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1 year, 8 months ago

Affirmations for Today

“Every day in every way I am choosing, aligning & anchoring my highest timeline of love, abundance and bliss consciousness.”

“I nourish myself with self love and radiate happiness, harmony & gratitude”


There is an abundance of love flowing through the collective heart field right now which is transforming our collective experience into one of deeper octaves of love, compassion, forgiveness & unity”

As we anchor these knowing’s and rememberances into our being and realign with the divine frequency within we merge & harmonise all versions of ourselves and come into inner union transcending the separation themes and deepening our connection to the multiverse & one another.

You are an octave of pure divine source love ? and you are a child of the universe.

You are here to create miracles within this earthen physical experience and transcend all layers of separation returning to the sacred bliss of oneness consciousness.

As we operate from the higher heart and embody our fullness, wholeness and radiant light the vibration of pure love is streamed through the crystalline cellular body and expressed through the upgraded throat circuitry as a call to honour our truth, authenticity and experience the frequency of love in motion through each action, movement, word and breath in a state of pure surrender and fearlessness.

Copyright ©️ Blueroseoraclesxx

1 year, 9 months ago

Daily Download

Crystalline activation keys are all around us floating within the quantum field. There is so much expansion occurring within the ley lines, the planetary grids & the magentic poles as Gaia holds space for faster & higher frequency layers of our current holographic planetary blueprint to anchor so that collectively we can evolve and expand our capacity to ascend into new unity consciousness timelines.

In alignment with Gaia we are birthing a new wavelength and octave, anchoring this expansion frequency into the collective field and shifting through the old programmes, paradigms & systems.

Photonic light is filtering through the physical carbonised structures clearing the old templates & energy structures which have been anchoring us into the collective reality experience at a slower vibrational frequency. This photonic light is lighter than the denser carbonised elements we are used to bonding and we are experiencing a huge upgrade within the physical, energy, emotional bodies & nervous system as we integrate, upgrade and learn how to embody these lighter wavelengths.

The inner shifts are affecting the external unified quantum field as we drop into being, allowing, trusting, receiving & flowing. The new holographic templates anchoring operate in a completely different frequency to the old systems we have been operating from throughout our incarnational experiences.

The “new planetary foundations ” are being birthed & built right now through each of our individual transitions into heart based loving & living. Creating & serving communities in the physical & online. Building abundance through service of the heart, trusting & allowing as we recognise the illusions of the old paradigms.

Key Observations
Huge influx of photonic & plasma light waves incoming. Euphoric, bliss waves felt as all chakras expand and become aligned to the faster magnetic spin occuring at a planetary level. Excessive thirst, craving green juices & fruits as the cellular body upgrades to receive more crystalline energy.
Twitching eyes as vision shifts to see beyond the old holographic templates. Brow & crown tingles as new bandwidths open up. Lemurian memories resurfacing. Tongue & teeth feels bigger. Floaty, dreamy vibes. Craving grounding time & being near water.

Take only what resonates, use your discernment and follow your own intuition.


1 year, 9 months ago

?Daily Download ?

Today’s energies are reflecting the bliss frequencies which are arising from deep within the heart of Gaia as she holds space as the Divine Mother for another beautiful upgrade and layer of unity consciousness to anchor.

The grids are rippling with golden light waves as we have collectively moved into a highway faster octave of light which is supporting us to step into new versions of ourselves, our business, our services & our living situations. lots of Grid workers are relocating to anchor the new codes into the grid matrices.

You may be be experiencing bliss, love, peace alongside old emotional patterns resurfacing, old timelines coming back into your awareness and a deep dive into the past 10 years as you reframe, re-evaluate and forgive your past self and choices.
You were doing the best that you could with the tools & awareness that you had at that moment in time.

See this 10 year reflection cycle as a confirmation of your evolution & your growth. Your ready to empower yourself with new choice points, new timelines & new opportunities to step into the fullness of who you truly are.

It’s time to declutter your organs, your body, your home, your phone, social media & your beliefs & the root causes of holding on or accumulating whether through lack, rewarding yourself, inner child nurturing, protecting yourself or fear of change etc.

These habits and core wounds are ready to be reframed and healed and so are you. You are worthy of so much more and it’s time to create space for this truth to land & expand into your daily experience so that you can manifest miracles & co create a magnetic resonance with new timelines of abundance and joy.

Key Observations

Detachment, inner stillness, heart and root chakra expansion. Floaty & dreamy vibes. Exhausted and heavy sensation in the physical body. Lightness within the energy body. Craving cocoa, plant milks and nourishment. Craving affection and connection.

Bloating & weight gain as we integrate the upgrades from the recent eclipses. Timeline shifts, closing of karmic contracts. Switching on & integration of past life abilities/gifts as old survival drivers switch off.

Copyright ©️Blueroseoraclesxx

#crystallineconsciousness #energyup #energyreport #multidimensional ##energyupgrade #Clarityiskey #chakrasaligned #intuitiondevelopment #trustyourintuition #higherselfhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualawaken #starseedwisdom #lightworker #higherheart

1 year, 9 months ago

June Energy Update

We are still processing the remainder of Mays incredibly intense energy whuch feels like an energetic hangover before we begin to tap into the multitude of timelines & potentials in the field for June.

The Collective themes coming up are “choice points” & “timeline realignment” as May created the opportunity to dive into the old timelines switch off, release & reframe the patterns and programmes that were inhibiting your capacity to anchor into the vibraton & energy of a much faster & aligned timtlime.

June is where you cultivate and nurture the potential you now hold around expanding into your abundance, new service templates and your capacity to hold bigger wavelengths/octaves of energy for the planet & the collective as your here to shift paradigms, create new ways of living, receiving and supporting the collective transition into a deeper states of remembrance & sovereignty.

The first two weeks of June are very accelerated with another wave of solar activity blasting away those old 3D matrix avatar patterns. This might feel quite euphoric then wobbly as you expand into these faster frequencies and contract as you shed the vibrational resonance of anything no longer in alignment with this faster bandwidth. The 6:6 gateway is going to be where you “choose” the new timeline through holding the vision of what you wish to anchor into your active reality experience from 2023-2026

The 2nd part of June is going to feel lighter, easier and softer with a couple of days intense build up to the Solstice which is another “choice point” & “timelime leap” the key is to stay grounded, stay present and really hold in your heart the vision & version of yourself that’s ready to be embodied right now. You are a vibrational match for all you seek, know it, feel it, believe it & receive it.

Key Observations
Energy Hangover as we transition from one astrologer gateway to another. Mixed emotions throughout the day as the energies of June begin to arrive and settle. Wipe out waves and cellular body upgrades with the arrival of more solar flare activity.
Observing the optimism and excitement flowing within the collective field. Heart and solar plexus expansion into deeper awareness of self worth and your unique gifts. Reconnecting with your creative and intuitive downloads. Sleep cycles easing. Craving fruits, seeds & nuts. Aching arms and feet as we prepare to move into & receive June’s energy & shift direction towards co creating a powerful container of ease, flow, abundance & and union codes collectively.

Sending love ? Thank you for your support and for being here ☀️ copyright ©️Blueroseoraclesxx

1 year, 10 months ago


Affirmations for Today

“I am flowing into the energy of a new month
with ease and aligning with the highest timeline through holding the vibration of ease & grace within my field“


The first wavelength of energy accessible for May is focused upon the vibraton of acceleration.

Allowing yourself to flow with ease and grace into the highest timeline that is presenting for you within your awareness and heightened state of expanding consciousness.

We are blossoming and emerging through the fertile soil of creation, expanding the visions that we have been holding within our hearts into new opportunities & realities having nurturing the sacred seeds of our inner magic and cleared away the old roots of limitation and fear to create space for beautiful new experiences to arise & manifest during this powerful month of recalibration and rejuvenation.

We are also receiving the support of Mother Gaia as she moves into a faster octave of frequencies, creating new spirals of golden green light which flow into the ley lines and infuse all reflections of divine creation with optimism, joy and liberation codes.

Allow yourself to receive the flow of bliss as each cell reverberates in alignment with the heartbeat of Gaia as she weaves a new spiral upon the cosmic loom and infuses the land with golden green light illuminating the pathways of expansion and creation.

Have a wonderful day beautiful soul

Copyright ©️blueroseoraclesxx 2023

1 year, 10 months ago

?Daily Download ?

The 2323 energies and mercury retrograde is creating an interesting wave of emotional tides which feels like birthing a new timeline & version of yourself whilst also wading back through the deep voidal waters of the old timeline & aspects of your souls expression simultaneously.

The confusing ebb & flow of anchoring the new and revisiting the old is quite hard to navigate and this is another initiation into self mastery as we learn how to hold, anchor & flow with the potential for all multi dimensional layers, timelines & aspects to co exist within each moment.

The old pathways of linear perspectives & tried and tested ways of creating, building & reciving are no longer accessible as the old timelines dissolve. We are being guided to refresh our personal timelines, expand, explore and create new ways of living, working and experiencing within this potent voidal passage of rebirth and recallibration.

Key observations
Failure themes & 3d validation worth patterning being triggered. Business & social media platforms shifting rapidly. Feeling like your going backwards, emotional and sensitive. Tearful, disconnected & needing to self nurture at s deeper level.

Headaches, congestion around the chest as we shift old grief layers, collective thought form energy clearing & denser waves of thoughts coming up to be released.


Affirmations for today

“I trust in the unfolding of my path as I reside within this sacred space of alchemy and birth a new reality”

Copyright ©️ Blueroseoraclesxx 2023

1 year, 10 months ago

Today’s energies are heightened, amplified & charged as the electro magnetic fields are recallibrating and aligning with the celestial tides.

As Gaia enters another spiral of transformation & creation the gravitational pull of the physical planes is shifting and the veils are thinning in synchronous alignment we are receiving so many light & energy body upgrades & merkaba activations ready to quantum shift into the next spiral of our collective & planetary experience that our bodies need time to rest and integrate.

The lower chakras are upgrading their vibrational spin to meet the faster bandwidths being anchored as the higher chakras are recieving, conducting and holding space for the activations & upgrades coming online as we tap into and uplevel our capacity to see, sense, create & play in the new energies awaiting us on the other side of the eclipse gateway.

The patterns and emotions coming up to be released right now are also connected to the collective thought layers & energetic imprints in the grids. We are moving through deep layers and alchemising the trauma lines within out past collective timelines. The magnitude of this work is continuing in Dreamtime and we are in the final contraction phase before we flow through the eclipse/new moon passageway ready to birth the foundations of a whole new 20 year cycle of expansion and unification in alignment with Mother Gaia.

Key Observations

Dizzyness, ungrounded, nausea, copper taste in the mouth, thirst, releasing & peeing. Hard to focus or concentrate on tasks, disconnection, feeling the need to be in silence, stillness and hibernation mode. Body feels heavy & awkward. Solar plexus & brow tightness. Anxiety & trippy vibes. Easily Triggered.

Listen to 432hz or drumming sounds. Hydrate, be in nature, ground, salt baths. Hand on your heart and come back to centre. Rest and be kind to your self.

Affirmations for Today

“I am held by the source energy of unconditional love as I navigate the Eclipse gateway & New Moon energies”

“I am fully present and grounded within my sacred vessel“

“I breathe in the light of the universe and Inhale love”

“I exhale & release all fear and tension trusting in the the flow of love and grace within my higher heart”


1 year, 10 months ago

The New Moon & Eclipse energies are ushering in a new paradigm and a time of unprecedented acceleration and transformation as we stand at the threshold of a new holographic blueprint for the planet and our collective experience.

We are integrating many more fractal elements & aspects of our divine frequency and transcending the matrix avatar to align with our chrysted avatars ready to play, weave, co create and in these beautiful new wavelengths of abundance, freedom and unity.

As we move deeper into the energetic resonance of this potent passageway we are shifting between realms, dancing within dimensions and integrating aspects of ourselves across the multiverse weaving together each beautiful reflection our own multi dimensional selves so that we may unify, align, integrate and anchor all the templates & timelines accessible to us right now.

As we move into a deeper space of union and inner communion flowing freely from our sacred heart temples we transcend the layers of separation, clear any fractures & splinters within our timelines & souls incarnational cycles ready to embody the fullness of our souls essence & radiant expression.

The merging and unification process feels exhilarating, liberating and like returning home to the divine radiance of source through the heart space recognising and residing within the stream of oneness consciousness and creation codes.

We are guided to walk forwards, to embrace the path opening ahead and to let go intentionally and with gratitude of the timelines, characters, storylines and chapters we have been creating, narrating & living through up until this very moment.

The most powerful pathways of change are always accessed within the now moment. Drop into your sacred presence in this present moment and let go of all that’s ready to be released and healed.

Key observations
Euphoria, heightened intuition, all senses amplified and flowing. Feeling at home in the physical body. Heart flowing with unconditional love. Feeling as though you have awoken in a brand new reality/timeline. Clearing & intense experience in Dreamtime. Changing sleep patterns. Optimism & excitement replacing the intensity of the last few days. Tingly body, surges in the brow & crown areas and some congestion as old patterns clear.

Affirmation for Today

“ I am unified and whole” “I am a vessel of divine light and I an ready to radiate, shine & illuminate through joy, bliss and love”

Copyright ©️ Blueroseoraclesxx

#sourcelove #theuniverseiswithinyou #higherheartactivation

1 year, 11 months ago


?Affirmation for Today ?

“I am reciving the divine light of my sacred self and embodying this light through my heart temple so that I may bless my day ahead with joy, love, abundance, gratitude and bliss”


The current conjunction between Jupiter and the Sun is creating a sacred gateway of transformative energy that is helping to alchemise old mindsets and ingrained patterns rooted in 3rd dimensional duality programmed & conditioning.

This wave of golden light energy is leading us through the pathways of the past versions and wounds we have carried and aligning us to the “heart of our inner sun” as this particular planetary & cosmic alignment is termed The Sun Jupiter Cazimi which means “In the heart of the sun”

The continued solar winds, rays and flares of alchemical clearing fire have been preparing the way for upgrades and recallibrations within the energy/physical vessel.

So that we can radiate & embody our divine frequency without fear or limitations and ignite the inner flames of radical transformation to become torch bearers of the new world who live and play from the sanctum of the sacred heart where our unified and embodied selves illuminate and radiate sovereignty and authenticity.

We are receiving the golden light which is activating the golden cross of crysted light within that holds the “union codes” that clear karmic debris, ancestral imprints and helps us to transcend the limitations of our past selves and anchor into our divine frequency so that we may transcend and ascend into our highest aspect in the now moment.

Have a blessed day beautiful soul ?

If you appreciate the daily love offerings please consider buying me a ☕️ coffee or making a love donation ☺️??link in bio.

#ascension #higherheartactivation #sourcelove #theuniverseiswithinyou

1 year, 11 months ago


The bandwidths opening up within the quantum field in preparation for the Eclipse gateway are holding the vibration of “heavenly grace” there is a divine flow of lightness & unconditional love if you allow yourself to settle into receivership and expand into being rather than doing.

To hold space within for this lightness of heavenly grace to fill every cell recallibrating & upgrading the old pathways of distraction through doing, avoiding and chasing.

You have jumped timelines ready to embody and allow your highest sacred expession to radiate through you into your reality experiences.

You have reframed, realigned and cleared the old cellular pathways of the Matrix Avatar so that you may walk upon this earth with clarity, compassion and complete trust in the unfolding of your next chapter outside of the old matrices & duality scripts.

Key observations
Higher Heart expansion, sensitivity to world events and the injustices, wounds & suffered we inflict upon one another, Mother Earth & the Animal kingdom.

Bliss waves as we anchor “harmony” codes into the collective heart field. The call to travel to different grid points to light up new grid pathways that correspond with our own inner pathways of light.

Headaches, nausea, ecstatic states of oneness consciousness and increased channeling abilities.


Affirmations for Today

I am activating and reawakening powerful pathways of healing and wisdom within my sacred vessel.

I transcend all limitations and embody love as my frequency.

I am healthy & whole

I am limitless

I am a sovereign being


Copyright ©️ blueroseoraclesxx 2023

If you appreciate the daily love offerings please consider buying me a ☕️ coffee or making a love donation ☺️??link in bio.

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