Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Welcome to the Official Channel of GlobeDock Academy
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Last updated 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Last few days, we have been receiving questions about the next iteration.
Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances and forced migration across the Ukraine, we still can not estimate when the next iteration of our project will be.
But we found a great similar initiative, please support the post below.
Stay safe ??
Some news:
- We managed to conduct 40 interviews!
- We are finishing CV reviews, so if you want one more iteration — send an updated resume ASAP
- Due to the personal circumstances of the admin team, we don't know when we will conduct the next iteration of interviews. But we guess you can expect the next iteration by the end of October.
Thank you all for participating!
P.S. If you have any questions or issues, contact @BaLiK_mem
Як і обіцяли, ми повернулися зі звітом про донати.
За другу ітерацію проекту mock2help нам вдалося зібрати 51 583 грн.
Розподіл був таким:
- 38 450 грн надійшло до фонду «Повернись живим».
- 9041 грн було зібрано на нашому банківському рахунку.
- 1450 грн надійшло до Благодійного фонду Сергія Притули.
- 2642 грн (0.00355 BTC) відправлено в Europe humanitarian aid.
Найбільші донати – 18 000 грн та 12 000 грн.
Як і минулого разу, ми подвоїмо зібрану суму на наш рахунок.
Усі ці гроші ми передамо до Благодійного фонду Сергія Притули.
Скріншоти для звіту можна знайти нижче.
Щиро дякуємо всім за участь!
As promised, we are back with a report about donations.
For the second iteration of the mock2help project, we managed to collect 51 583 UAH.
The distribution was as follows:
- 38 450 UAH were sent to the fund "Come Back Alive".
- 9041 UAH were collected on our bank account.
- 1450 UAH were sent to the Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula.
- 2642 UAH (0.00355 BTC ) was sent to Europe humanitarian aid.
Two biggest donations are 18 000 UAH and 12 000 UAH.
Like last time, we will double the amount collected to our account.
We will send all this money to the Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula.
Screenshots of the report can be found below.
Thank you all so much for your participation!
Invites to all mock interviews have been sent.
Please check your emails!
Respond to every invite by clicking Yes/No.
If you have any issues with timing, contact @BaLiK_mem ASAP.
Yesterday morning we closed the registration form for the second iteration of the Mock2Help project.
Overall, we need to conduct 38 mock interviews and review 8 CVs.
At the moment, we are matching interviewers and candidates, so you should receive your interview invitations soon.
Regarding donations, we managed to gather more than 50 000 UAH!
It is a huge sum, and we really appreciate your support.
The detailed report will be shared during the weekend.
Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Welcome to the Official Channel of GlobeDock Academy
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Last updated 11 months, 2 weeks ago