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TON Punks

The first NFT on the TON Blockchain.

Buy TON PUNK - https://bit.ly/3t31Pkc
Chat - https://t.me/+Qt0Rtfg0mbFkNjA6
Russian channel - @punkton
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TonPunks
Secondary marketplace - https://bit.ly/3uvlyJ9
Contacts - @terror240
We recommend to visit

The first NFT on the TON Blockchain.

Buy TON PUNK - https://bit.ly/3t31Pkc
Chat - https://t.me/+Qt0Rtfg0mbFkNjA6
Russian channel - @punkton
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TonPunks
Secondary marketplace - https://bit.ly/3uvlyJ9
Contacts - @terror240

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

⚡ АНДИЖОНЛИКЛАР орасида энг оммалашиб бораётган канал « @Andijan_bugun » каналидасиз!

Андижон ва юртимиздаги энг сўнги янгиликлар биринчи бизда

Реклама бериш учун: t.me/Andijan_Admin 👈

📸Андижонга оид янгиликлар бўлса юборинг: @AndijonBugunbot

Last updated 1 month ago


Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

1 week, 4 days ago
***🟪*** **PUNK/TON liquidity pool farming boost …

🟪 PUNK/TON liquidity pool farming boost increased by $59K

To further incentivise PUNK/TON liquidity farming, TON Punks team is increasing the PUNK/TON liquidity pool farming boost by 30K PUNK and 1000 STON.

Current reward pool: 12 500 TON, 70 000 PUNK and 1000 STON.

Withdraw lock-up period: 14 days.

Farming will continue until 15 June.

🚀 Dive into the liquidity pool! (APR 183%)

2 weeks, 2 days ago
***❓*** ***❓******❓******❓******❓******❓***


- ??? -> status.thecubes.xyz


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2 weeks, 3 days ago
*****🟪***** **PUNK/TON farming extended, $175K Boost …

*🟪 *PUNK/TON farming extended, $175K Boost for liquidity providers

Boost season for liquidity providers continues, and even though we were unfortunate enough to stay in the Major Leagues, TON Punks team is launching own liquidity boost for PUNK/TON Liquidity Pool Farmers. Exactly the same equivalent as that provided to projects in the "Major League" of The Open League.

By the 15th of June we will distribute 12,500 TON and 40,000 PUNK. Lock on withdrawal from the pool: 1 month.

*💎 *To join the event, you need to:
1. Add TON and PUNK to the corresponding liquidity pool on Ston.Fi
2. Send your LP tokens to farming.

Also, instructions on how to participate are available in video guide format.

*🔥 *For those who participated in the previous season: there is no need to resend LP tokens to farming PUNK/TON - your current existing positions will continue to be counted and rewards will be credited to them.

🚀 Dive into the liquidity pool (133% APY)

2 months, 1 week ago
*****🎡*******$PUNK** **Wheel**

*🎡*$PUNK Wheel

PunkCity ecosystem features a new free mini-game called Punk Wheel. The idea is as simple as possible - the user spins a wheel and gets a reward. The prizes include skins for Space Odyssey, CyberArena Lootbox pieces, coloured nicknames for Space Odyssey and extra spin.

💲 Every user can spin the wheel for free once per 3 days. Also, additional spins can be received for invited referrals who have played at least one $PUNK battle on CyberArena or placed at least one bet on Space Odyssey.

In addition, players are awarded one free spin for every 75 $PUNK bet on Space Odyssey or 10 $PUNK played on CyberArena.

*🔗 Spin The Wheel!*

2 months, 2 weeks ago

*❤️ *TOL X Spaces: incentives, farming in liquidity pools, growth hacking

Today, TON Foundation will host a Spaces on their X (Twitter) account, featuring projects from The Open League’s pilot season

We'll discuss TOL incentives, liquidity pools, growth hacking, and other topics related to TON blockchain.

🔗 Join us today at 16:00 UTC+0

2 months, 2 weeks ago
***💲*** The number of **$PUNK** token …

💲 The number of $PUNK token holders has reached 20,000!

Also, last night $PUNK was breaking through the $2 mark!

🌊PUNK/TON farming continues, APY 517%

2 months, 2 weeks ago

*🐶 *AMA recap with TON Punks CEO dedicated to liquidity farming

- The team is currently involved in developing a solution to distribute TON awards during the farming process, rather than after it is over. It is necessary in order to increase TVL in the liquidity pool by "reinvesting" the awards.

- Once TON award distribution is implemented, the PUNK/TON farming award pool will be increased.

- Just after The Open League LP Boost ends, the TON Punks team will launch another farming season for at least a month. This will support the price of the PUNK token, and users will be able to get additional rewards for providing liquidity.

- Liquidity providers in the PUNK/TON pool will be sent commemorative SBT NFTs at the end of the event.

- Punk City is expected to integrate with one major TON wallet in the near future.

💎 A percentage of the rewards that TON Punks will win at The Open League will be spent on rewarding future liquidity providers, so if you want to support the project - put liquidity into the PUNK/TON pool.

2 months, 3 weeks ago
*****💲***** **TVL of the PUNK/TON liquidity …

*💲 *TVL of the PUNK/TON liquidity pool exceeded $1 million

Farm APY - 584%

🌊 Jump to farm!

2 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months, 3 weeks ago
*****🗓***** **Punk City Battle Royale has …

*🗓 *Punk City Battle Royale has been extended

The last few days there were problems related to the leaderboard, because of which participants did not realize where they were.

Now all problems have been fixed and the current leaderboard is working correctly, but over these past few days many participants have dropped out of the battle.

🐶 In order to keep the Battle Royale as fair as possible, the TON Punksand Communities teams decided to extend the event until January 15 00:00 UTC.

*🔗 Battle to the Last Breath is here.*

We recommend to visit

The first NFT on the TON Blockchain.

Buy TON PUNK - https://bit.ly/3t31Pkc
Chat - https://t.me/+Qt0Rtfg0mbFkNjA6
Russian channel - @punkton
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TonPunks
Secondary marketplace - https://bit.ly/3uvlyJ9
Contacts - @terror240

Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

⚡ АНДИЖОНЛИКЛАР орасида энг оммалашиб бораётган канал « @Andijan_bugun » каналидасиз!

Андижон ва юртимиздаги энг сўнги янгиликлар биринчи бизда

Реклама бериш учун: t.me/Andijan_Admin 👈

📸Андижонга оид янгиликлар бўлса юборинг: @AndijonBugunbot

Last updated 1 month ago


Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago