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2 weeks, 6 days ago

‍‍  ♻️ساختارهای عالی در کاربرد کلمه "advice"

❇️Take someone's advice
پذیرفتن اندرز از شخصی

❇️Give a piece of advice
یک نصیحت کردن

❇️Any advice would be greatly appreciated
هرگونه مشاوره ای / پندی موجب امتنان خواهد بود

❇️I can't afford to ignore someone's advice
نمی توانم نصیحت...را نادیده بگیرم

❇️Welcome sb's advice on the matter
از مشاوره ...در این مورد استقبال می کنم
❇️Turn to sb for advice
برای مشاوره به شخصی مراجعه

❇️Listen to any advice from sb
عمل کردن به هر نصیحتی از سوی شخصی
❇️Follow sb's advice blindly
کورکورانه از نصیحت شخصی پیروی کردن

❇️X completely disregards sb's advice
کاملا بی توجهی کردن به پند شخصی

❇️My offer of this advice is still open
پیشنهاد من برای ارائه نصیحت هنوز پابرجاست

❇️X is very good at taking advice
...خیلی درپذیرش نصیحت /مشاوره خوب عمل می کند

❇️Heed sb's advice or take the consequences

عمل کن به نصیحت...درغیراینصورت عواقب را بپذیر

❇️X is against the advice of Y
...برخلاف پند شخصی است

❇️X does sth on the advice of Y
...برطبق نصیحت شخصی کاری را انجام دادن

❇️X gives advice on …..
...پند دادن در مورد

❇️My advice to you is to + V
نصیحت من به شما این است که ...

❇️It is impossible to understand X without professional advice
بدون مشاوره حرفه ای ، درک ...غیر ممکن است

❇️Ask for advice = seek advice
درخواست مشاوره

@mordadcollege 💜

3 weeks ago

✅️ 10 اصطلاحی که بهتره تو محیط کار استفاده نکنیم (و چرا):

10 Phrases to Avoid in the Workplace (and Why):

① "That's not my job." – Sounds uncooperative and unprofessional.

② "We've always done it this way." – Resists innovation and change.

③ "I just work here." – Dismisses responsibility and engagement.

④ "That's not fair." – Sounds immature and unconstructive.

⑤ "I think…" (too often) – Weakens confidence in your statements.

⑥ "You're wrong." – Sounds confrontational; rephrase it constructively.

⑦ "I'll try." – Lacks commitment; say "I will" or "I’ll do my best."

⑧ "This may be a dumb idea, but…" – Undermines your own suggestion.

⑨ "I don't have time for this." – Sounds dismissive and unhelpful.

⑩ "That’s impossible." – Shuts down problem-solving and teamwork.

3 weeks, 2 days ago

حتما ببینید 👌✅️

4 months, 3 weeks ago

? اصطلاحات همراه با فعل do: 
?Do a favor
لطف کردن 

?Do a paper
مقاله نوشتن 

?Do an assignment 
تکلیف انجام دادن 

?Do homework 
مشق نوشتن 

? Do research 
تحقیق انجام دادن 

?Do the dishes 
ظرفها را شستن 

?Do the laundry  
لباس شستن

?Do work 
کاری را انجام دادن 

? اصطلاحات همراه با فعل make: 

?make a decision 
تصمیم گرفتن 

?make a discovery 
کشف کردن 

?make a profit 
سود کردن 

?make a promise 
قول دادن 

?make an agreement
به توافق رسیدن 

?make a announcement
اعلان کردن 

?make an attempt
تلاش کردن 

?make an offer
تعارف کردن 

?make a mistake
اشتباه کردن


@mordadcollege ?

4 months, 3 weeks ago

سلاممم ? بریم با هم یه نکته کالوکیشنی رو مرور کنیم

4 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago

Listen and enjoy ? ?

5 months ago

? A Resource for Reading & Words

The book contains:

110 reading passages
330 reading comprehension questions
1100 words defined
550 vocabulary exercises

A must-use book to improve your reading comprehension.

5 months ago

​​#vocabulary #task1

افعال تسک ۱ برای نشان دادن تغییرات ساختمان

? How to describe change
Verbs for:


? Demolished: The industrial estate was demolished and developed into a sports ground by the local community.

? Knocked-down: The shops were knocked-down and replaced with a skyscraper.

? Flattened: The factory in the city centre was flattened and relocated to the north of the city.

? Replaced with: The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels.

? Renovated: The old buildings were completely renovated.

? Built: A new factory was built north of the residential area.

? Constructed: A harbor was constructed at the edge of the river.

? Reconstructed: The school was completely reconstructed after the passing of the hurricane.

? Developed into: The industrial estate was demolished and developed into a sports ground by the local community.

? Extended: The school was extended by adding 2 more buildings.

? Expanded: The residential area expanded south-east by constructing 3 more homes.

? Relocated to: The factory in the city centre was flattened and relocated to the north of the city.

? Converted into: The factory was converted into apartments.

? Modernized: The infrastructure was modernized by converting the dirt roads into concrete streets.

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Last updated 6 Monate, 1 Woche her


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Last updated 2 Monate her