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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago
ads : @IR_proxi_sale
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
زهرمار فدات بشم??
دختر ??
همه ناخونامو از ته شکوندم?
https://t.me/Blue_wounds You burn bright but stay in the shadows, laughing loud enough to drown out the echo of your own thoughts. Defiance sits on your shoulders like an old friend, and the weight of things left unsaid lingers behind every smirk. You understand…
You burn bright but stay in the shadows, laughing loud enough to drown out the echo of your own thoughts. Defiance sits on your shoulders like an old friend, and the weight of things left unsaid lingers behind every smirk. You understand people deeply, but let few understand you.
You're not shattered
just held together by sheer force of will and a habit of pretending the cracks aren’t there.
You’re not broken, but you bleed in places no one can see.
این منم هربار میرم اهواز
https://t.me/Blue_wounds/88184 خودت یه دو سال صبر کن میفهمی دیگه من چی بگم? اگه نقاش نبودی بازیگر میشدی از این بازیگرا که میم میشن و میم میمانند معمولا نقش معتاد یا بدبخت دیوانه میدن بهت خوب بازی میکنی بقیه فکر میکنن بیحاشیه و گل گلی هستی ولی نمیدونن…
بعدشم کارما ایز عه بچ پلی کرد
?? ??? ?? ????? ?
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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago
[ We are not the first, we try to be the best ]
Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago
ads : @IR_proxi_sale
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago