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Last updated 2 months ago
ببینین کی از دین ها خسته شده ~
Tainted Idol Such a terrible world earth was Until the holy God chose him. Kind, brave, faithful and perfect he was, He was to guide us to find the key to the heaven's gate All who were lost in dark dimmed night Found the right path illuminated by his grace…
Tainted Idol
Such a terrible world earth was
Until the holy God chose him.
Kind, brave, faithful and perfect he was,
He was to guide us to find the key to the heaven's gate
All who were lost in dark dimmed night
Found the right path illuminated by his grace and light
A book God sent for people~
how to fight the vicious and evil.
So many words wasted in that book
Poetic, deceiving, intimidating, each verse I look.
You see, some read it like their lives depend on it,
Yet it's all lies and lies and lies and full of shit.
That religion of yours is a prison
Containing everyone who believes in.
God exists but not how religion shapes it to be,
"She got killed because she just wanted to be free..."
When someone questions your religion
You threaten them they'll burn in hell.
I wonder how you can call something a God
When his religion takes away his creation's freedom.
You think pedophilia is okay
Men are lords, women should obey them.
You think hijab is the solution to rape,
Yet your religion never taught men not to do it.
You think homosexuals should suffer in hellfire,
Yet you forgot your God created them that way.
I am not against spiritual and mystical things
Though I am against anything that justifies fiendish sins
I am against violating common sense
And I hate your games which make eyes give birth to tears.
Yet I have always failed to give wings to those possessed by false beliefs. >
October didn't just passed by
شاید باورتون نشه ولی از بقیه فیلمگرفتن بدون اجازه کار بدیه?
The bitch is cringe and annoying I can't?
The bitch is cringe and annoying I can't?
ایو کرینج
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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 6 months ago
ads : @IR_proxi_sale
Last updated 2 months ago