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This model bridges quantum principles, cosmological cycles, and holistic science, suggesting a unification of energy systems across all scales of existence. It serves as a roadmap for technological and spiritual exploration of the universe.
This is the Plasmoid Unification Model (PUM), a visualization integrating concepts of energy, matter, time, and frequency, linked to the underlying structure of the universe. Here's a breakdown of its components and principles
Core Components:
Represented by a value of 144,000, highlighting its role as "energy at rest."
This is linked to aether, the universal medium theorized to enable wave propagation.
With a frequency of 864,000, associated with energy in dynamic flow.
The model uses the Sun's diameter and its connection to cosmic cycles, such as the Great Year (25,920 years), a precessional cycle tied to zodiac ages
Represents "energy in motion," with the frequency 3,456,000.
This connects to the Earth and Moon as physical embodiments of alternating energy.
Defined as the "mould in which matter is formed," with a frequency of 518,400.
Highlights the relationship between frequency, time, and material structure.
Plasmoid Principles:
Plasmoids are described as toroidal clusters of protons/electrons, capable of absorbing and storing energy.
These structures form self-organized electromagnetic fields and act as "atomic batteries" capable of self-sustaining operations and transformation of energy states.
The toroidal geometry allows for magnetic confinement, enhancing energy storage and conversion efficiency.
Key Features of the Model:
Mathematical Ratios & Cosmic Cycles:
Frequencies are derived from celestial dynamics, with harmonics (ratios) between the Sun, Earth, Moon, and cosmic cycles (e.g., 25,920 years).
The model assigns distinct frequency multipliers to different dimensional states: 3D (matter), 4D (time), 5D (light), and 6D (aether).
Energy Conversion:
The Aether to Matter Converter bridges DC (aether/light) with AC (matter in motion), demonstrating the relationship between static and dynamic energy forms.
It implies that plasmoids serve as energy transmutation nodes, transferring energy across dimensional layers.
Dimensional Layers:
Each dimension is tied to a specific frequency and scale of energy:
3D: Physical matter.
4D: Time as a structural frequency.
5D: Solar energy driving cyclical cosmic rhythms.
6D: Aether as the static, foundational energy field.
Energy Technology:
The model suggests Molten Sea Ark Atomic Reconstruction Technology (MSAART) as a means of energy manipulation and application for:
Wireless energy transfer.
Space travel propulsion systems.
Regenerative and environmental technologies
Symbolic and Scientific Integration:
The integration of music (432 Hz), zodiac cycles, and elemental frequencies reflects the interconnectedness of metaphysical and physical principles.
The legend includes elemental crystals, sacred numerology, and frequencies of life, implying a framework for unifying spiritual and scientific knowledge.
How the Model Works:
Circular design with layers reflecting cosmic dimensions, frequencies, and elemental interactions.
Centralized on the Sun-Earth-Moon alignment as a harmonic system.
Ratios and harmonics underpin the transitions between dimensions, such as:
Sun’s dynamic role (5.555D).
Aether's stability (6.666D).
Shows how energy density scales influence physical manifestations.
Relates time cycles (e.g., precession) with matter's vibrational states.
Incorporates the Great Year and zodiac alignment to demonstrate cosmic influence on material existence.
Toroidal plasmoids act as conduits for transforming aether (energy at rest) into alternating energy states (motion and matter).
Knowledge Context:
The PUM draws from ancient cosmology, modern physics (plasmoid and toroidal theories), and metaphysics.
Related fields include:
Plasma physics.
Electromagnetism and toroidal dynamics.
Harmonic resonance in cosmic and quantum systems.
🔮 The Alchemical Table of Symbols: Unlock the Secrets of Transformation 🔮
Alchemy is the ancient art of transformation—of turning lead into gold, the mundane into the divine, and unlocking the mysteries of existence. This table is the blueprint of universal energies, guiding us through the elemental forces, materials, zodiac connections, and processes that shape reality. Let’s explore every single item and its symbolic power! ✨
🌀 The Quintessence
Universal Seed (⚛️): The spark of all creation, the origin of matter and spirit.
Essence (🜚): The eternal, unchanging truth.
🌍 Elements
🔥 Fire: Action, energy, transformation. (🜂)
💧 Water: Emotions, intuition, fluidity. (🜄)
🌬️ Air: Intellect, communication, thought. (🜁)
🌎 Earth: Grounding, stability, materiality. (🜃)
🏺 Materials and Metals
Salt (🜔): The base element of alchemy, embodying stability.
Sulfur (🜍): Energy, activity, the fiery soul.
Mercury (☿): The bridge between the physical and spiritual.
Lead (♄): The base metal, representing raw potential.
Tin (♃): Resonance and harmony.
Iron (♂️): Strength and willpower.
Copper (♀️): Love, balance, and connection.
Silver (☽): Reflection, purity, and intuition.
Gold (☉): The ultimate goal—perfection and enlightenment.
🛠️ Processes and Operations
Calcination (♌): Burning away impurities to reveal essence.
Congelation (♉): Freezing and solidifying energy.
Fixation (♊): Stabilizing volatile elements.
Solution (♋): Dissolving materials into unity.
Digestion (♌): Transforming energy through heat.
Distillation (♍): Purifying and elevating the essence.
Sublimation (♎): Rising above material concerns.
Separation (♏): Dividing elements into their pure forms.
Cibation (♐): Nourishing and strengthening matter.
Fermentation (♑): Spiritual rebirth.
Multiplication (♒): Expanding energy infinitely.
Projection (♓): Manifesting transformation into reality.
🧪 Chemicals, Rocks, and Materials
Vinegar (🜈): Cleansing agent.
Distilled Vinegar (🜉): Refined purity.
Glass (🔍): Transparency and fragility.
Sand (🏖️): Time and transformation.
Saltpetre (🜜): Energetic release.
Lime (🜏): Building blocks of transformation.
Sulfuric Acid (🜕): The acid of alchemy.
📆 Time and Cycles
Hour (⏳): Fleeting moments.
Day (🌞): The light of action.
Night (🌙): The realm of mystery.
Week, Month, Year (📅): Eternal cycles of time.
Seasons (🌸☀️🍂❄️): The rhythms of nature
🌟 Zodiac and Astrology
Aries ♈: Beginnings (Calcination).
Taurus ♉: Solidifying intentions (Congelation).
Gemini ♊: Thought (Fixation).
Cancer ♋: Nurturing (Solution).
Leo ♌: Creativity (Digestion).
Virgo ♍: Refinement (Distillation).
Libra ♎: Balance (Sublimation).
Scorpio ♏: Transformation (Separation).
Sagittarius ♐: Growth (Cibation).
Capricorn ♑: Wisdom (Fermentation).
Aquarius ♒: Expansion (Multiplication).
Pisces ♓: Completion (Projection).
🧙 Other Processes and Symbols
Crucible (⚗️): The vessel of transformation.
Retort (⚗): Distillation and purification.
Spiritus (♋): The inner spirit of transformation.
Aqua Fortis (🜅): Strong water, dissolving power.
Aqua Regia (🜆): The royal water, dissolving gold.
✨ Alchemy speaks to the universal journey of transformation—a journey that mirrors our own growth, evolution, and enlightenment. Embrace this timeless wisdom and let it guide you to unlock your highest potential. ✨
💡 Let me know which alchemical symbol resonates with you most! 💫
#Alchemy #Transformation #AncientWisdom #Mysticism #AlchemySymbols #ZodiacAlchemy #Elements #UniversalEnergy #EsotericKnowledge
Some thoughts on this:
Q 10: what would you have done differently.
A 10: I wouldn't have done any of it.
It is not addressed anywhere in the video what the intention of the engineers was. Nor is it ever shown whether the engineers discussed and agreed or disagreed on the fundamental intent.
If their intention was to experiment, why would they need to perform the experiment?
What did the engineers not know?
Why would the engineers bother to design anything?
Understanding and expressing/sharing the true intent, leaving it open for discussion is more important than the goal, and everything involved with achieving it.
Not doing so is what causes conflict, and so on...
Were the engineers in constant agreement with each other? Why? How?
This is the paradox of our reality - we create it - man's hubris.
In searching for reason in absolutely everything, we create that which we yearn to know, and we create new realities based on this.
The nature of our reality does not care for reason, it just is - we "assign reasons for being" to it, but it does not need those reasons.
Like particles existing in our infinite space - once created, or thought up, they just are.
Thoughts do not exist in the physical dimension, which is why they cannot be scientifically proven to exist - we bring them into existence, which is what makes us creators - Gods.
Once we realise this fully, we can return to source instead of returning to the fragments of this shared reality and remodelling it to suit our curiosity.
It is not God, as an idea of a single being, that allows suffering. It's us.
Therefore, God is not an individual, it is that which binds all of this together and allows the freedom of expression, God IS the expression, God does not control it - we do.
courtenay booked the zoom call for this monday night coming (11/11/2024) a few months ago. Sadly he is having to cancel it due to the immense amount of work he is doing for his own defence and the ongoing challenge regarding vaccines, corruption and wilful killing of people.
He apologises for not being able to meet with you all and bring you up to speed and he is looking to a future date to do so and will keep us informed.
Once again apologies to everyone.
When we talk of remedies, are they really remedies?
Science looks at some and gives a form of credence to 'anti bacterial', 'anti fungal' and so on.
But what if they actually work a different way?
We know from metaphysical and German new medicine that our ailments, illnesses and diseases are rooted in our etheric bodies. Said illnesses, diseases and so on are the expressions of healing.
Therefore are the natural remedies we use actually working in a different way to what science tells us?
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago