Nyheter om Corona, Great Reset. mm

Nyheter, oppdateringer og annet om myndighetenes fremferd i dagens situasjon.
Bruk gjerne poster her som utgangspunkt for debatt på egne plattformer i sosiale medier og i vennekrets.
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago


правила: t.me/zemfiraworld_chat/122668


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

📍 Весь Подільський район у нас на сторінці 👉 t.me/podolskinfo

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Last updated 3 days, 17 hours ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Simon Goddek:

Simon Goddek:

We fought for it.

We lost our jobs.

We got banned from his platforms.

Saying ‘I’m sorry’ years later isn’t enough.

Zuck is most likely responsible for millions of destroyed livelihoods and must be held accountable."

2 months, 4 weeks ago
Eieren av Rumble flykter også fra …

Eieren av Rumble flykter også fra Europa.

2 months, 4 weeks ago


steigan.no - Mot Dag - A winner is a dreamer who never gives up

Pavel Durov, sjefen for Telegram, arrestert på flyplass i Paris - steigan.no

Den 39 år gamle fransk-russiske milliardæren Pavel Durov ble arrestert og konfrontert med en ransakingsordre utstedt av franske etterforskere rettet mot ulike lovbrudd knyttet til krypterte meldinger. Han er ventet å møte i retten søndag. Dette skriver den…

Nyheter om Corona, Great Reset. mm
5 months ago

Også i Norge var det mange kjendiser, politikere og byråkrater + vanlige borgere som hetset og ropte etter straff mot de som ikke ville la seg injiserer av disse preparatene.

"This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanity.

All these journalists, scientists, and politicians undeniably belong on the defendants’ bench, as their behavior has caused immense harm to millions.

No amnesty!"

5 months, 2 weeks ago
Nyheter om Corona, Great Reset. mm
5 months, 2 weeks ago
WHO - Annonserte at en mann …

WHO - Annonserte at en mann døde av fugleinfluensa i Mexico. Skal ha manglet noen viktige fakta. (har ikke verifisert dette, men ikke usannsynlig)

▪️sengeliggende i uker i fengsel
▪️sykelig overvektig
▪️Hadde diabetes type 2
▪️hadde fullstendig nyresvikt
▪️hadde ingen kontakt med høns eller fugler.

Men på en eller annen måte bestemte de seg for å teste ham for fugleinfluensa? ?

7 months, 2 weeks ago

"Save me Dr.Fauci", they will chant repeatedly, while rocking back and forth. They will receive a congratulatory letter from their medical board for not offering IVERMECTIN to their dying patient and their social credit score will increase dramatically."


IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced…

Papers reviewed: 2023 Sep.23 - Man-Yuan Li et al - Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells 2023 May - Samy et al - Eprinomectin: a derivative of ivermectin suppresses growth and metastatic…

"Save me Dr.Fauci", they will chant repeatedly, while rocking back and forth. They will receive a congratulatory letter from their …
7 months, 2 weeks ago

"IVERMECTIN and CANCER Part 2 - Treating Turbo Cancer - 7 new studies released in 2024 show Ivermectin works against CANCER - suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers

Last year, in October, I wrote one of the most popular articles on Ivermectin (IVM) and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral Internationally, with millions of views.

After the article, I was flooded with 1000s of questions, not about mechanisms of IVM action against cancer, but about protocols, doses, formulations - which Ivermectin to use and how to use it, what are the doses, for how long, etc.

This article is the practical approach that addresses all of those questions.

There are 3 types of Ivermectin formulations on the market:

- pills or tablets in 3mg, 6mg or 12mg
- liquid form, usually 1mL per 10mg of IVM
- paste form, usually 6.4g per 120mg of IVM

(always check the dosages when not using pill form)

I propose 4 "Experimental Protocols" for using IVERMECTIN with CANCER (especially in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Individuals who have developed TURBO CANCER):

The "Dr.Makis Ivermectin Cancer Protocols"

LOW DOSE (<=0.5mg/kg)
- Cancers in remission
- Strong family history
- genetic predisposition
- prophylactic use

MEDIUM DOSE (1.0mg/kg)
- Starting dose for most Cancers, including mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers (lymphoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, testicular/cervical/ovarian, kidney, etc)

HIGH DOSE (2.0mg/kg)
- Starting dose for aggressive Turbo Cancers, especially Leukemias, pancreatic, brain cancer
- aggressiveness of a tumor is often determined on pathology (Ki67 staining of 80%+ for example)
- some very aggressive rare types (appendix, gallbladder, cholangiocarcinoma, angiosarcoma & other sarcomas)

VERY HIGH DOSE (2.5mg/kg)
- Very desperate situations
- have only days to live
- extreme tumor metastases burden
- extremely poor prognosis
- certain aggressive or very large brain tumors?

Let's run a thought experiment:
A 30 year old teacher (60kg) took 4 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and has just been diagnosed with Stage 4 Turbo Colon Cancer with a few liver metastases (very common scenario after Pfizer or Moderna).

This person considers a MEDIUM DOSE 1mg/kg/day IVERMECTIN regimen (in addition to standard chemo/rad) which is 60mg of IVM a day

That would be five 12mg pills a day
OR 6 mL of IVM liquid (10mg/1mL) a day

The liquid version is much cheaper and could be as cheap as $1 per day. The cost of pills varies widely and could be anywhere from $10 to $50 a day, depending on where you import them from.

Let's run another thought experiment:
A 25 year old who took 3 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and has a strong family history of cancer, is very worried about developing Turbo Cancer.

This person wants to take a low dose Ivermectin regimen as prophylaxis. She takes 12mg a day.
She understands that currently there are no human trials looking at Ivermectin as prophylaxis against developing cancer.

Let's run another thought experiment:
A 45 year old Canadian doctor has taken 8 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, has been diagnosed with a baseball sized Grade 4 brain tumor (glioblastoma) and has been given weeks to live. He decides to take 2.5mg/kg/day and develops some visual symptoms that go away after a few days. The tumor starts to shrink in size over the course of several weeks and his Canadian doctor colleagues are baffled.

For brain cancers in particular, the issue is getting sufficient IVM across the blood brain barrier to have an impact on brain tumors. So a higher dose is necessary.

In all these cases, Oncologists will be baffled and will send their patients home to die (Canadian doctors will offer medically assisted suicide right on the spot in their office, a procedure they enjoy doing more than anything else).

In fact, some Oncologists will begin visibly shaking and will hide under a desk in the fetal position, at the mere mention of the word "Ivermectin".


IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced…

Papers reviewed: 2023 Sep.23 - Man-Yuan Li et al - Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells 2023 May - Samy et al - Eprinomectin: a derivative of ivermectin suppresses growth and metastatic…

"IVERMECTIN and CANCER Part 2 - Treating Turbo Cancer - 7 new studies released in 2024 show Ivermectin works against …
10 months ago

Hei, ville bare sende deg en hilsen og et ønske om en god dag!

Heldigvis har vi mennesker evnen til å BÅDE se kritisk på viktige temaer, protestere og være sinte, og SAMTIDIG glede oss over livet og alt det skjønne som er rundt oss.

Personlig tror jeg mennesker som FAKTISK anerkjenner det vi ser med VÅRE EGNE ØYNE, fremfor å undertrykke dette og erstatte det med den versjonen av verden og hendelser som massemediene skyfler ut 24/7 - MER I STAND til å oppleve ekte livsglede og slipper alle de diffuse plagene mange mennesker sliter med.

Jeg tror de som lukker øynene, tier og ser en annen vei opplever symptomer på selvbedraget: Stive muskler, hodepine, tette bihuler, søvnproblemer, fordøyelsesbesvær, rastløshet, smerter i ledd og bløtvev, osv...

Løgn er så skadelig, enten det er i personlige relasjoner eller på najonalt/internasjonalt nivå. Jeg ser mennesker som ikke uttrykket ett eneste standpunkt på noe, men som later som ingenting, til tross for at de MÅ jo ha fått med seg LITT i alle fall om at vi ble løyet til, konsekvensene av nedstengningene, injeksjonene, osv.

Jeg forstår ikke at de klarer å late som ingenting, eller ØNSKE å glemme det. Det er så viktig å HUSKE det som ble gjort mot oss og jevnlig minne både oss selv og andre om 
dette og at de samme skurkene sitter ved makten fremdeles og holder på hele tiden, med lovforslag og forskrifter. Men de kan bare overvinne oss om vi lar dem. 

'NEI' er kanskje det viktigste ordet i vårt repertoar.

HA EN SUPER DAG! Vennlig hilsen Kari ?

10 months, 1 week ago
THE COVID19 BIG LIE &amp; of …

THE COVID19 BIG LIE & of all respiratory epidemics/pandemics was NOT that "viruses/pandemics/gain of function do not exist/are not dangerous", it was to claim that antibiotics do not cure the associated pneumonia in severe cases, whereas if taken in time they ALWAYS do.

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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago


правила: t.me/zemfiraworld_chat/122668


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

📍 Весь Подільський район у нас на сторінці 👉 t.me/podolskinfo

💬Міський чат : https://t.me/+rSRBeG1kG61jMjVi

❕Напишіть нам у TG BOT : https://t.me/PODOLSK_INFObot

⚠️Лінк на Instagram: instagram.com/podolsk.info

Last updated 3 days, 17 hours ago