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@f1expuzgroup - discussion
Feel free to ask any questions and discussion related to docs
Best @f1expuz
VO: He is typing 2 minute on the computer in silence.
Vo: I'm the Second Council giving you rejection.
Me. Why?
VO: The reason clearly written on the paper.
Me. I saw again 214 B ?
To'g'risi yozgim kelmagandi kanalga, odam hijolat bo'larkan.
Rejection haqida yozishga ?.
12- may kuni juda ko'pchilik kirdi. Men F1 viza olgan 6-7 ta studentlarni ko'rdim. Okoshkalar o'zgarib turarkan, men sakkizinchi okoshgaga bordim soqqolli amakiga, 9 da Ivan, 10- okoshkada Tatyana edi.
Interview da ozgina hayajonlandim baribir. Men ko'pchilikni kuzatgan bo'lsam ( har xil viza turlar F1, J1, B1, B2 )ko'plar tayyorlanmay kirarkan, ularni bir minutga ham bormay reject beryapti agar bir jiddiy sababi bo'lmasa.
location:Tashkent, Uzbekistan??
Time: 08:00 AM
VO: Tetiana
Visa history: J1 participant in 2022??
University: MDIST 3rd year
Status: Approved✅
Me: Good Morning, how are you?
VO: I’m fine, how are you?
Me: I’m alright.
VO: Great.
VO: Pass me your documents?!
Me: Here you go( pasport, DS160/2019)
VO: Which year student you are?
Me: I’m 3rd year full time student at …. major…the reason why I chose this faculty.
VO: Can you show me your transcript?
Me: Gave her my proof of study and transcript
VO: Did you make some friends last year?
Me: Yeah, I made some friends from all over the world including …..
VO: Where are you going?
Me: Truckee, CA
VO: What do your parents do?
Me: explain my parents’ jobs
VO: I’ll be able to approve your visa, come on Wednesday at 3 o’clock.
Me: Thank you, have a good day)
VO: thanks, you too)
Additions: hammasi peshonaga yozilgan taqdir, yaxshi niyat, ozgina tayyorgarlik, ota-onani duosini olish, eye-contact ushlash, jilmayib turish va marklagayam etibor berarkan. O’tgan yil borib kelganim uchunmi bilmadim, pasportimni olishi bilan vizamni ko’rdi o’tgan yilgisini, keyin pechat urdi ustiga, shundan keyin interview boshlandi, nimaga unaqa qiganini bilmadim o’zim, pasportimni olganimdan ko’rarman mayli? shu universitetga kirishdan maqsadlardan bittasi work and travel qilish edi nech marta shans bosayam, xudoga shukur manga nasib qilyapti
First attempt
Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Visa Interview: 3 may
Slot - 8 30 am
Officer: Michael
Duration: 3-4 min (approximately)
Status - Rejected❌
Program: Masters
Scholarship: 38000k $
- Why are you going to the USA?
: I am going to complete my Masters degree LLM PROGRAM In Penn state university
- So which university did you graduate in your bachelor ?
: I graduated UWED the faculty International law in 2019
- WHY DIDN'T YOU GRADUATE THE TASHKENT STATE LAW university? (craziest question I ve ever heard, he didn't want to give visa by the time I met him he had already pissed two other students off)
- What is your future plan and what does your country take benefits from your program?
: I wanna help my country to join the WTO by becoming the professional IP lawyer because we have a few IP lawyers. And what astonished me in this program the university has been offered me opportunity to engage in filing applications for USPTO every month (United States trademark and patent office)
- Did your parents go abroad?
: Not yet
- What is your future plan as soon as I come back I promote my job in the ministry of Justice
- who is your sponsor?
: My father will cover all the expenses my father has been running two legal consulting companies one company helps clients to defend their rights in criminal and civil court next one helps local and international enterprises to register patents and trademarks, within six months our company earned and took profit more than 150000$
- I am sorry I couldn't prove your visa try again. Best luck
P/S actually his questions seems to me so strange. I realized if you are super cool confident guy but his mood is average, he won't give you visa
First attempt 22/02/2023
Candidate: Shirin
Embassy: Tashkent
Slot time : 8:30
In time: 09:00
Out Time: 10:00
Officer: Tatyana
Status: Rejected❌
Program: Bachelor’s Major: Elementary Education and Teaching
University: Central Washington
Scholarship: 10K
Duration 7-8 min
Me:Good morning, how are you doing?
VO: Good,pass me your documents.
Me: Passed
VO: Which university are you going ?
Me: I’m going to CWU to pursuit my bachelor’s degree .
VO: When did you graduate your school?
Me: in 2020
VO: What have you been doing since then?
Me: Now I am studying at the university I am 2nd year student.
VO: Looked at monitor probably she didnot know about it. Okay, you are studying why do you want to study in the USA after such a long time, you are doing well in your studies why do you need it?
Me: Tell to her reason
VO: again Why?
Me: answer again
VO: Who is your sponsor?
Me: My father is my sponsor , he is owner of hotel…….
VO: What is your mother do ?
Me: She has her own stores
VO: Have you been another country ?
Me: I was in Turkey last summer with my family for vacation.
VO: Why Did you choose that country to study why USA?
Me: I was there just for holiday
VO: Do you have any relatives in the US?
Me: No
VO: How many sublings do you have ?
Me: I have 3 sublings
VO:Sorry I cant approve your visa under the … law 214b
Second attempt: after 2 weeks
Appointment request for F-1 student
Consulate: Tashkent
Slot time : 10:00
In time: 9:30
Out Time: 12:00
Officer: American Guy around 35
Major: the same
Status: Approved✅
Duration:5 min
Me: Hello, How are you ??
VO: Thank you.
VO:So, you are a student ?
Me:Yes, I am student.
VO: Which university?
VO: Why do you choose that university ?
Me: Tell to him a lot of reason ? he was satisfied
VO: Who is your sponsor ?
Me: My father cover all my expenses , he is owner of hotel.
VO: Hotel ?
Me: Yes,
VO: How many universities are you applied?
Me: 4-5
VO: Congratulations your visa is approved good luck.?
Me: Thank you
Tips:”Be confident”, first time I was stressed.
@f1expuzgroup - discussion
First attempt
Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Visa Interview: April 26
Slot - 9 00 am
Officer: Ivan
Duration: 5-8 min (approximately)
Status - Rejected❌
University: New England College
Program: Bachelors
Major: Business Administration
- Which type of visa you are applying for?
- F-1 student visa
- Which university are you going?
- New England College
- How did you find this university?
- I researched on Google many universities and I found New England College which is better for me. In addition, Dr. Erin Wilkinson who is a professor at this university, I participated her online lessons last year and she told me advice to apply to this University.
- What does your dad do?
- Answered
- When will you graduate high school?
- This year, I will graduate on May 25.
- Can I see your transcript?
- Yeah sure, here is (I showed my 10th and 11th grade transcripts)
- Did you change your school?
- Yeah
-Why did you change your school?
- Because my dad's work changed to another place.
Shu joyida, men 10-sinfda boshqa maktabda, 11-sinfda boshqa maktabda o'qiganman. 10-sinfdagi baholarimni hozir o'qiyotgan maktabimdan olganman. Shunga u so'radi:
- Why your transcript from your current school?
- I transfered my school in Quarter 4. therefore, my 4th quarter grade set by my current school.
- Which year
- 2021 (shu joyida xato qildim. Chunki DS-160da 2022 qilib kiritgandim. Kompyuterga qarab turdi biroz vaqt, keyin yana 2-3-4 ta savol berdi. Hozir aynan qaysi savollarligi yodimda yo'q. Ularda umuman mistake bo'lmadi. Keyin, Yana savollar berdi)
- Tell me about your family
- Answered
- Do you have any siblings?
- Yes I have a sister.
- What does she do?
- She is a student
- Older or younger?
- Older
- When will you come back?
After 4 years, after graduation.
30-40 sekund kompyuterga qarab turib, nimadirlar yozdida va aytdi:
- Sorry, I can't approve your visa this time, thank you so much for coming.
To'g'risi rosa approve deb o'ylab turgandim. Chunki, boshqa tanishlarimni suhbati 2 minutgayam bormagan. Nari borsa, 3-4 ta savol bilan atkazni bosgan. O'ylab qarasangiz, boshqa tanishlarimni granti menikidan ko'p, hatto full scholarship olgan tanishlarimni suhbati ham 2 minutga bormadi, Yana bir tanishim TOP 100ga kirgan, ungayam 3-4 ta savol bilan atkazni bosgan. Meni universitetimni rankingi ja kuchli ham emas, scholarship 35K bergan, lekin bundan tashqari yana 6K kontrakt turibdi. Bilmadim nega, menda rosa ikkilandi viza berish yoki bermaslikni. Documentlarimni ham tekshirdi. Suhbat, adashmasam 5 minutdan ko'p vaqt bo'ldi. Vaholangki, tanishlarim suhbatga juda qattiq tayyorgarlik ko'rishgan. Men esa, ayrim savollarni hatto birinchi martta eshitdim suhbatda. Bilmadim nega ikkilandi Ivan. Lekin rosa umid qilgandim, chunki uzoq suhbat qilganlarga vizasini urib berayotgandi.
Advice: "Confident" bo'lishga harakat qililar guys. Hayajon hammada bo'ladi. Menda ham hayajon bo'ldi. Muhimi o'sha hayajonni officerga ko'rsatmaslikka harakat qilingizlar. Boshqalarnikini ko'rdim, ko'pchilik dudulanib, o'zini yoqotib qo'ydi hayajondan. Oddiy misol, mendayam, Ivanga gapiryapman lekin oyoqlarim shunaqangi qaltirayotgandi, judayam kuchli hayajon edi. Lekin Ivanga buni bildirmaslikka harakat qildim. Bemalol gaplashishga harakat qiling officer bilan. Yana bir maslahat, xushomad qilib, paxta qo'yib gapirmang. Juda ko'pchilik "Good morning officer, I'm good officer..." deb har bir gapiga officerni qo'shib gapiradi. Xuddi paxta qo'yganday bo'lib qoladi. Oddiy, do'stiz bilan gaplashganday gaplashishga harakat qiling. Bu bilan to'g'ri kelgan gapni aytib tashlang demoqchimasman, shunchaki oddiy odamdek gaplashing. Yana bir maslahat, suhbatga kirishdan avval DS 160 formani to'liq o'qib chiqing, DSdan ham savollar beradi.
Good luck everyone!
**First attempt
Embassy: Tashkent, Uzbekistan??
Time: April 25, 9 AM
Visa type: F1
Degree: Bachelor's
Interviewer: Tatyana
Program: Computer science
Scholarship: full tuition + first year accommodation
Gap years:** 4, didn't apply to any university during this period
Good morning ma'am
I guess she didn't hearPass me your documentsPassedSo tell me about your study plans.I want to study and earn my bachelor's degree in computer science at this university. After that I am gonna come back and work here in Uzbekistan.
When did you graduate high school?
Told I graduated in 2019 and what I have been doing since
So who is going to fund the rest of the expenses?
As I got high scholarship from the university most of my expen...
I did not ask about your scholarship. I asked who is gonna pay the rest of the expenses. Answer to what I have asked. (she got irritated)
I apologized and told who is sponsoring me
Do you have siblings?
Yes I have 2 siblings. One older brother and one older sister.
She typed for around 20 seconds.
Do you have plans to take your parents to the US?
No, I have no such plans.
She again typed for around 30 seconds. Most stressful moments of my life.
I am sorry I cannot approve your visa.❌
May I know the reason?
You are not qualified for a US visa. It is written in the paper I gave.
My answers were bad I knew it even while speaking. I got nervous because her first question was unexpected for me. If you speak confidently and smile during interview, it is possible to get F1. So don't be discouraged and prepare well guys.@f1expuz | @f1expuzgroup
Eid Mubarak!?
Ramazon Hayiti Muborak bo’lsin!??
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago