Terra Australis States Assembly

Land and Soil Jurisdiction of Terra Australis terraaustralisstatesassembly.com
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8 months, 1 week ago



International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823....

 By Anna Von Reitz It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823.  Doesn't t...

Terra Australis States Assembly
8 months, 1 week ago



Australian Whistleblower: Australia, Canada & New Zealand Are Fake

For more information regarding this video, please visit www.basicfraud.com" "To Live In Private, one has to know who you in reality, and not what you are told you are by corporations". Michael-Rolf Simple steps below to self educate, learn what they didnt…

8 months, 1 week ago

Greetings my fellow Americans -

This day is our story in the making.

At the top of the hour, The Ohio Assembly will be affirming their State Assembly Seatment.

On behalf of The Peacekeeping Task Force, my entire Staff would like to commend you on your hard work and dedication to the success of your sovereign State government.

By establishing solid self-governing values through the past 16 months, your people and People have displayed among the finest examples of lawful and peaceful progress towards setting the cornerstone of truly American Sovereign Jurisdiction.

8 months, 2 weeks ago
**"Usufruct"** if ye're paying taxes!

"Usufruct" if ye're paying taxes!

8 months, 2 weeks ago

More specifically [birth] goes to "novation", a re-writing of an old/original agreement, which is the natural father and mother are the "owners" of "their" child and therefore have all the accompanying duties and obligations under the doctrine of Patri Potestas and the imperium, which is also expressed in the Biblical law of YHWH. What these parents are doing by birthing (also a COMMERCIAL LAW term, under natural law it's NATIVITY, not birth) their "child" within the commercial civil system (healthcare is under commerce) is "passing their seed through the fire to Molech/Melek" [the State] via the novation called a "BIRTH certificate" (the creation of a civil law legal fiction called a "person"). This is a form of abandonment, but not really the abandonment of the child, but the abandonment of the natural law DUTIES of Father and Mother, over to the STATE, under the legal doctrine of "PARENS PATRIAE) (government as Father). This basically reduces the natural parents to the role of "State babysitter" who must follow all the civil laws of the state regarding children, marriage, etc. (also the State Marriage License has a legal aspect in this Gordian Knot of surrendering duties and rights and powers over to the State).

8 months, 2 weeks ago

The Assange release is great news, but what else is going on right now?

I believe that we're witnessing a huge distraction.

8 months, 3 weeks ago


The credentials require these three basic standards to comply with global security regulations to be accepted:
1- issue date,
2- expiration date of 10 years maximum, and
3- autograph that Anna says to copyright and gaurd clearly to avoid problems.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

This week we had the privilege of hosting Muki and Darren at Valla, on the Mid North Coast leg of their tour. After a welcome by Bumajin, a proud Gumbaynggiir Elder, Muki and Darren gave a rousing presentation to a crowd of around 50 delightful souls aged from 16 to 80. Many questions were asked and answered.
Those who had previously no idea of what was about to be unveiled were left in awe.
Four home-schooled teenagers sat rivetted at these most valuable and new teachings. (I was going to say ‘lessons’ but realised that it sounds like ‘lessens’, thanks for that Muki).
Many new friends and contacts were made, and the excitement was palpable for those at all stages of this revelation. We will surely form a group for Mid North Coast to connect and support each other on this journey with many now ready to start their paperwork.
Thank you to all, from near and far, who attended and brought food to share.
Thank you, Wayne, for your stellar efforts in promoting the event.
Darren and Muki, thank you for your wisdom, dedication and altruism. Our kin have been warmed by your great humour, kindness and patience.
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

9 months ago

#DefinitionAustralia #UKLegislation #State #Territory #NorfolkIsland

"1948 UK definition of Australia", page's 15 & 17 of UK Legislation in particular, see here; https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1948/56/pdfs/ukpga_19480056_en.pdf " Trust territory " means a territory administered by the
government of any part of His Majesty's dominions
under the trusteeship system of the United Nations ;

" Australia " includes the territories of Papua and the
territory of Norfolk Island ;
" British protected person " means a person who is a member
of a class of persons declared by Order in Council made
in - relation to any protectorate, protected state,mandated territory or trust. territory to be for the
CH. 56. British Nationality =i & 12 GEO. 6.
Act, 1948.
purposes of this Act British protected persons by virtue
of their connection with that protectorate, state or territory ;
" Colony" does not include any country mentioned in subsection (3) of section one of this Act ;

"Inclusio Exclusio" Everything included, excludes everything else!https://www.ipglossary.com/glossary/inclusio-unius-est-exclusio-alterius/

Here is the definition of "State"; s9 Corporations Act - Definition of ‘State’ when used in a geographical sense includes the coastal sea of the state (ie. but not the land) http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ca2001172/s9.html#state

Here is the definition of "Territory"; (a)  means the following:
                              (i)  the Australian Capital Territory;
                             (ii)  the Jervis Bay Territory;
                            (iii)  the Northern Territory;
                            (iv)  Norfolk Island;
                             (v)  the Territory of Christmas Island;
                            (vi)  the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands; and
                     (b)  when used in a geographical sense--includes the Territory's coastal sea (if any). http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/nccpa2009377/sch1.html

Res is Latin, & defines a "Thing", and said "Thing" is further defined as "Resident", see here; https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/res

Here is the legal definition of "Person" = (Corporation/Thing), 1 minute; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD8ISiJfgW4

And "Human" is legally defined as "Monster", see here; https://thelawdictionary.org/monster/

James 2:9
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Romans 2:11
For there is no respect of persons with God.

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