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Yet just another DEX on TON.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/pixelswap_io/
Website - https://www.pixelswap.io/
Docs - https://docs.pixelswap.io/
We recommend to visit
277.681 @vp_na

Yet just another DEX on TON.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/pixelswap_io/
Website - https://www.pixelswap.io/
Docs - https://docs.pixelswap.io/

Last updated 3 Wochen, 4 Tage her

Last updated 1 Monat, 4 Wochen her

3 weeks, 4 days ago
***🚀*** The PixelSwap Mainnet Beta is …

🚀 The PixelSwap Mainnet Beta is now officially LIVE!

As we progress, we'll ensure you're well-informed about the user participation stages, beginning with the first stage: the faucet page. 👉 Join us at https://www.pixelswap.io/faucet for comprehensive details.

For the optimal experience, we recommend utilizing the test tokens exclusively during our Mainnet Beta Stage. Please note that injecting any $TON into the LPs carries a potential risk of loss.

Furthermore, we retain the right to upgrade & modify the smart contract, which could result in permanent loss of user assets. We advice not to deposit more than 0.1 TON into the smart contract. Your safety and asset protection remain our utmost priority.

Stay tuned for forthcoming stages as we unveil them one by one. Exciting rewards await you!


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

3 weeks, 6 days ago
*****💎*** We are thrilled to announce …

*💎 We are thrilled to announce that the highly-anticipated #PixelSwap Mainnet Beta is just 1 day away!*

🔐 At PixelSwap, your security is our top priority. Our code is undergoing rigorous auditing by renowned auditing firms, ensuring a high level of security and trust for all our esteemed users. Our unwavering commitment to providing a reliable trading platform shines through our profound expertise.

🫂 As a participant in the Mainnet Beta version, you have the exclusive opportunity to earn exciting airdrops by actively engaging with our designated test tokens. Your invaluable feedback and contributions throughout this testing phase will be rewarded, allowing you to play an integral role in the platform's resounding success.

🚀 Get ready for a series of exclusive campaigns! We sincerely welcome you to join us on this extraordinary journey on #TON, as we unlock incredible opportunities together!


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

4 weeks ago
***🚀*** The moment we've all been …

🚀 The moment we've all been eagerly awaiting is upon us: only two days left until the highly-anticipated #PixelSwap Mainnet Beta!

*💎 Make sure to mark your calendars for May 6th and join us for a simplified trading experience on #TON.*

🎁 Stay tuned for the latest updates as we have exciting rewards in store for your active participation!


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

4 weeks, 1 day ago
*****🎉*** We're delighted to share that** …

*🎉 We're delighted to share that #PixelSwap has recently applied for the Grants from the esteemed TON Foundation. We eagerly await the results and remain hopeful for a positive outcome! 🤞🏼*

🌱 Our heartfelt application was submitted via Questbook, a trusted platform for project proposals.
We kindly invite you to take a moment to explore our project and show your support by visiting our proposal page

💙 Your support means a lot to us as we eagerly anticipate the Grants result, and your encouragement is invaluable on this journey. Thank you sincerely for your ongoing support! 💫


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4 weeks, 1 day ago
*****🚀*** The moment we've all been …

*🚀 The moment we've all been eagerly awaiting is nearly here!*

💎 In just 3 days, we are thrilled to proudly unveil the highly-anticipated #PixelSwap Mainnet Beta version, introducing the first DEX with Weighted Pools on #TON! Prepare yourself for a leap into the world of simplified trading.

*📅 Mark your calendars and set your reminders for May 6th as we embark on this exciting journey together!*


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

1 month ago
*****🎉*** Join us in our exclusive …

*🎉 Join us in our exclusive giveaway campaign, celebrating the momentous launch of Tether on TON and the highly-anticipated #PixelSwap Mainnet Beta!*

🎁 As a gift of our appreciation, we are delighted to announce a generous giveaway of 500 $USDT to all participants!

*👉 Join now: https://s.giveaway.com/13lceg2
💙* Follow the provided instructions and complete the tasks to secure your entry.

💎 As the campaign progresses, we will be sharing further updates and pertinent details about PixelSwap. Stay tuned!


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

1 month ago
**Get ready for the highly-anticipated Mainnet …

Get ready for the highly-anticipated Mainnet Beta launch of #PixelSwap, coming in just 7 days! ****

We're thrilled to bring you a trading platform that simplifies the #DeFi journey and unlocks new possibilities on #TON. 🌟

Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and exciting surprises as we approach the big day. The Future of Finance must be Fun!⚡️****


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

1 month, 1 week ago
***💎*** We are delighted to unveil …

💎 We are delighted to unveil the official launch date of the highly-anticipated Mainnet Beta Version of #PixelSwap. Mark your calendars for May 6th, as we introduce a revolutionary platform that aims to simplify the DeFi journey for mass adoption.

At PixelSwap, we firmly believe that the future of finance must be accessible to everyone. With this vision in mind, we have meticulously crafted our platform to prioritize user-friendliness and simplicity, ensuring that even newcomers to the world of Decentralized trading can participate with ease.

📅 Circle May 6th on your calendar & Stay tuned for exclusive sneak peeks, insightful updates, and delightful surprises leading up to the Mainnet Beta Launch.


More: Twitter | Official Website | Blog | Chat

4 months, 1 week ago
**PixelSwap Onepager: In-Depth Tech View**

PixelSwap Onepager: In-Depth Tech View

Get a comprehensive snapshot of our work on the TON blockchain:

Platform Deep Dive: A thorough breakdown of PixelSwap's architecture, highlighting how we optimize for speed and security in decentralized trading.
Technical Highlights: Insight into our cutting-edge developments, including our unique approach to liquidity pools and our advancements in atomic swap technology.

From Chat to Trade: PixelSwap Makes it Simple!

Twitter | Official Website| Docs | Blog

4 months, 2 weeks ago
**PixelSwap Update**

PixelSwap Update

Received a grant from TonUP for our weighted pool DEX on TON.

Key Features:
1. Trading Algorithm: Enhanced liquidity pool efficiency.
2. Jetton/Jetton Atomic Swap: Direct, flexible trading implemented.
3. Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools: Support for new TON projects.

More updates to follow.

Thanks for the support. Continuing to advance DeFi through development.

Twitter | Official Website| Docs | Blog

We recommend to visit
277.681 @vp_na

Yet just another DEX on TON.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/pixelswap_io/
Website - https://www.pixelswap.io/
Docs - https://docs.pixelswap.io/

Last updated 3 Wochen, 4 Tage her

Last updated 1 Monat, 4 Wochen her