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Istinite informacije o aktuelnim dešavanjima
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Last updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Istinite informacije o aktuelnim dešavanjima

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

3 weeks, 5 days ago

🇬🇧 What is falling from the sky and what are we inhaling? Everyone who was in Serbia and the wider Balkans last week could see the massive very low dusting like never before. After that the temperature was close to 30 degrees celsius even though no one could see the Sun from that nano-technological "cobweb"! Are there still those who think that these were just normal contrails that are not harmful to health? Only blind people can't see something like this!

🇷🇸 Šta nam to pada sa neba i šta mi to udišemo? Svi koji su protekle nedelje bili u Srbiji i šire na Balkanu mogli su da vide masivno zaprašivanje i to veoma nisko, kao nikada do sada. Nakon toga temperatura je bila blizu 30 stepeni iako niko od te nano-tehnološke "paučine" nije mogao da vidi Sunce! Da li još ima onih koji misle da su ovo bili samo obični contrails-i koji nisu štetni po zdravlje? Ovako nešto samo slepi ljudi ne vide!

2 months, 1 week ago

🇷🇸 A ljudi i dalje ne veruju u postojanje DEW-a (Oružja direktnog energetskog usmeravajućeg dejstva) jer misle da je to još uvek samo naučna fantastika iako ga sada i studenti mogu napraviti za zabavu u svom dvorištu. Šta tek države imaju možete zamisliti. Pa vi sada vidite ko pali sve te požare širom sveta... ovaj klinac sigurno nije, ili kako bi rekli "student nije zapalio žito".

🇬🇧 And people still don't believe in the existence of DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) because they think it's still just science fiction even though now students can make one for fun in their backyard. You can only imagine what the states have. So now you see who starts all those fires around the world... this kid certainly didn't, but someone did!

2 months, 1 week ago

🇬🇧 Greg Resse on the discovery of Dr. Anna Maihalcea in a nutshell. While people worry about being microchipped in the future, billions of people have already been nano-chipped under the pretext of some pandemic and a "vaccine" against a fictional and non-existent virus! We are dusted with the same nano-technology from airplanes and it is also found in all "vaccines" that are included in the regular "vaccination" program for children! So nano-chipping is in progress from a young age now!

🇷🇸 Greg Ris o otkriću dr Ane Mihalče ukratko. Dok ljudi brinu o tome da će u budućnosti biti mikročipovani milijarde ljudi su već nano-čipovane pod izgovorom neke pLandemije i "vakcine" protiv izmišljenog i nepostojećeg virusa! Istom nano-tehnologijom nas zaprašuju i iz aviona, a ona se nalazi i u svim "vakcinama" koje se nalazi u redovnom programu "vakcinacije" dece! Znači nano-čipovanje od malih nogu je u toku sada!

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***🇬🇧*** Portugal is the country with …

🇬🇧 Portugal is the country with the world's highest vaccination rate. About 84% of the country's 10.3 million population is fully vaccinated. This is the highest rate in the world, ahead of the UAE (80.8%) and Singapore (77.3%) and well ahead of the 27 member states of the European Union. Portugal is no longer just one of the European countries registering higher than normal levels of mortality, it is the country registering the most elevated rate of deaths since at least the last week of December.

🇷🇸 Portugal je sada zemlja sa najvećom stopom vakcinacije na svetu, prema podacima iz Our Vorld In Data. Oko 84% od 10,3 miliona stanovnika zemlje sada je potpuno vakcinisano. Ovo je najviša stopa vakcinacije u svetu, ispred UAE (80,8%) i Singapura (77,3%) i znatno ispred svih 27 država članica Evropske unije. Portugal više nije samo jedna od evropskih zemalja koje registruju više od normalnog nivoa mortaliteta, to je zemlja sa najvećom stopom smrtnosti najmanje od poslednje nedelje decembra.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***🇷🇸*** Evo kako mejnstrim mediji izveštavaju …

🇷🇸 Evo kako mejnstrim mediji izveštavaju o povećan broju umrlih u odnosu na prethodne periode, zamislite za sve te iznenadne smrti "krivi su praznici u januaru" jer ljudi tada jedu "masnu hranu i alkohol" ... ali gle čuda, kada samo malo razmislimo, zar i prethodnih godina nije bilo praznika u januaru kada su ljudi jeli masnu hranu i pili više alkohola? Naravno niko ne spominje epidemiju smrti u Srbiji zbog tzv. Covid-19 vakcina!

🇬🇧 Here's how the mainstream media reports on the increased number of deaths compared to previous periods, imagine for all those sudden deaths "the holidays in January are to blame" because people then eat "fatty food and alcohol" ... but think about it, wasn't it the same in previous years were there holidays in january when people ate fatty foods and drank more alcohol? Of course, no one mentions the epidemic of death in Serbia due to the so-called Covid-19 vaccine!

3 months ago
***🇷🇸*** Pronađite razliku ... oh da, …

🇷🇸 Pronađite razliku ... oh da, nema je! Osim možda pajaca kojeg menjaju na svake četiri godine! Ovog što je bio prethodne četiri godine i koji nije uradio ništa sa "isušivanjem močvare" i koji je nafilovao ljude "vakcinama" i za kojeg su vam govorili da verujete u plan, sada hoće ponovo da ga dovedu na "vlast" kako se apsolutno ništa ne bi promenilo!

🇬🇧 Find the difference ... oh yeah, there isn't one! Except maybe the puppet that they change every four years! The one who was the previous four years and who did nothing with "draining the swamp" and who stuffed people with "vaccines" and for whom you were told to believe in the plan, now they want to bring him back to "power" so that absolutely nothing would change!

3 months ago
***🇷🇸*** Nacionalnoj gardi Teksasa i svim …

🇷🇸 Nacionalnoj gardi Teksasa i svim ponosnim Teksašanima želimo sreću i uspeh u predstojećim događajima sa željom da ne odustanu i da svet uskoro dobije 52 nove suverene države, a da Sjedinjene Američke Države kojom vlada Habad Lubović sekta prestanu da postoje kao pendrek u njihovim rukama kojim je terorisala čitav svet!

🇬🇧 We wish the National Guard of Texas and all proud Texans good luck and success in the upcoming events with with desire that they do not give up and that the world will soon receive 52 new sovereign states, and that the United States of America ruled by the Chabad Lubovitch sect will cease to exist as a baton in their hands with which it terrorized the whole world!

3 months ago

🇷🇸 Loren, sertifikovani i licencirani pogrebnik i direktor pogrebnog preduzeća iz savezne države Misisipi objašnjava u ovom kratkom intervjuu od 22.01.2024. godine kako je ovo umiranje nikada do sada viđen "talas smrti" koji je zahvatio kako mlade tako i stare, a na žalost i decu starosti od 6 meseci obzirom da su u SAD tzv. Covid-19 "vakcine" bile odobrene i za taj uzrast. U svojoj karijeri nikada ranije nije videla takve strašne promene u telima preminulih, pogotovo u njihovom u vaskularnom sistemu! Izvor

3 months ago

🇬🇧 Loren, a certified and licensed mortician and funeral director from the state of Mississippi explains in this short interview dated 01/22/2024 year as this dying is a "wave of death" that has never been seen before, which affected both the young and the old, and unfortunately also children as young as 6 months old, considering that in the USA the so-called Covid-19 "vaccines" were also approved for that age. Never before in her career had she seen such terrible changes in the bodies of the deceased, especially in their vascular system! Source

8 months ago

🇬🇧 Don't forget that these satanic globalists deliberately made a barbecue of their own citizens in Lahaina, Hawaii with directed energy weapon just like they were sacrificing people on an altar to their god Moloch! The police were ordered by someone to block the only road leading out of Lahaina to safety!

🇷🇸 Ne zaboravite da su ovi satanski globalisti namerno napravili roštilj od svojih građana u Lahaini na Havajima sa usmerenim energetskim oružjem baš kao što su žrtvovali ljude na oltaru svom bogu Molohu! Policija je od nekog dobila naređenje da blokira jedini put koji je vodio iz Lahaine na sigurno!

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Last updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Istinite informacije o aktuelnim dešavanjima

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago