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Владелец: @Royalmaksi

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3 months, 1 week ago

Monthly Magazine Pdf Notes👇****

3 months, 1 week ago

*🔆International Single Species Action Plan*

Recently, the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14) adopted the Single Species Action Plan for the conservation of the Hawksbill Turtle.

It is the key instrument developed under the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA).

Purpose: It is for the purpose of implementing coordinated measures to restore migratory waterbird species to a favourable conservation status.

International cooperation among the species’ range states is essential for the implementation of these action plans.

*📍What is the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA)?*

It is an intergovernmental treaty dedicated to the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats across Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, Greenland and the Canadian Archipelago.

It is developed under the framework of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and administered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

It brings together countries and the wider international conservation community in an effort to establish coordinated conservation and management of migratory waterbirds throughout their entire migratory range.

It covers 255 species of migratory waterbirds that are ecologically dependent on wetlands for at least part of their annual cycle.

The Agreement area stretches from the northern reaches of Canada and the Russian Federation to the southernmost tip of Africa, covering 119 Range States from Africa, Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia and Canada



3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago

CSE 2024 notification

vacancy 1056

3 months, 2 weeks ago

*🔆*What is Brumation?

Researchers have observed instances of brumation in various reptilian species across habitats.

It is the name to describe a period of dormancy or slowed activity in reptiles, much like hibernation in mammals.

It typically occurs during colder months, when temperatures drop and food becomes scarce.

During brumation, reptiles may retreat to underground burrows, rock crevices or other sheltered areas where temperatures are relatively more stable.

Their metabolism slows significantly, allowing them to go weeks or even months without eating.

This period of reduced activity allows reptiles to conserve energy and minimise their resource requirements.

Such species include box turtles and painted turtles, which burrow into the mud at the bottom of ponds or lakes.

Snakes may seek refuge in underground dens or caves while lizards may hide under rocks or within vegetation.

📍Why brumation?

Reptiles enter a state of brumation to conserve energy and survive these adverse environmental conditions.

Brumation is crucial for reptiles to survive cold climates and endure challenging environmental conditions until they can reemerge to feed and reproduce in more favourable climates.**#prelims#environmentJoin @upsc_4_environment

3 months, 2 weeks ago

*🔆*High Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS)

CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) has successfully tested an unmanned aerial vehicle, called High Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) at Challakere, Karnataka, earlier this month.

HAPS are aircraft positioned above 20 km altitude, in the stratosphere, for very-long-duration flights counted in months and even years.

These unmanned aircraft may be airplanes, airships or balloons.

📍Benefits/Advantages of HAPS:

These solar-powered vehicles have been designed to plug the missing link between unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) flying in lower altitudes and conventional satellites in space.

The use of HAPS is considered for a variety of applications such as:
🔰emergency/public safety communications,
🔰intelligent transportation systems,
🔰maritime surveillance,
🔰environmental monitoring,
🔰land border control applications, etc.

Compared to ground based communication networks, HAPS can cover larger areas with less interference.

They could also help ease data transfer when used as an intermediate conduit between a satellite and ground based telecom networks.

Unlike regular satellites that are expensive to build and launch, HAPS cost far less and are easier to launch.**#gs3#science_technology@studytoday1@upsc_science_and_technology

3 months, 3 weeks ago

🔆**How to Restore WTO’s Authority

The 13th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is set to convene in Abu Dhabi and it provides another opportunity to address the ongoing crisis in the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM).

The WTO's crown jewel, the DSM, has been rendered ineffective since the end of 2019 due to the US blocking the appointment of new Appellate Body (AB) members.

While there are implications of the DSM crisis, there are certain options available for developing countries which could provide potential solutions to revive DSM.

📍WTO (World Trade Organisation)

It is an international institution that oversees the rules for global trade among nations.

WTO has 164 member countries [with Liberia and Afghanistan the most recent members, having joined in 2016] and 25 observer countries and governments.

It officially began operations on January 1, 1995,in accordance with the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, thus replacing the 1948 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

📍Organisational Structure of WTO

The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which is composed of all member states and usually convenes biennially (every two years) and consensus is emphasised in all its decisions.

The daily work is handled by three bodies (whose membership is the same):
🔰The General Council
🔰The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)
🔰The Trade Policy Review Body

The only difference is the terms of reference under which each body is constituted.**

*The General Council convenes as the DSB to deal with disputes between WTO members*.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

🔆**How to Restore WTO’s Authority

The 13th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is set to convene in Abu Dhabi and it provides another opportunity to address the ongoing crisis in the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM).

The WTO's crown jewel, the DSM, has been rendered ineffective since the end of 2019 due to the US blocking the appointment of new Appellate Body (AB) members.

While there are implications of the DSM crisis, there are certain options available for developing countries which could provide potential solutions to revive DSM.

📍WTO (World Trade Organisation)

It is an international institution that oversees the rules for global trade among nations.

WTO has 164 member countries [with Liberia and Afghanistan the most recent members, having joined in 2016] and 25 observer countries and governments.

It officially began operations on January 1, 1995,in accordance with the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, thus replacing the 1948 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

📍Organisational Structure of WTO

The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which is composed of all member states and usually convenes biennially (every two years) and consensus is emphasised in all its decisions.

The daily work is handled by three bodies (whose membership is the same):
🔰The General Council
🔰The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)
🔰The Trade Policy Review Body

The only difference is the terms of reference under which each body is constituted.**

*The General Council convenes as the DSB to deal with disputes between WTO members*.


3 months, 3 weeks ago
4 months ago

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Last updated 8 months ago

Владелец: @Royalmaksi

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

📞 @studuent_life_bot

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago