly 100 vehicle motorcade in Seattle.
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3 weeks ago

“Ze zullen zich beperken tot een bufferzone”: de Verenigde Staten verwachten niet dat Russische troepen een doorbraak zullen bewerkstelligen in de regio Kharkov.

Deze verklaring werd afgelegd door admiraal John Kirby, de coördinator voor strategische communicatie van het Witte Huis.

De Amerikanen baseren hun stelling op het relatief geringe aantal Russische troepen in die hoek (pakweg 50.00)

Ondertussen is Kiev minder optimistisch over het Russische offensief.
Zelenski zei in zijn avondtoespraak dat er zich een “zeer moeilijke” situatie heeft ontwikkeld in de regio Kharkov, en deze richting ligt op één lijn met Chasovy Yar en Ocheretino.

De Oekraïense generale staf kreeg de taak om extra troepen te vinden en deze over te brengen naar de regio Kharkov.
Juist, daar gaat het om, Rusland heeft de lengte van de frontlijn groter gemaakt en de spreiding van Oekraïense troepen wordt dunner.

Военное обозрение

“They will limit themselves to a buffer zone”: the United States does not expect Russian troops to make a breakthrough in the Kharkov…

The United States does not expect a breakthrough by Russian troops in the Kharkov region; everything will be limited to an attempt to create a buffer zone. This statement was made by the White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications…

“Ze zullen zich beperken tot een bufferzone”: de Verenigde Staten verwachten niet dat Russische troepen een doorbraak zullen bewerkstelligen in …
3 weeks ago

🔥Trump says Barron has started giving him political advice:

“He’ll tell me sometimes, ‘Dad, this is what you have to do’.”
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4 weeks, 1 day ago
***⚠️***Pandemic Alert***⚠️***

⚠️Pandemic Alert⚠️

White House say they are “monitoring Bird Flu (H5N1) very closely”.

This comes after the CDC declared H5N1 has “pandemic potential”, due to the first documented mammal-to-human transmission of H5N1. Just reported an hour ago…

Are they going to try it again?!

The New England Journal of Medicine released a report today about a farm worker from Texas that transmitted the disease from infected cow herds back in March, confirming the virus can jump from cows to humans…

How many days until the Biden admin start calling for mass mail-in voting?

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Last updated 4 days, 7 hours ago

No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

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contact: @pepe_ton_guy

Last updated 2 months ago