Jasenovac Camp Archive

Slike, video i dokumenti o radnom logoru Jasenovac 1941-1945

Pictures, videos and documents about
labour camp Jasenovac 1941-1945.
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1 week, 6 days ago
***🇭🇷*** U Jasenovac je dospio i …

🇭🇷 U Jasenovac je dospio i bogoslov Mihajlo Lozinskij, inače Ukrajinac i grkokatolik, iz sela Lipovljani, koga su u rujnu 1944. zarobili Nijemci i ustaše u Lipovljanima, kao odmazdu za partizanski napad. U logor je zajedno s njim dovedeno i oko 200 drugih stanovnika Lipovljana. Neki od privedenih vratili su se kućama. Lozinskij je, prema sjećanju preživjelih, umro od tifusa početkom 1945. godine.

📚Vladimir HORVAT, Igor VUKIĆ, Stipo PILIĆ i Blanka MATKOVIĆ Jasenovački logori - istraživanja ,str.75.

🇬🇧 The theologian Mihajlo Lozinskij, a Ukrainian and Greek Catholic from the village of Lipovljani, was also detained in Jasenovac. He was captured by the Germans and the Ustashas in Lipovljani in September 1944, in retaliation for a partisan attack. Around 200 other residents of Lipovljani were also brought to the camp with him. Some of those detained returned home. According to the memories of survivors, Lozinskij died of typhus in early 1945.

2 weeks, 4 days ago
Jasenovac Camp Archive
1 month ago

🇬🇧 In 1942, Vuk Vernić, professor of sociology and statistics at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, was also interned in the camp in Jasenovac.
Vernić was a member of the communist committee of university teachers, which included Šime Balen, Mladen Iveković, Ešref Badnjević, Ozren Novosel, Juraj Bocak, Ivo Frol, Zorko Golub and others. Most of the members were discovered and arrested by the Ustasha police and imprisoned in concentration and labor camps.

Vuk Vernić in Jasenovac, according to the memories of fellow prisoner Natko Devčić, performed a real feat:

"He went to the headquarters one day and declared that he would like to do scientific work in the camp. He asked that certain books (sociology, etc.) be brought to him from the University Library in Zagreb. And that really happened - he got the books, started reading them and making notes," said Devčić.

In 1943, Vuk Vernić left the Jasenovac camp and joined the Partisans.

2 months, 4 weeks ago

?? Među prvim zatočenicima Jasenovca bio je i Simo Đurković, 36-godišnji kemijski inženjer. Do uhićenja potkraj srpnja 1941. radio je u Željezari u Zenici. I on je preko Gospića i Jastrebarskog stigao u Krapje. Rekao je u Beogradu da je na nasip na kojemu su radili jednom došla i neka filmska ekipa te snimila zatočenike na poslu. Potkraj rujna pobjegli  su Branko Mraković iz Travnika i Ljubo Popović, stolar iz Tuzle. U pratnji ustaše išli su u obližnju šumu nekim poslom. Razoružali su ustašu i pobjegli te su se kasnije uspješno prebacili u Srbiju. Zbog tog bijega, rekao je Đurković, strijeljano je 26 zatočenika.

U logoru III u Bačićevoj ciglani Đurković je postao pisar koji je vodio spisak Srba u logoru. U veljači 1942. u logoru je prema njegovim riječima bilo 1450 zatočenika, od toga 250 Srba, a ostalo Židovi i tek poneki Hrvati (katolici i muslimani), jer je većina Hrvata, njih oko 300, početkom siječnja preseljena u Staru Gradišku.

?I. Vukić "Hrvatski tjednik" 28.3.2024.

?? Among the first detainees in Jasenovac was Simo Đurković, a 36-year-old chemical engineer. Until his arrest at the end of July 1941, he worked at the Ironworks in Zenica. He too arrived in Krapje via Gospić and Jastrebarsko. He said that in Belgrade, a film crew once came to the embankment where they were working and filmed the detainees at work. At the end of September, Branko Mraković from Travnik and Ljubo Popović, a carpenter from Tuzla, escaped. Accompanied by the Ustasha, they went to the nearby forest on some business. They disarmed the Ustasha and escaped and later successfully transferred to Serbia. Because of that escape, Đurković said, 26 detainees were shot.

In camp III in Bačić's brick factory, Đurković became a scribe who kept a list of Serbs in the camp. In February 1942, according to him, there were 1,450 detainees in the camp, of which 250 were Serbs, and the rest were Jews and only a few Croats (Catholics and Muslims), because most of the Croats, about 300 of them, were moved to Stara Gradiška at the beginning of January.

?I. Vukić "Hrvatski tjednik" 28.3.2024.

3 months, 1 week ago

?? "Bio sam zaposlen u električarskoj radionici.
Tu je radilo oko 20 zatočenika, sve Židovi osim nas dvojice Srba. Pored mene drugi je Srbin tu bio Milan Milanović iz Vareša koji je sada u Staroj Gradiški. U radionici se živjelo dosta dobro. Hranu smo imali bolju nego ostali zatočenici, a i postupak ustaških stražara bio je relativno dobar",ispričao je Milivoj Nikolić, bivši jasenovački zatočenik, pred ispitivačima iz Komesarijata za izbjeglice vlade generala Nedića.

U Beograd je Nikolić iz Jasenovca stigao početkom travnja 1942. u skupini s još dvanaest tada puštenih srpskih zatočenika. I njegov iskaz nalazi se u knjizi Jasenovački logor - saslušanja srpskih izbjeglica, izdanoj 2020. u Beogradu.

?? "I was employed in
an electrical workshop.
About 20 detainees worked there, all Jews except us two Serbs. Next to me, the other Serb there was Milan Milanović from Vareš, who is now in Stara Gradiška. Life was quite good in the workshop. We had better food than the other detainees, and the treatment of the Ustasha guards was relatively good," said Milivoj Nikolić, a former Jasenovac detainee, in front of interrogators from the Commissariat for Refugees of the government of General Nedić.

Nikolić from Jasenovac arrived in Belgrade at the beginning of April 1942 in a group with twelve other then released Serbian prisoners. His testimony is also found in the book Jasenovac camp - hearings of Serbian refugees, published in 2020 in Belgrade.

4 months ago

Konjušnice, vrtlarija, poljski rad...

?? "U pogonu grupnik je ing. Šenauer Maestro, odvjetnik iz Zagreba.
Tu su konjušnice, štale za krave, svinjari, govedari, živinarstvo, mesnica, mljekara, pčelinjak, poljski rad, vrtlarija. "

? Jasenovački logor iskazi zatočenika koji su pobjegli iz logora.

Nakl. Propagandni odsjek NOV Jugoslavije, 1942.
Reprint NIP Glas. Banja Luka, 1974., str. 40.

Stables, gardening, field work..

?? "In the plant, the group member is Eng. Šenauer Maestro, a lawyer from Zagreb.
There are stables, cowsheds, piggeries, cattlemen, poultry, butcher, dairy, apiary, field work, gardening. "

? Jasenovac camp, statements of detainees who escaped from the camp.

Propaganda department of NOV Yugoslavia, 1942.
Reprint NIP Glas. Banja Luka, 1974, p. 40.

6 months ago
Jasenovac Camp Archive
6 months, 1 week ago

The prisoners were sent from the camp to work in the villages

?? From the testimony of Major Bože Švarc, political commissar in the "Headquarters of the Serbian Division of KNOJ Kragujevac",
born in Zagreb with an apartment in Kozarčeva 37,
of Croatian nationality and Jewish faith, as he literally stated to the Central City Commission for Determining the Crimes of the Occupiers in Zagreb on July 17, 1947.

"We were transferred from Gospić in August to the camp in Jaska, from where I was later, after about 14 days, transferred to Jasenovac to the so-called 'camp 2'. I stayed in Jasenovac until the end of 1941, when I was transferred to the camp in Stara Gradiška, where I stayed again until May 1942, when I was transferred to the economy in Feričani, from where I escaped from the village of Obradovci, where I was grazing cattle, on September 12, 1942 and defected to the Slavonian partisans.

HDA, ZKRZ-GUZ, box.11, 2235/6-45, statement of Bože Švarc.

T. Vuković, Stvarni Jasenovac (pp. 44-45)

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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago