Official Telegram channel✔️
?Nutti dhihaatta ?
?Jaalalaan nurraa qabamta?
?Garmalee Koflaan Fincaan ofirrati buusta?
?asuman waliin taane Afaan fi artii keenya gudifanna.
Any comments or messages:- @Orosarca_commentobot
Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago
??Jaalalaafii ergaalee jaalalaan wal qabatan gaggabaaboo as jalaa argattu❣?????❣️❤️?
????Dabalataan Qoosaa Bohaarsoo??
Last updated 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Chaanaalii kana keessatti Odeffannoo Waa'ee Maan Yunaayitidin walqabatan qofa argattu.
?Jijjirraa Taphattoota Kan Maan Yunaayitid
?Taphoota Maan Yunaayitid kallattiin.
?Yaada qabdan karaa @AmaaaanG gaafachu dandeessu
Group ? @Oro_man_uniteds_Group
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Basically, if you are nice about it and ask that I remove the thing I posted and leave it at that, then we will all be fine. Just don't be a dick and attack me like I'm Satan
Eesh #rant_post
This is gonna be an opinion I'm sure some might not share, but hear me out
LLMs, Large Language Models are designed to understand and generate text. They work by learning patterns, grammar, and context from large amounts of text data. What the LLM generates is a prediction of what a human would say based on this data. Essentially, it is a very glorified auto complete. It works in much the same way an auto correct does.
Image generation models are architecturally different and use GANs or diffusion, iteratively refining random noise in a continuous space rather than a tokenized textual environment.
One big difference in their creation is that text is, for the most part, free and abundant, not needing to be stolen from those who worked hard to create it. Image generation, however, relies on vast swaths of stolen and unlicensed materials scraped from platforms that host that material.
The reason I am bringing this up is that I personally use LLMs both public and private due to a disability of mine that makes personal writing a very difficult task. However, just like I'm sure most of you agree, I dislike the image generation aspect of "AI" and was just attacked rather viciously over my use of LLMs where they conflated it to being equivalent to image generation models and that particular user had wanted me ousted from the chat in which I had shared one of the pieces of text I had an llm work with me to create.
I can see this from their viewpoint and understand they likely had a bad experience in the past with someone who used Image generation, and this left then scared. But to put into my words that I am in support of image generation when I have blatantly told you otherwise is an attack on my character and my integrity.
Did a little reup on these
I made kitty noise
Official Telegram channel✔️
?Nutti dhihaatta ?
?Jaalalaan nurraa qabamta?
?Garmalee Koflaan Fincaan ofirrati buusta?
?asuman waliin taane Afaan fi artii keenya gudifanna.
Any comments or messages:- @Orosarca_commentobot
Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago
??Jaalalaafii ergaalee jaalalaan wal qabatan gaggabaaboo as jalaa argattu❣?????❣️❤️?
????Dabalataan Qoosaa Bohaarsoo??
Last updated 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Chaanaalii kana keessatti Odeffannoo Waa'ee Maan Yunaayitidin walqabatan qofa argattu.
?Jijjirraa Taphattoota Kan Maan Yunaayitid
?Taphoota Maan Yunaayitid kallattiin.
?Yaada qabdan karaa @AmaaaanG gaafachu dandeessu
Group ? @Oro_man_uniteds_Group
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago