Christ rectifies "the misinterpretations placed on the teachings given when known as 'JESUS' in Palestine, 2000[+] years ago."

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7 months, 2 weeks ago

CHRIST'S 2007 MESSAGE (16 of 21)
A GIFT OF LOVE FROM THE TEACHER OF LOVE HIMSELFSummary of the Rules to be Followed Daily

Membership in these groups is for people who are deeply and sincerely committed to ridding themselves of ego; and helping to build a world community of equally committed members.

Membership is a commitment to Christ and to his teachings in his Letters, Articles and Messages.

Membership will carry prestige since it demands: an understanding of and commitment to Christ’s Letters and surrender of the ‘self’ in daily life.

The Rules to be followed daily are:

  1. Daily reading of the Christ given Rules and Explanations of why he has made them into rules.

  2. Daily Meditation. (See “How to Meditate” in Letter 8 or read below in next post.)

  3. Daily, I will reject all ego thoughts and replace them with thoughts of compassionate love and unconditional love.

  4. To make meaningful contact with other people I must LISTEN to them and must stop bringing the subject back to myself.

  5. I must be able to hear truths about myself without hiding behind a cloak of excuses and indulging in retaliations.

  6. I must, at all times, be truthful and straight forward, otherwise my consciousness will be fragmented and I will lack conviction.

  7. Daily, I must remember and affirm that in the Kingdom of Heaven – tomorrow is always perfect.

  8. I must avoid all alarmist talk. To build the Kingdom of Heaven within and without myself, I must withdraw my consciousness from everything which I do not want to see repeated or perpetuated in the future.

  9. I will listen carefully to all who seek my love and my comfort and will ask Divine Consciousness to give me the words to heal their hurt.

  10. I will not give way to jealousy because I know that all the things necessary for my care and happiness can be mine when I ask ‘Father-Mother-Love’.

  11. Daily I will make the Affirmation – visualising the full meaning as I speak. (cont.)

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See also:
Detailed rules for Members of the Era of Love and Peace

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7 months, 2 weeks ago
… the LIFE IMPULSE […] is, …

… the LIFE IMPULSE […] is, in its fullest sense, boundless JOY, enthusiasm, laughter, love, spontaneity, a feeling of wellbeing and an inbuilt sense of optimism - that life will never let you down - that you will have enough to eat, drink, clothe yourself and everything needed to make your lives happy.

-Christ, Article 12 excerpt
Christ’s Letters (from Christ’s Way) | Continue reading

See also:
Article 12 - Life More Abundant | Audio
Laughter is Divine

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7 months, 2 weeks ago

*⬆️ Download Compressed/Zip file for the audios for Letters 1-9 (plus an intro)* | Read by CC (woman's voice)

Source I (playlist):
(NOTE: Missing first part of Letter 1.)

Source II (additional audios & voices/readers - download) :

See also:
Short Summaries of Christ's Letters
Study Guide

*Note: This audio and others may contain some errors, so please be sure to refer to the original texts.

If you would like to record alternative audio for any of the Letters, Articles & Messages, please leave a comment. Thank you*.

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7 months, 2 weeks ago
**You have moved into a new …

**You have moved into a new dispensation of vibrational frequencies which will enable you to more easily rise from the materiality of the previous age. This may sound a strange statement, but there is a universal store of knowledge regarding energies you do not begin to understand. At this time, there is no earthly mind capable of understanding. It is only possible for you to 'imagine' the spectrum of energy, which is not truth.

It will help you, therefore, if you can accept my statements, taking them on trust, because they are true. You are moving into new frequencies of vibration pertaining to 'human consciousness' which will enable you to move forward into the spiritual-mental development I described in Letter 1.

-Christ (from Christ’s Way), Letter 3 excerpt | Continue readingSee also:
Letter 1 text
Letter 3 text
Letter 3 audio
?** Download Study Guide
? Links to ALL of Christ's Letters, Articles & Messages + More
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8 months, 4 weeks ago

THE SOLE MOTIVATING PURPOSE BEHIND THE LETTERSTherefore, I REPEAT: in the final analysis, my teachings are exclusively directed at assisting you to open your consciousness to newness of life, vitality and spiritual power that you may abandon your old way of limited and dis-satisfied living and find a new source of inner joy and fulfilment of your every need. I long for you with Divine Love to reach this supreme state of being before you pass into the next dimension, that your passing may be painless and your transition one of sublime anticipation.This is the sole motivating purpose behind the Letters.

The above statement is a more compelling and powerful re-phrasing of the statement I made when on earth: 'Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all good things will be added to you.'

I did not make this statement to entice people to be 'good'. I stated a fact of existence.

- Christ, Letter 5 excerpt (from Christ's Way) | Continue readingSee also:
Letter 5 summary & downloadable textLetter 5 downloadable audio? Download Study Guide (Letters, Articles & Messages)? Links to ALL of Christ's Letters, Articles & Messages + More
Please join & share - Christ's Letters on Telegram (start here)

9 months ago

? LINKS TO CHRIST'S LETTERS, ARTICLES & MESSAGES + MOREThis and all posts are updated regularly. Please let us know if you have suggestions for improvement & other ideas.• Christ's Letters Telegram Introduction (& first post)

• Where to Find Christ's Way Texts, Audio/Video, Websites & Social Media

•️ Original Letters & Articles

• Downloadable audio + audio links

• Download the Study Guide (9 Letters+16 Articles+3 Messages) +3 Additional Messages

(Click on channel name at top of page to access all media & files.)

CHRIST'S LETTERS (Dictated c.2000)
Short Summaries of Christ's Letters
Introduction | Audio
Foreword | Audio
Letter 1 | Audio
Letter 2 | Audio 1 or Audio 2
Letter 3 | Audio
Letter 4 | Audio 1 or Audio 2
Letter 5 | Audio
Letter 6 | Audio
Letter 7 | Audio
Letter 8 | Audio
Letter 9 | Audio
Audio for All Letters (zip file+links)

CHRIST'S ARTICLES (Dictated c.2002 to 2006)
Article 1 - Cracks in Your Planet | Audio
Article 2 - Create Wonderful Lives | Audio
Article 3 - Is There Really a God? | Audio
Article 4 - Chase the Bogeys | Audio
Article 5 - Walking in Love, Becoming Love | Audio
Article 6 - You Are NOT Alone | Audio
Article 7 - MY TRUE MISSION | Audio
Article 8 - When Are You Going to Wake Up? | Audio
Article 9 - Human Love Brings Disappointment | Audio
Article 10 - Consciousness Energy | Audio
Article 11 - Christ Consciousness | Audio
Article 12 - Life More Abundant | Audio
Article 13 - If You Believe | Audio
Article 14 - Urgent Message from Christ | Audio
Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth | Audio
Article 16 - The Latter Days | Audio
Article 17 - To all ADHERENTS of the CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES AND DOGMA (aka 2010 Message) | PDF | Audio

•2007 Message |PDF | Audio
•2010 Message (aka Article 17) | PDF | Audio
•2013 Message | PDF | Audio (to come)
•Christ Speaks... (c.2013) | PDF | Audio
•New Beginnings (c.2013) | PDF | Audio
•2014 Message | PDF | Audio
•Q&A Excerpt RE ‘Headquarters of Christ’s Way’ (c.2012-2014)

•Q&A RE Economy
•Q&A RE Jesus’ Baptism

ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES (Let us know if you have other links and/or would like to translate.)





? Please join & share - Christ's Letters on Telegram (start here)

10 months, 4 weeks ago

Short Summaries of Christ's LettersThe original numbering for the Letters is reflected in parenthesis.Letter 1. Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. Says that mankind bring their own woes upon them through their thoughts and actions. Explains why his true mission on earth was not recorded properly. Says there is no such thing as ‘sin against God’ neither is our true Source of Being understood. Describes his six weeks in the desert and what really took place - what he learnt and how the knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and Healer.

Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.

Letter 3. Continues life incidents, teachings, his awareness that his time on earth was to be cut short by crucifixion. The things he did to arouse the anger of the Jewish Religious Leaders. What really took place and was said at the ‘Last supper’, the disciples’ attitudes, and the truth concerning his ‘ascension’.

Letter 4 (3A). Christ gathers up the threads of his teachings in Palestine and says that he and Muhammad, Buddha and all other Masters have continued to develop spiritually until they have all ascended into CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Christ speaks of the truth of the sexual relationship, saying that the attitude between men and women will eventually change. Spiritual progress will take place and children with new spiritual potential will be born.

Letter 5&Letter 6 (4A & 4B). Christ begins to explain the true processes of creation. He touches on what science and religious doctrines have believed, rejects them and defines the TRUTH of BEING. He touches on the truth regarding the human ego, - the means of earthly individuality and therefore necessary, but also the source of all suffering.

Letter 7 (5). Christ describes the truth concerning the sexual act - what really takes place spiritually and physically. How children are born on different levels of consciousness. He explains men and women’s place in the world order.

Letter 8 (6). Christ explains the reality of men and women, how to live within the LAWS of EXISTENCE and come into a state of harmious [harmonious] blessed state of being in which all things are abundantly provided, health is restored, and joy becomes a natural state of mind. Every individual can reach this interior state of blessedness, and peace will then become the norm.

Letter 9 (7). Christ ties up loose ends of his other Letters and tells people plainly how to overcome the ego, gain true self-esteem and experience the joy of perfect inner peace. He touches on racism and a personal message of encouragement and love to all who are drawn to his Letters.

Source: Christ’s Way

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Original Letters & Articles

? Download Study Guide (Letters, Articles & Messages)
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11 months, 1 week ago

CHRIST SPEAKS OF THE URGENCY AND POWER OF FORGIVENESSWhere there is no FORGIVENESS there is retribution in the form of Cause and Effect.

FORGIVENESS, complete and total and LOVING, dispels the violent hatred energies. Without forgiveness, they gather momentum from the ongoing resentment of the opponent.

[. . .]

Therefore I tell you clearly: In your home, in your community, in your town, in your State, in your country – FORGIVE whoever has injured you in any way – big or small. Let this word ring out across your land through any means you have.

And if you cannot forgive easily because your ego will not let you – then bring your hurt and anger to Divine Consciousness (which I termed the ‘Father’ when in Palestine) and ask for Its inflow of Spiritual Directing Power to gently ease and remove the burden from your minds.

- Christ, Article 14 (Christ's Way) excerpt | Continue reading full textSee also:
-Article 14 - Urgent Message from Christ - audio & text link-Article 1 - Cracks in Your Planet - audio & text link-What Christ was shown by the 'Father' while in the desert-Everything is Consciousness-Article 10 - Consciousness Energy - audio & text link-2014 Message audio & text link-On using the term 'Father' for God? Download Study Guide (9 Letters, 16 Articles & 3 Messages)
? Links to ALL of Christ's Letters, Articles & Messages + More
Please join & share - Christ's Letters on Telegram (start here)

11 months, 1 week ago

A SEASON OF CHANGEDo you wonder that I, the Christ, have returned to you at this time to explain to you what you have done to yourselves?

How would it be possible for any spiritual embodiment of LOVE to remain remote from such agony of spirit and fail to reach out to render help when help is possible? Therefore, as I said before, I am not alone in my work. **I speak for every Master as I speak through these Letters.

Every Master is ministering to those who follow his earthly teachings. Every Master is calling on their adherents to read, heed, pray that they may absorb the TRUTH within these pages and strive to cleanse their thoughts and actions and become the embodiment of love to all.

But these Letters will set in motion a Season of Change.**When people truly wake up to what has been done to their consciousness, world wide, by greedy, unscrupulous and degenerate tycoons, they will experience extreme anger. The public will begin to recognise the insidious and devious ways in which they have been gradually enticed into the webs of abomination.

And I, the Christ, have to tell you that when this happens, you will no longer find the word 'abomination' old-fashioned and out-of-date. You will clearly perceive the difference between wholesome, life-giving consciousness forms - words - and destructive consciousness patterns.

You will rebel and nationally call the destructive 'consciousness forms' - abominations.

- Christ (from Christ’s Way), Letter 4 excerpt | Continue reading/downloadSee also:
-Christ's Letters as the Seeds of Future Peace
-Christ Speaks of the Significance & Reception of the Letters

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12 months ago
**You will build up a strong …

You will build up a strong awareness of Divine Consciousness universally present. Its universality and scope of creativity will be ever more firmly entrenched in your minds by means of sincere praise. In the silence and stillness, you will all reach out to DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS and invite IT lovingly to take possession of your mind and heart. Thus, little by little will you become unified, and the Divine Consciousness will, more and more, take possession of the world as was Its earliest intention.

- Christ (from Christ’s Way), Letter 9 excerpt | Continue reading

-Letter 9 | Audio
-How to Meditate
-Urgent message about Truth of Being

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