[Cryptocurrencies] gumi's hangout ❤️

officialgumiho gumi's hangout ❤️ Follow me here for all the latest updates and secret gumi intel 🥰❤️

[Other] 黑猫//KURONEKO

... всем вопросам обращаться к: @kuronek_gumi

[Other] No one can't stop roco comt

... dubi dubi daba daba machi gumi dubi dubi boom boom boom ...

[Beauty] gumi (megpoid) confession

gumiconfession gumi (megpoid) confession Конфишн, посвещённый вокалоиду ...

[Cryptocurrencies] gumi's garden (❁´◡`❁)

gumisgarden gumi's garden (❁´◡`❁) okane doko i open box splits/mercari splits! please read the pinned tnc’s before claiming! happy shopping 🥸 admin: cheru! (@ppengyou)

[Beauty] Choice Confession !

choice_cf Choice Confession ! @ChoiceCF_bot кр : https://www.tumblr.com/mixtercandy/683353013908340736/gumi-please