English For Ethiopia - በቀላሉ

A place to learn English easily.

Owner - @Samson_G

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We recommend to visit

A place to learn English easily.

Owner - @Samson_G

Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/English_Ethiopian

Last updated 6 days, 3 hours ago

ለመልዕክት 👇🏻

For Advertisement👇🏿

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

NGO, የመንግስት እና የግል ድርጅቶች የስራ ማስታወቂያ እና ነፃ የትምህርት እድሎችን ያገኛሉ ቤተሰበ ይሁኑ ሌሎችንም ይጋብዙ

ለማስታወቂያ @Human133 ላይ አናግሩን
We need promoters
Website: www.abayjobs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abayjobs12

Last updated 4 months ago

hace 6 días, 12 horas

"ግድ የለም" በእንግሊዘኛ ??

hace 1 semana
hace 1 semana
hace 1 semana, 6 días

Take Off • ተይክ ኦፍ

➡️ ማውለቅ (ልብስ)
✔️ He took off his jacket because it was hot.

➡️ ከምድር መነሳት ለአውሮፕላን ፣ ወፎች
✔️ The plane took off at 8 PM.

➡️ በፍጥነት ስኬታማ ወይም ታዋቂ መሆን
✔️ Her career took off after she made her first film.

➡️ በድንገት መሄድ
✔️ He tookof without saying goodbye.

➡️ የዋጋ ቅናሽ ማድረግ
✔️ The store took off 20% from the total price.

❤️ @English_Ethiopian
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hace 2 semanas

🐱 Tip of the day

🔉 Speaking Tip

ብዙ ጊዜ ከሰዎች ጋ ማውራት የሚከብደን ወይም እኛ ብቻ እንድናወራ የሚያረገን አጭር መልስ ያላቸው ጥያቄዎች ስንጠይቅ ነው Yes or No ብለው የሚመለሱ ጥያቄዎች ማለት ነው።

✔️ Did you enjoy the trip?
✔️ Have you studied for the test?
✔️ How long did you stay?
✔️ Have you tried sushi before?

እነዚን ጥያቄዎች ስንጠይቅ የምንጠይቃቸው ሰዎች አጭር መልስ ነው ሊሰጡን የሚችሉት።

መጠየቅ ያለብን Open-ended የሆኑ ጥያቄዎችን ነው

✔️ What was your favorite part of the trip?
✔️ What strategies do you use to prepare for tests?
✔️ What places would you recommend visiting there?
✔️ How did you first discover your love for sushi?

እንደነዚህ አይነት ጥያቄዎች ስንጠይቅ ንግግሩ እኛ ላይ ብቻ አይወሰንም ለምናወራቸው ሰዎችም የ ፖሊስ ጥያቄ አይመስልም 😁

React ማድረግ ደሞ አትርሱ ❤️

❤️ @English_Ethiopian
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hace 2 semanas, 1 día

📚 Idiom of the day

⭐️ The ball is in your court
ቀጣዩን እርምጃ የመውሰድ ወይም ውሳኔው የመወሰን ሀላፊነት ያንተ ነው ለማለት እንጠቀምበታለን።

✔️ Eg: I've given you all the information; now the ball is in your court.
ሁሉንም መረጃ ሰጥቼሃለሁ አሁን ውሳኔው ያንተ ነው።

❤️ @English_Ethiopian
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hace 2 semanas, 6 días

Other ways to say ➡️ Welldone

✔️ Great job!
✔️ Outstanding
✔️ Terrific
✔️ You nailed it.
✔️ Way to go!
✔️ Superb
✔️ Kudos to you!
✔️ You rock!
✔️ Bravo!
✔️ Excellent work!

❤️ @English_Ethiopian
🌐 Follow Us

hace 2 semanas, 6 días
hace 2 semanas, 6 días
hace 4 semanas

Day in Day out
ነጋ ጠባ

These days

The other day

For the time being
ለግዜው ፣ ለ አሁኑ

From time to time
ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ

Every now and then
አልፎ አልፎ

Sooner or later
ፈጠነም ዘገየ መሆኑ አይቀርም

❤️ @English_Ethiopian
🌐 Follow Us

We recommend to visit

A place to learn English easily.

Owner - @Samson_G

Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/English_Ethiopian

Last updated 6 days, 3 hours ago

ለመልዕክት 👇🏻

For Advertisement👇🏿

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

NGO, የመንግስት እና የግል ድርጅቶች የስራ ማስታወቂያ እና ነፃ የትምህርት እድሎችን ያገኛሉ ቤተሰበ ይሁኑ ሌሎችንም ይጋብዙ

ለማስታወቂያ @Human133 ላይ አናግሩን
We need promoters
Website: www.abayjobs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abayjobs12

Last updated 4 months ago