peacetogeorgia Georgian Pacifists Channel The channel is to provide posts, thoughts, ideas about Peace and belief that war and violence are unjustifiable. Channel: @peacetogeorgia Chat: @peacetogeorgia_chat
aftrdr after dark In the stillness of the night, after dark, we can hear the whispers of our own thoughts
not_just_lily not just ? In the quiet dance of thoughts,she finds her soul, creating an aesthetic haven for those who embrace the beauty of aloneness.
unicosobrevente INSANE_THOUGHTS ||\? Well well well look who is here || ((>Daily Posts? < \ cross @Freaky_kidik Friendly channel but my friends not in here?
crypto_mole Crypto mole Blog about the blockade and crypto-currencies. I share thoughts and hot news. Any questions / advertising - @anjelamilkova
... ㅤ( the cold air and accumulated thoughts collided with each other )
starreo 28. cherry flavoured thoughts.
marianeplach Thoughts of girl who doesnt cry
haveanoicelife Untidy Thoughts
mylifemyrules Motivational Thoughts Youtube Link ? ...
maybemyvoicee "Fallen in asphodel" Thoughts of a madman?
mytoughthoughts my tough thoughts? ? Idk... ? Talk to me:
best_feelings_ever ?Best Thoughts? For cross @Amani364 Buy ads:
iskandardev Iskandar Dev Fikrlar, tajribalar va maslahatlarim maskani. Thoughts are personal and does not represent my employer
shallower_heart Shallow Heart Thoughts approaching...
thestrayedstays ??? ??????? ???? ?✨ 8 reasons to stay :) A private place of happiness... updates, tweets, edits, moments, daily thoughts and good vibes! Stay, let's hang out and enjoy♡
etoilante Étoilante (*no ad policy) here I share random thoughts and general life updates
quoteofbooks Quotes And Sayings I’m an avid reader and writer. I'm here to share what I gained from the books I read; Some thoughts , Ideas, Sayings , Quotes etc. Glad to see you here ♡
newslamicthoughtcloud [NEW ISLAMIC THOUGHTS ] ﷽ ?[ابـرگروه اندیشه های نویـن اسلامـی ...
himynameisblue 鏡花水月 Overwhelmed by thoughts drained in an infinite ocean. Unknown
sadfeeling17 ሀሜት thoughts Unmute the fucking channel and ...
my_thoughts_94 غَيْمَةٌ نَدِيَّةٌ نأمل ممن ...
moonuage Silly thoughts Polonium.
... , just Discovering the world ~Personal thoughts? ~Opportunities | Projects? ~Books | Films? ~Stories ...
purplth Purple thoughts just me and my vibes