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Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

3 years, 4 months ago




Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

3 years, 4 months ago

長恨歌引傳奇!白居易的來世有何夙願?還是娃兒的他為何能識字?他的名號在大唐是如何成為全民青睞追捧的商標?【 #名流仙宗 之一 】| #古韻流芳



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

長恨歌引傳奇!白居易的來世有何夙願?還是娃兒的他為何能識字?他的名號在大唐是如何成為全民青睞追捧的商標?【 [#名流仙宗](?q=%23%E5%90%8D%E6%B5%81%E4%BB%99%E5%AE%97) 之一 】| [#古韻流芳](?q=%23%E5%8F%A4%E9%9F%BB%E6%B5%81%E8%8A%B3)
3 years, 4 months ago

《心動》 - 林曉培 大提琴版本 Cello cover『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典華語系列】



《心動》 - 林曉培 大提琴版本 Cello cover『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典華語系列】

林曉培《心動》, , 這是1999年香港所上映講述一段三角戀情的浪漫電影《心動》的主題曲。, , 小柔和陳麗是閨蜜,生性害羞的少年何俊愛上了小柔,然而他們濃情密意的愛情卻面臨雙方父母的強烈反對。這段青澀的愛情也因為誤會就此告吹。 多年後,何俊和小柔的閨蜜陳麗結婚,某一天,陳麗向何俊表白她是一個女同性戀,而且他們所愛的是同一個女孩—小柔。 , , 何俊前往日本旅行�

《心動》 - 林曉培 大提琴版本 Cello cover『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典華語系列】
3 years, 4 months ago

聖女伯納黛特是世界上最完好的不腐肉身,寒波喇嘛圓寂70年仍肉身不腐。他們身上有什麼秘密?|薇羽時光 第51期



聖女伯納黛特是世界上最完好的不腐肉身,寒波喇嘛圓寂70年仍肉身不腐。他們身上有什麼秘密?|薇羽時光 第51期

《薇羽時光》是一個溫暖的故事頻道,把那些有意思的,神秘的,神奇的,邊緣的未解之謎,真實故事講述給大家。我們希望每個故事都有來源,或許是一本書,或許是一個專家,或許是一個名人,或許是被網路大眾證實存在的事件。也歡迎大家留言推薦你感興趣的話題!, , 更多精彩故事:, 隱形的黑手,通過國家博物館,讓巨人的存在,從常識變成傳說。|薇羽時光 第1期 https://youtu.b

聖女伯納黛特是世界上最完好的不腐肉身,寒波喇嘛圓寂70年仍肉身不腐。他們身上有什麼秘密?|薇羽時光 第51期
3 years, 4 months ago

谷歌Tensor芯片亮相|Pixel 6系列手機採用全新設計|谷歌Snap深度合作|三星推出Bespoke版手機手錶【新聞回顧】



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

谷歌Tensor芯片亮相|Pixel 6系列手機採用全新設計|谷歌Snap深度合作|三星推出Bespoke版手機手錶【新聞回顧】
3 years, 4 months ago

七大看點,不劇透的解構年度第一科幻大製作《沙丘》!科幻小說界第一神作終於被搬上銀幕,映射現實,隱喻未來!【新聞最嘲點 姜光宇】2021.10.22



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

七大看點,不劇透的解構年度第一科幻大製作《沙丘》!科幻小說界第一神作終於被搬上銀幕,映射現實,隱喻未來!【新聞最嘲點 姜光宇】2021.10.22
3 years, 4 months ago

The Sound of Music 02:音樂之聲 02



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

The Sound of Music 02:音樂之聲 02
3 years, 4 months ago

唐僧孤身一人驚心動魄的取經之旅 圓寂時說出一個天機| 歷史故事 | 文史大觀園 2021-10-22 18:38



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

唐僧孤身一人驚心動魄的取經之旅 圓寂時說出一個天機| 歷史故事 | 文史大觀園 2021-10-22 18:38
3 years, 4 months ago

DIY Awesome Tote Bag #HandyMumLin



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

DIY Awesome Tote Bag [#HandyMumLin](?q=%23HandyMumLin)
3 years, 4 months ago

晨悠CHENYO -【蚵仔麵線】合音版 cover (俗女養成記2)



Youmaker - Watch & Create your own videos. Share with your friends and the world.

Youmaker is a user-friendly video platform. It gives creators ease to show off their work, whether it is something small or a great masterpiece. The richness of the platform matches the needs of various audiences who seek informative, impactful or entertaining…

晨悠CHENYO -【蚵仔麵線】合音版 cover (俗女養成記2)
We recommend to visit

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago