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Dr.laith salah alkhalidy

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Last updated 2 months ago

cr: @mermeladadepera и cr: @wrompompom

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

2 months ago
***🟧***Middle age female presented with chest …

🟧Middle age female presented with chest pain and SOB



👉Chest repitatians

📚ECG interpretation📚

AV dissociation
incomplete RBBB
Q wave most leads

📚CHB+ Incomplete RBBB + LAD(LAHB) =True trifasicular block 📚
طبعا الكيس أجتنا احاله من غير مستشفى جايه STEMI وماخذه Actylase واحنا يمنا خلينالها Temporary pacemaker


2 months ago


🟢Whenever patients presented with red flag 🚩 of sepsis you should do “six spsis”

👉1-give O2 to keep saturation >94
👉2-take blood culture
👉3-give braod spectrum antibiotic
👉4-give bolus crystalloid fluid (500ml/15min)
👉5-measure accurately UOP hourly
👉6-measure serum lactate


2 months, 1 week ago
Dr.laith salah alkhalidy
3 months ago
***🟧***Nice case

🟧Nice case

🟢Old age male a known case of CKD presented with confusion

🟢Vitally :- BP=undetected , PR=undetected , SPO2=undetected in oximetry

🟢O/ E

👉Decrease UOP
👉Cold extremities
👉Chest crackles


👉 =4


👉absent P wave

📗Regularized AF (CHB+ AF)

📪It is a case of BRASH syndrome

R—>Renal failure
A—>AV block


3 months, 1 week ago


🟧Indications of lung transplantation in COPD

MODE score >=7


Three or more sever Exacerbation in preceding year

one sever exacerbation with acute hypercapnic RF

Moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension


3 months, 1 week ago

🟧Nice case

📚45 yrs old man presented to me with sudden onset of peticheal rash all of body and oral mucous membranes (see picture above).on history taking he mentioned he had URTI before 1 month .then developed hematuria.

🟢Negative PMH
🟢Negative PSH(away from appendectomy) before 20 yrs
🟢No any hematological disease in family
🟢No neurological signs
🟢No organomegally or lymphadenopathy
🟢No jaundice

📗I sent him for investigations and result was

👉platelets = 1000 !!!(sever thrombocytopenia un correlated with his simple presentation )
👉Normal Hb and WBC
👉Normal RFT , LFT
👉PT,PTT (mild prolongation )
👉blood smear (normal away of dicyclopenia)
👉fibrinogen (normal)

📕After admission the patient developed malena and hemoptysis

📪We referred him to hematologist and my suspicions was ITP (but prolonged PT go against diagnosis)

Bone marrow biopsy done and was normal

📚So final diagnosis was ITP with or without von willbrand disease 📚

👉Von willibrand factor test sent and waiting for result

❤️It was amazing case


4 months, 3 weeks ago

🟧اشوكت المريض من يجيني اخاف منه ولازم خلال اسبوعين ادزه screening for Colorectal cancer

📚Abdominal mass or rectal mass
📚Un explained Anal mass or ulceration
📚age <50 yrs with Rectal Bleeding with any one of the following
👉1-abdominal pain
👉2-wight loss
👉3-Iron deficiency anemia
👉4-change in bowel habits

اكو تصنيف ثاني على اساسه ندز المريض ايضا خلال اسبوعين for screening

📚patients >= 40 yrs with unexplained wight loss+ abdominal pain
📚patients >=50 yrs unexplained rectal bleeding 🩸
📚patients >=60 yrs with Iron deficiency anemia or change in bowel habits


4 months, 4 weeks ago
Dr.laith salah alkhalidy
4 months, 4 weeks ago
Dr.laith salah alkhalidy
6 months, 2 weeks ago
Important note about ACEI,ARBs

Important note about ACEI,ARBs


We recommend to visit

Last updated 2 months ago

cr: @mermeladadepera и cr: @wrompompom

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago