IT Park Sirdaryo

IT Park Sirdaryo viloyati filiali

? +998 99 035-11-99

Murojaat uchun: @itcentersirdaryosupport
Chat: @itparksirdaryo_chat
We recommend to visit

Huquqshunos Xushnudbek Xudoyberdiyevning kanaliga xush kelibsiz!

O‘ta shaxsiy kanal: @xushnudbekuz





Reklama uchun:

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

⚽️ Futbol muxlislari uchun yaratilgan Rasmiy kanal!

⚽️Onlayn gollar
?TV dasturlar

?Reklama uchun:? @jaxon_rek

Last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Madridistlar haqidagi tezkor, ishonchli yangiliklarni bizda kuzatib boring! ?

Barcha madridistlar shu yerda!

Murojaat uchun : @RUZALOQABOT

?‍?Reklama : @RUZALOQABOT

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

2 Monate her

IT-Park резидентларига барча турдаги солиқларни тўлашдан озод этиш бўйича имтиёзлар 2040 йилгача узайтирилади|Facebook|Instagram|YouTube|X

2 Monate, 1 Woche her
IT Park Sirdaryo
2 Monate, 1 Woche her
IT Park Sirdaryo
5 Monate her

*? *IT Park “ICTWEEK 2024”da: Yilning eng yirik IT-tadbiridagi eng asosiy lahzalar bilan tanishing!

? “ICTWEEK 2024” doirasida IT Park Uzbekistan tomonidan tashkil etilgan 8 ta maxsus tadbirda 1100 dan ortiq ishtirokchi, shu jumladan 51 mamlakatdan kelgan 250 dan ziyod xorijiy kompaniya vakillari qatnashdi!

? O‘zbekistonda 14 ta kompaniya allaqachon yuridik shaxs sifatida ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan, yana 13 tasi bu jarayonni boshlash arafasida!

“Startup Pitch”, “Investor’s Room” va “President Tech Award” hakaton kabi tadbirlarda 640 000 AQSh dollari miqdorida tasdiqlangan investitsiyalar jalb etildi.

? Veb-saytimizda to‘liq natijalar va muvaffaqiyat hikoyalari bilan batafsil tanishib chiqing. ________
? IT Park at ICTWEEK 2024: Discover the Key Highlights from the Premier IT Event of the Year!

? Over 1100 participants gathered at 8 exclusive events organized by IT Park Uzbekistan during ICTWEEK 2024, including 250+ representatives of foreign companies from 51 countries!

? 14 companies have already established legal entities in Uzbekistan, and 13 more are on their way!

$640,000 in confirmed investments were secured at events like the Startup Pitch, Investor’s Room, and President Tech Award Hackathon.

? Dive into the full results and success stories on our website.

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5 Monate her
IT Park Sirdaryo
5 Monate her


**Malayziyaning "Summit next" kompaniyasi xodimlar izlamoqda!

Ish: Telemarketing bo'yicha menejer (Masofaviy)
Talablar:Bakalavr darajasi;
1+ yil telemarketing tajribasi;
ingliz tilida muloqot (С1+)
Majburiyatlar:Texnik xizmatlar uchun buyurtmalarni rejalashtirish maqsadida qo'ng'iroqlar qilish. ——

The Malaysian company "Summit next" is looking for employees**

Job: Telemarketing Executive (Remote) Qualifications:Bachelor’s degree
1+ year telemarketing experience
Excellent English skills (С1+)
Responsibilities:Make calls to schedule maintenance bookings.


5 Monate, 1 Woche her
5 Monate, 1 Woche her
5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Good news: Uzbekistan has been recognized as a well-developing country in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024, achieving the T2 "Advancing" status.

The Global Cybersecurity Index for this year assesses countries' preparedness for cybersecurity threats across five levels, from the lowest to the highest: T5 Building, T4 Evolving, T3 Establishing, T2 Advancing, and T1 Role-modeling. Uzbekistan's elevation to the T2 category represents significant progress compared to the previous index and serves as a testament that special attention is being paid to this area in our country.

However, considerable work remains in this field, particularly at a time when digital technologies are becoming deeply integrated into our daily lives. One of the most challenging tasks is to develop cybersecurity threat awareness skills across all segments of the population and the ability to avoid falling prey to fraudsters' tricks

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We recommend to visit

Huquqshunos Xushnudbek Xudoyberdiyevning kanaliga xush kelibsiz!

O‘ta shaxsiy kanal: @xushnudbekuz





Reklama uchun:

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

⚽️ Futbol muxlislari uchun yaratilgan Rasmiy kanal!

⚽️Onlayn gollar
?TV dasturlar

?Reklama uchun:? @jaxon_rek

Last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Madridistlar haqidagi tezkor, ishonchli yangiliklarni bizda kuzatib boring! ?

Barcha madridistlar shu yerda!

Murojaat uchun : @RUZALOQABOT

?‍?Reklama : @RUZALOQABOT

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago