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The official Telegram on Telegram. Much recursion. Very Telegram. Wow.

Last updated 1 month ago

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Last updated 5 months ago

Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.

Last updated 1 month ago

2 years ago

This is a great, well-documented article from The Covid Blog about yet another mask-pimping, vaccine-pushing, goggle-wearing, Ukrainian flag-waving DOCTOR who looks like a crazed zealot, also a wikipedia editor and a serial retweeter of official propaganda. Fascinating look into the frantic, twisted minds of medical propagandists:

2 years ago

Bitcoin is cratering yet again, down about 50% from its highs. This proves once again that bitcoin is not "digital gold." It is NOT a store of value. It is a transactional system with many benefits for cross-border mobility, rapid international transactions, decentralization, etc., but it has NEVER been a "store of value."

If you want to store value, buy #gold or #silver and perhaps some copper or lead #ammunition. There's a REAL store of value!

2 years ago

Senator Dick Durbin (Dirtbag-Illinois) is trying to push a bill that would threaten JAIL TIME for nutritional supplement companies unless they comply with onerous, Orwellian FDA surveillance demands. This is the "Criminalize Supplement Companies" Act, essentially, and everybody who relies on things as simple as vitamin C or vitamin D needs to vigorously oppose this. Contact your Senators and House members immediately! Here are the details and action items:

2 years, 1 month ago

Wow, Elon Musk just reached an agreement to buy TWITTER. It's a done deal, it seems. Libfreaks are going to lose their minds, because they can only maintain their delusional bubbles if no dissenting views are allowed.

Musk now faces the most important action of his lifetime: Restoring FREE SPEECH on Twitter, and telling all the screaming libtards to go f#ck themselves when they get triggered by people posting dissenting views.

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The official Telegram on Telegram. Much recursion. Very Telegram. Wow.

Last updated 1 month ago

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Last updated 5 months ago

Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.

Last updated 1 month ago