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Basedonia™ - By E-go

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277,681 @vp_na

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Лучɯᴇᴇ ʍᴇᴄᴛᴏ,чᴛᴏбы нᴀйᴛи ➛ ᴏбᴏи, ᴀʙы, ϶диᴛы, ᴀᴩᴛы и ᴦиɸᴋи ᴄᴏ ᴄʙᴏиʍи ᴧюбиʍыʍи ᴀᴩᴛиᴄᴛᴀʍи и дᴏᴩᴀʍᴀʍи ❤️‍🩹

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⛩️ Вᴧᴀдᴇᴧᴇц ➛ @vibivi

Last updated 1 day ago

4 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Basedonia™ - By E-go
1 month, 3 weeks ago

The biggest misconception and misleading lesson we're taught at a young age is that we should avoid conflict.

We're raised into thinking that nothing good comes from conflict.

It's partly true; nobody wants trouble or at least most people don't.

But there are a few bad apples out there who thrive on conflict; and that makes conflict unavoidable.

And even if everyone was as good as they get, people would still have diverging interests.

Which again makes conflict unavoidable.

The idea that you can get through life without any sort of collateral damage or unpleasant encounters is simply delusional.

Yet, we were all taught to think that it was the way to live life.

The result is that good and honest people like yourself end up with the short end of the stick.

Because you avoid conflict, because you think you're better off that way and because you're too genuine... you end up compromising on what's best for you.

For the name of peace and conflict avoidance.

The harsh reality is that you need to get thicker skin and stop avoid the unavoidable.

For as long as you'll fear conflict, it will chase you and you will lose.

But if you stand up and decide to welcome it... you'll soon see that it's sometimes the only way to get what you want.

Do not be a coward.

Fight for what's yours if necessary.

Yes, you should avoid getting in unnecessary conflicts where you have nothing to gain or too much to lose.

Yes, you won't always come out on top if you decide to be more confrontational.

But at least, and this might be more important than anything else...

You'll know that you didn't just cower and be a victim of the will of other people.

You'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror knowing that you gave it your all.

Regardless of the outcomes.

2 months ago

Less than 24h left for the workshop.

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Less than 24h left for the workshop.
2 months ago

You will regret not being aggressive enough.

You will look back and see all the opportunities you missed out on because you hesitated, doubted yourself or simply held yourself back.

I say aggressive and not violent.

Aggressive in the pursuit of what you want.
Aggressive in your action-taking process.
Aggressive in your decision-making.

I say aggressive in the sense of active.

As in fast, intense and action driven.

You'll learn much more from this than passively waiting for things to happen.

You either make things happen or things happen to you.
You either make life happen or life happens to you.

You do not get where you want by endlessly scheming, observing and noticing.

There is a time for that.

But it's marginal.

Most of your time should be allocated to doing, building and creating.

The faster you move, the faster you get there.
The more passive you are, the more you miss out.

Be open to more experiences.
Be open to taking a little more risks.

Instead of worrying about consequences, do the thing then handle the consequences.

One of my favorite ways of handling my worries is simply telling myself this:

"It's not a problem yet, so I'll think about it when it becomes one."

And guess what?

Most of what you worry about never happens.

Be pragmatic.

Stop overthinking and over worrying.

Handle what's at hand not what you think MAY OR MAY NOT happen.

2 months ago

This is an old thread, but one of the most important ones you'll ever read.

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E-go (@EgoDriv) on X


2 months ago

Stand your fucking ground.

2 months ago

Thread time!

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How to Get Rid of Social Anxiety THREAD

Thread time!
2 months ago

Conspiracy theories (for the most part) are real.

Today’s email will be explaining why and how it can benefit you to understand this.

Sending in approximately 2h.

Click here to sign up.

Ego Driven

Ego Driven's resources

Conspiracy theories (for the most part) are real.
2 months, 1 week ago

Thread time:

X (formerly Twitter)

E-go (@EgoDriv) on X

Everyone's wrong about social skills. You don't need to be charismatic, well-spoken or learn any new skills to develop your social ability. Here is what you need to do:

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277,681 @vp_na

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Лучɯᴇᴇ ʍᴇᴄᴛᴏ,чᴛᴏбы нᴀйᴛи ➛ ᴏбᴏи, ᴀʙы, ϶диᴛы, ᴀᴩᴛы и ᴦиɸᴋи ᴄᴏ ᴄʙᴏиʍи ᴧюбиʍыʍи ᴀᴩᴛиᴄᴛᴀʍи и дᴏᴩᴀʍᴀʍи ❤️‍🩹

📌 Вᴇᴄь ᴋᴏнᴛᴇнᴛ бᴇᴩёᴛᴄя иɜ ᴏᴛᴋᴩыᴛых иᴄᴛᴏчниᴋᴏʙ

☁️ дᴧя ɜᴀᴋᴀɜᴏʙ ➛ @KpopWallpaperEdit_bot

🧧 Пᴩᴀйᴄ ➛ @price_wallpaper

⛩️ Вᴧᴀдᴇᴧᴇц ➛ @vibivi

Last updated 1 day ago