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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
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Every few seconds, our eyelids automatically shutter and our eyeballs roll back in their sockets. So why doesn't blinking plunge us into intermittent darkness and light? New research shows that the brain works extra hard to stabilize our vision despite our fluttering eyes. When our eyeballs roll back in their sockets during a blink, they don't always return to the same spot when we reopen our eyes.
The lecture was discussing estimating portion size. The lecturer firstly provided information about dietitians, which indicates that clinical weight loss, objective ways, and food dimensions are fundamental elements. Secondly, whereas unique aspects of fingers' width, geometric volume formulas as well as food weight were delineated, he asserted that the significance of smartphone applications and accurate ways really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced height from what elaborated on weight.
(69 words)
I'm a dietitian and I work in clinical weight-loss recently. Accurately estimating portion size is critical in research or real-world settings. For example, if you're trying to watch your weight and you're out to dinner and you're presented with a bowl of food, there's no really good way to actually estimate how much you're eating unless you're gonna whip some scales out of your bag. So we wanted to find a more objective way for people to quantify what they're eating when they're out and about. I came up with a more hands-on approach. We got people to measure the dimensions of the food using the width of their fingers and remembering back to primary school math. We use the geometric volume formulas to estimate the weight of the food. To show you how this works, I've ordered a piece of lasagna. And that's my box, a glass of wine and that's my cylinder. And I'm feeling pretty healthy, so I order some watermelon for dessert. And that's my wedge. So this was I know it's seven by five, by four fingers. in the future, I see this method be incorporated into smartphone applications. So you put your finger, it's in along with your height and your weight. And the app will do all of the calculations for you. And then you've got a more accurate way to estimate the portion size.
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The lecture was discussing dimensions. The lecturer firstly provided information about three-dimensional space, which indicates that coordinates, latitude, longitude, and altitude are fundamental elements. Secondly, whereas unique aspects of physiological design, observing as well as two-dimensional creatures were delineated, he asserted that the significance of the universe and conceptualization really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced spheres from what elaborated on hyperspheres, four-dimensional objects, visualization, and mathematics.
Well. There's a number of ways to think what dimensions are with. Hope you all know we're three dimensions are which you can say are left right forward backward up down and if you think about it three we say there's three dimensions of space in some sense we need three coordinates to locate some objects in space who can say longitude latitude and altitude. So there were more dimensions you would need more coordinates. Now of course for whatever reason we are not physiologically designed to observe those dimensions. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. One way of thinking about it is maybe the best way to think about it is the way that someone named Edwin Abbott did in late 19th century in a book called Flatland and he said suppose there were two-dimensional creatures living in a two-dimensional universe. They would have the same trouble of conceptualizing three dimensions that we have, and we try to conceptualize more than three such as four. And so he asked questions like What would observers in this two-dimensional universe see if say a three-dimensional object like a sphere passed through the universe. And what this flatlanders would say would be a series of disks that grew in size and then decreased in size in the same way that we can certainly think about a two-dimensional world inside a three-dimensional world. It could be that we observe three dimensions but really there are more. And if a hypersphere or say a four-dimensional sphere passed through our universe we would see a series of spheres that grew in size and then decrease in size in fact that we don't observe those extra dimensions doesn't mean they don't exist and they are hard to conceptualize this only hard to visualize but we can think about them mathematically and conceptually without too much.
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Consequently, the institution determined that during the 1900s the increase in pollution was specifically caused by the release of harmful substances into the surface water, negatively impacting the population and significantly hindering the development of the industry.
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago