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Creso Announcements

Announcement channel for @CresoWallet

Seedless, gasless & fearless.

Linktree - https://linktr.ee/cresowallet
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L'UNICO canale ufficiale della Community The Crypto Gateway.
I post che pubblico NON costituiscono consigli finanziari né sollecitazioni all'investimento.

Last updated 5 days, 10 hours ago

The Open Network (TON) sta mettendo le criptovalute in ogni tasca. Creando un ecosistema Web3 all'interno del servizio di messaggistica Telegram, TON sta offrendo a miliardi di persone l'opportunità di possedere i propri dati, identità e asset digitali.

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Canale dedicato alla materia dell’exchange.

Last updated 2 years ago

1 Monat, 1 Woche her
**Understanding Proof of Stake (PoS) with …

Understanding Proof of Stake (PoS) with Creso 📘****

Let's unpack a key blockchain consensus mechanism that's reshaping how transactions are verified and blocks are added to a blockchain: Proof of Stake (PoS). Creso is here to help you understand PoS and its significance in the crypto world.

*🌱 What is Proof of Stake*

Proof of Stake is a consensus mechanism used by blockchains which requires users to hold and "stake" their cryptocurrency to participate in the process of validating transactions and creating new blocks.

*⚖️ How Does PoS Differ from Proof of Work*

Unlike Proof of Work (PoW), which requires massive amounts of energy to solve complex mathematical problems, PoS is more energy-efficient as it selects validators based on the number of coins held and staked rather than computational power.

*💡 Creso & PoS Benefits*

Creso leverages PoS to offer you a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way to engage with blockchain technology. By supporting PoS-based cryptocurrencies, we ensure that our platform remains efficient, reduces environmental impact, and offers faster transaction times with lower fees.

Explore the innovative world of blockchain with Creso and understand how Proof of Stake is revolutionizing the industry, making digital finance more accessible and sustainable!

Tweet: https://twitter.com/cresowallet/status/1783222076968436152

1 Monat, 1 Woche her
**Creso's Multi-Currency Support ***🌍*****

Creso's Multi-Currency Support 🌍****

We’re excited to highlight a vital feature to the global spirit of cryptocurrency: Creso’s Multi-Currency Support. This feature is designed to empower users around the world by supporting a diverse range of cryptocurrencies and tokens.

*🔄 Seamless Transactions Across Currencies*

Creso allows you to manage multiple cryptocurrencies within a single wallet interface, facilitating easy exchanges and transfers across different coins and tokens without needing multiple wallets or platforms.

*🌐 Global Access, Local Feel*

With support for major and emerging digital currencies, Creso ensures that you can engage with the global crypto market while also holding and using assets that are most relevant or beneficial to you, no matter where you are in the world.

*💹 Empowering Diverse Investment Strategies*

Whether you're diversifying your portfolio or looking to trade specific altcoins, Creso's multi-currency capability provides the flexibility to tailor your investment strategy to your personal financial goals.

Creso is crafting a world where managing and trading multiple cryptocurrencies is simplified, making your digital finance journey as boundless as your ambitions!

Tweet: https://twitter.com/cresowallet/status/1782838493091168533

1 Monat, 2 Wochen her
**Share your Thoughts ***💬*****

Share your Thoughts 💬****

Today, we're focusing on a crucial aspect of digital asset management: Security. With the constant threat of online attacks, it’s more important than ever to stay proactive about securing your digital wallets and assets.

What’s one security practice or tool you find most useful for protecting your crypto investments?

Share your insights and help strengthen our community's approach to security. Your experiences could be invaluable to other members of our community looking to enhance their protection strategies.

Tweet: https://twitter.com/cresowallet/status/1781027556558340264

3 Monate, 1 Woche her
**Creso is Heading to ETHDenver 2024! …

Creso is Heading to ETHDenver 2024! 💡****

We're thrilled to announce that we will be joining the vibrant and innovative community at @EthereumDenver very soon!

ETHDenver is a celebration of the convergence of blockchain technology, culture, and education, set in the heart of Denver, Colorado 🤝

As the premiere destination for those passionate about #BUIDLing a decentralized future, ETHDenver 2024 promises an unparalleled journey of discovery, education, and professional growth.

This is a golden opportunity for Creso and our team to connect with creative minds from across the globe and dive deep into the world of blockchain 🌐

What can you expect at ETHDenver 2024?

Interactive Workshops

Hands-on sessions to sharpen your skills or learn new ones.

Insightful Talks

Hear from industry leaders on the cutting edge of blockchain technology.

Specialized Mini-Summits

Dive into niche topics that interest you the most.

Engaging Chats and Panels

A chance to listen to thought leaders and innovators.

Vibrant Display of NFT Galleries:

Explore the intersection of art and blockchain through an array of NFTs.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary experience alongside Creso.

Whether you’re looking to network, learn, or just explore the latest in blockchain, ETHDenver 2024 is the place to be.

Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare for this exciting journey.

Let’s make ETHDenver 2024 a milestone event for Creso and the wider blockchain community!


3 Monate, 1 Woche her
**What's Next For Creso ***🌟*****

What's Next For Creso 🌟*
🛡 Next-Level Security Enhancements*
Security is at the heart of everything we do. We will be rolling out advanced security protocols, including state-of-the-art encryption methods and new OTP features, ensuring your assets are protected with the utmost rigor.

*🌍 Global Expansion Efforts*
The world of Creso is growing! We're expanding our services to new regions, bringing the Creso experience to more users worldwide. This includes localizing our platform to accommodate various languages and cultures, making digital finance accessible to a global audience.

*📊 Manage Your Crypto*
Explore your transactions and token transfers like never before with dedicated pages designed for clarity and ease of use.

*🛠 Product Scaling and dApp Integration*
We're looking at integrating more decentralized applications (Dapps) directly into the Creso ecosystem, offering users a wider range of services and utilities.

Coming Soon 🔮****
These are just a few areas we're focusing on. As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and blockchain, we remain dedicated to providing you with a secure, user-friendly, and innovative platform.


5 Monate, 2 Wochen her
  1. Frontend Webapp : https://github.com/CresoWallet/creso-dapp-next
  2. Mobile App Frontend : https://github.com/CresoWallet/creso-mobile
  3. Creso Backend : https://github.com/CresoWallet/creso-backend
  4. AA based Smart Wallet Executon : https://github.com/CresoWallet/creso-smart-wallet


GitHub - CresoWallet/creso-dapp-next

Contribute to CresoWallet/creso-dapp-next development by creating an account on GitHub.

1. Frontend Webapp :
5 Monate, 4 Wochen her

Smart Wallet Update: Guardian Recovery Implemented.



GitHub - CresoWallet/creso-smart-wallet

Contribute to CresoWallet/creso-smart-wallet development by creating an account on GitHub.

6 Monate her

Creso Whitepaper

7 Monate her
Creso: Deep Dive Q&A:

Creso: Deep Dive Q&A:
To provide our community with a clearer picture of our direction, mission, and the unique offerings of Creso, we’ve compiled a series of questions and answers. These not only highlight the nuances of our platform but also shed light on our team’s commitment, vision, and the future we’re building together.


We recommend to visit

L'UNICO canale ufficiale della Community The Crypto Gateway.
I post che pubblico NON costituiscono consigli finanziari né sollecitazioni all'investimento.

Last updated 5 days, 10 hours ago

The Open Network (TON) sta mettendo le criptovalute in ogni tasca. Creando un ecosistema Web3 all'interno del servizio di messaggistica Telegram, TON sta offrendo a miliardi di persone l'opportunità di possedere i propri dati, identità e asset digitali.

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Canale dedicato alla materia dell’exchange.

Last updated 2 years ago