TOEFL Writing/Speaking Brainstorming

Writing/Speaking Brainstorming

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#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

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4 years, 7 months ago

Among the following jobs, which do you is most interesting one and

airplane pilot

#brainstorming #sprecent
۱. حقوقش بالاست
۲.خیلی جذابه و به واسطه ی اون جاهای مختلف رو میبینیم

۱. شغلی هست که مسائل مختلف و تجربیات مختلف رو ب واسطه ی نقش هایی ک ایفا میکنن تجربه میکنن
۲. شان اجتماعی بالا داره و توو چشم مردم پررنگ میشن

۱. پر از هیجانه و چون روو کیس های مختلف کار میکنن خسته نمیشن
۲. چون همش باید مسائل رو تحلیل کرد و ریزبین بود توو این شغل، پس کلا نگاه آدم ب زندگی هم تغییر میکنه و ب خاطر همین جالبه
Movies and plays are forms of art, and each movie and play has the potential to turn into a memorable masterpiece. By acting a role, you have the opportunity to be a part of this masterpiece.

Playing a role would enable to live another's person life for a while.

You can be a celebrity. Many people will know you and love you.

Airplane pilot,
1- Its high paid
2- it has a high social value because all people are always awe their lives to pilots.?

actors can solve their social and political problems in their society by criticizing either society or the government in a subtle way. so they enhance their society without making problems for themselves.
actors earn a great deal of money for each masterpiece, so they are rich.
as an artist, I can use my feelings to earn money which is funny and easy. For example, as a theater player, I remembered a death ceremony of my grandma to catch the feeling of a ceremony in ancient times. ?

I can carry a gun everywhere I go, so I would be safe in this notorious society where in a fraction of second you find yourself fallen prey to criminals.

I can serve the justice in my society by helping the police to solve mysterious crimes.

4 years, 7 months ago

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is acceptable that someone uses others’ influence to get a job.
هر کسی باید نسبت به توانایی ها و شایستگی هایی ک داره کار پیدا کنه و وقتی از قدرت کسی دیگه استفاده شه یعنی عدالت برای یه سری های دیگه رعایت نمیشه و حق بعضی ها میسوزه
مثالش هم که ماشالله

از قدرت دیگران استفاده کردن برای کار پیدا کردن، فرد رو متکی بار میاره و نمیتونه رو پای خودش وایسه و همش درگیر این و اونه ک کارشو راه بندازه
۱. برای بقیه افراد که توانمند هستند و متقاضی همون فرصت شغلی هستند منصفانه نیس و توی جامعه اثر بدی میزاره و افراد حس میکنن توی جایی زندگی میکنن که عادلانه رفتار نمیشه.
۲. برای سازمان مشکل افرینی میکنه چون کسی که از طریق دیگران شغلی رو بدست اورده عالبا تجربه یا تحصیل مرتبط نداره و ممکنه به اعتبار سازمان اسیب بزنه یا مشکلاتی فراهم کنه.

این دور و زمونه همونه دارن پارتی بازی میکنن و اصلا صلاحیت های یک فرد اهمیتی داده نمیشه، پس اگه ما از قدرت دیگران برای کار پیدا کردن استفاده نکنیم، عقب میمونیم توو زندگی چون بقیه دارن همین روند رو میرن.... بازم مثال هاش زیاده
این دور و زمونه همونه دارن پارتی بازی میکنن و اصلا صلاحیت های یک فرد اهمیتی داده نمیشه، پس اگه ما از قدرت دیگران برای کار پیدا کردن استفاده نکنیم، عقب میمونیم توو زندگی چون بقیه دارن همین روند رو میرن.... بازم مثال هاش زیاده

4 years, 9 months ago

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two people can still become good friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.#brainstorming#wrrecent

۱. پول بیشتر نشون دهنده ی برتری نیست، پس دوستی با کسی ک پولدارتره منافاتی با دوستی نداره. چیزی ک توو دوستی مهمه اینه که شخصیت ها با هم مچ باشه، نه سرمایه. تا زمانی پول روو اون فرد این ابهام رو ایجاد نکنه ک چون پولدار تره پس برتر هست، هیچ مشکلی با دوستی بوحود نمیاد.

  1. بعضی وقتا این تفاوت سطح اقتصادی میتونه مکمل هم باشه و به دوستی کمک کنه حتی. گاهی ممکنه نیاز مالی داشته باشیم و دوستمون بهمون کمک کنه.. این کمک کردنه باعث میشه حس دوستی بینمون تقویت شه نه اینکه چون پول داره نتونیم با هم دوست باشیم

First of all, a rich person can help his friends whenever they are in trouble. To be more specific, money has been always a key solution to most of the issues. In this regard, an affluent friend can establish a closer relationship by helping us during dealing with financial problems.

Secondly, when individuals have a wealthy friend, they will experience more enjoyable time with each other. To shed light on this, a wealthy friend has enough money to afford the expenses of a happy life. In fact, their money can be spent for making more unforgettable moments with their friends, which can strengthten their friendship.

4 years, 9 months ago

You prefer use electronic device to be guided visiting new places or walk alone and discover on your own ??#brainstorming#sprecent

۱. مطمئن تر هست و میدونی که اشتباه نمیگه مسیر رو
۲. توو وقت صرفه جویی میشه

۱. هیجان برانگیز تره و حس ماجراجویانه داره
۲. به خودم اطمینان بیشتری دارم توو مسیریابی تا به وسایل الکترونیکی

4 years, 9 months ago

Some students attend college full-time, while others attend college part-time. Which do you think is better?#brainstorming#sprecent

۱- فول تایم بهتر درس میخونن. درکشون بیشتر میشه از مطلب. سوادشون بیشتر میشه. نمراتشون بالاتر می‌ره. میتونن برای دانشگاه های بهتری اپلای کنن.

۲- چون خیلی درس دارن وقتشون کمتر تلف میشه و باعث میشه از اوقات گرانبهای جوانی? بهتر بهره ببرند و مثلا وقتشون با شبکه های اجتماعی تلف نمیشه.
ساید بعدی
۱- پارت تایم بخونن بهشون فشار نمیاد باعث میشه با حوصله بخونن و مطلب رو بهتر جذب کنن که باعث میشه با سوادتر بشن. و برای دانشگاه بهتر اپلای کنن
۲- پارت تایم باشه میتونن برن سر کار که هم میتونن پول دربیارن که مهمه و هم میتونن چگونگی کاربرد عملی درستهاشون توی محیط کار رو ببینن که خودش باعث میشه تجربه داشته باشن و بتونن کار بهتری بگیرن در آینده
Attending college full-time is efficient in terms of monetary resources that could have been otherwise spent on or dedicated to daily commute between home and college, paying extremely high college's fees, and other things. Living in today's economically world where tution fee of academic centers is prohibitively expensive, individuals can keep the high inflation in ckeck by finishing their educational years as full-time study.

4 years, 9 months ago

parents should not be allowed to see children's grades
without their permission.

برای موافقتش
میتونید بگید اگر نگاه کنن و درصورتی که بد باشه، سرزنش میکنن بچه هارو که استرس و مشکلات روانی براشون ایجاد میشه پس نباید اجازه داشته باشن

یه دلیل دیگه هم که من قبلا سرچ کرده بودم میشه گفت از نظر قانونی درست نیست و بچه ها میتونن شکایت کنن، تا وقتی موسسه محل تحصیل اجازه نده نمیتونن نگاه کنن، براساس قانون FERPA
دلیل دوم هم میتونه این باشه که اکثر والدین در انجام تکالیف فرزندانشون بهشون کمک میکنن پس این بخشی از حق اونها هم هست که نتیجه کارشونو بعنوان یه تیم ببینن. چون کمک کردن میخوان ببینن چقد تاثیر گذاری داشتن و از این حرفها

4 years, 10 months ago

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is acceptable that someone uses others’ influence to get a job.

  1. Relying only on his own social circle does not definitely lead one to a good job and using credit of others increases the odds of finding a job that fits him. Adding relationships of others to their own one can wider the social circle of people and makes their choices diverse.

  2. Finding a job is a relatively long process and using the relationships of others can save people a great deal of time. The more people introduce someone to employers, the sooner he finds a job.



  1. Usage of others' influence to find a job is destructive for society as a whole and fuels the culture of nepotism in that society. In a developed country people find their job according to their abilities, not their social circle. Appointing someone to a position that does not fit him means that he takes the place of a qualified person and this alters the balance between job opportunities and number of competent people. Governments must investigate all the employments to hamper happening this kind of discrimination.

  2. The one who gets a job by the influence of others does not know the value of his position because he did not undertake the arduous path that others took. This makes him a haughty person and the job does not satisfy him after a while.


First, the unemployment rate has increased at an alarming rate. It is, therefore, obvious that living in a cut-throat competition in job market requires people, espacially job seekers take advanage of others' assistance to find a decent job.

Second, when using others' influence to get a job, individuals are able to either make a breakthrough in the workeplace or promote to a senior post easilly and convenientely.


اول چون بقیه فکر میکنن ما توانایی کافی رو نداشتیم و بدون کمک نمیتونستیم شغل مورد نظر رو به دست بیاریم
و هر قدر هم که خوب باشیم باز هم به نظر بقیه شانسی میاد

دوما تحت فشار و استرس هستیم که اگر کاری رو اشتباه انجام بدیم بعدا برای فرد معرف بد میشه

موافق هم میشه گفت
اول فرد معرف چون ما رو میشناسه خیلی خوب میتونه تشخیص بده که به درد این شغل میخوریم یا نه

و دوم باعث میشه انگیزه پیدا کنیم که خیلی بهتر کار کنیم تا فرد معرف شرمنده نشه

4 years, 10 months ago

Do you prefer to take a course taught by younger teachers
or older teachers?

To endorse the view that prefers young teachers :

  1. Younger teachers are mostly in line with novel educational methods presented and spark productive debates about the issue in the class. These discussions help students to have a better understanding about the issue.

  2. Younger teachers graduated recently and tgey can comprehend problems of students better and are more sympathetic towards the them.

_______________________To endorse the view that prefers older teachers :

  1. Most of the old teachers have a wider academic social circle and can provide a better link with someone expert in a field, if the student wants to narrow his studies in a particular subject.

  2. Older teachers have a great deal of experience about how to teach a specific course and they can convey the material in a more organized way.


Younger teachers:—Not a long time has passed since they were students, sitting behind the desk in the four walls of the classroom. They have a better understanding of how it feels to be a student and can identify deeply with students feeling misplaced in the linear, logical school environment, easing the possible pain that the student may endure during the class.

—Younger teachers are acquainted with the modern and most effective teaching strategies and are well-equipped with abilities of this kind. On the other hand, their older counterparts have an inflated view in their own abilities and their complacency and smug attitude do not allow them to learn something new.

—Inexperienced teachers are full of passion and put their heart and soul on their duties to make a great name for themselves. Older and seasoned ones, on the contrary, have a lukewarm and apathetic attitude toward the class, given the nature of an aged human.

4 years, 10 months ago

In order to be successful, one has to make enemies? Do you agree and disagree?#brainstorming#SpRecent


وقتی تو ی رقیبی برا خودت میتراشی
انگیزت بیشتر میشه، شور و هیجانت برای قدم برداشتن جهت موفیقت تحریک میشه

وقتی رقیبی و دشمنانی برای کارت در میان
خود ب خود اونا ایرادای کار نشون ات میدن با انتقاداشون و تو موفیقیت با هزینه کمتری طی میکنی

  1. یکی از عوامل موفقیت داشتن آرامش روانی هستش. رقابت کردن با شخص یا اشخاصی، میتونه این آرامش رو بگیره چرا که انرژی زیادی رو صرف فکر کردن به رقییبش میکنه

  2. میتونه سقف ارزوها و موفقیت طرف رو محدود کنه و نتونه به موفقیت زیادی برسه. چون با رقیب ساختن برای خود، تنها هدف طرف به تدریج به شکست اون رقیبش تبدیل میشه و این نهایت دستاوردش میشه و خیلی زود به حس مضر self-satisfaction میرسه و نمیتونه بالاتر از این موفقیت رو برای خودش تصور کنه


  1. A fierce competition with an enemy pushes people forward in their ways and keeps them focused on their goals

  2. Having an enemy helps people to cover some of their own faults by ascribing them as results of their enemies' vicious acts.



  1. Although competition helps people to keep on their way, sometimes unnecessary conflicts with rivals takes considerable amount of time and energy.

  2. Having enemies might make it harder for people to establish new relationships due to villain picture that would-be enemies create in the minds of others.

4 years, 10 months ago

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your friends are the most important influence in your life. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.#brainstorming#sprecent
1- People are inclined to imitate the behavior of their peers, and their freinds are no exception
2- Most of the time, individuals feel competitive with their friends, which this competition can have a profound impact on their personality.

  1. Friendship is not a cost and benefit relationship, so trusting a friend is much easier than colleagues or business partners
  2. Mostly, friends are in the same age group and they have same preoccupations, so they can share their feelings and personal issues freely, which is not the same for their relationship with parents or teachers.
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Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

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Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago