Last updated 2 weeks ago
Официальный Telegram-канал Министерства науки и высшего образования РК
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Арнада саясат, экономика, соғыс, кризистер туралы талқы мен соңғы ақпараттар салынады.
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
ntar pas comeback, mau ksih tantangan dulu?
tuhkan, pada kaga percaya
tuhkan, pada kaga percaya
siyuuu, pdn nya boleh di lepas yaa. maaf banyak-banyak karna gajadi rombak tp malah bubar ❤️
? .. ??????????? ???? ???? .. ?
diam mengamati, bergerak menghadapi tantangan
❨ • ✪ .. That day, someone was seen walking in the dark of the city, there were only street lights that were quite far from one light to another, the person looked very confused and it turned out he was looking for a group that could help him get rid of a curse. for himself, after walking quite a distance looking for the gathering here and there, he felt hungry and stopped at a place that sold snacks, he bought some snacks to fill the empty stomach. After finishing eating the snack he had bought, he saw something on the paper wrapping the snack that caught his attention, it turned out that the paper said "???????????". This is the association he was looking for, he was very happy when he saw that "???????????" was looking for people who wanted to be part of it by means of ?????? .. >
? /????????? :: if you are interested in joining this association, please read the ?ules first.
have you read and understood all the rules? please use ??? and join using the link below
G1 :
Last updated 2 weeks ago
Официальный Telegram-канал Министерства науки и высшего образования РК
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Арнада саясат, экономика, соғыс, кризистер туралы талқы мен соңғы ақпараттар салынады.
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago