[Beauty] Гоша вещает

giffok_says Гоша вещает Для перехода в режим диалога нажмите @giffok

[Other] Ariel

prolotario1real Ariel Facts & Conspiracy | Non-(Pay)triot | | N.O. B & R | Pro Gun Life-Pro Money | Infotainment | My 2 Cents | Comedy | Chess Player ♟️ | Simon Says Follow me

[Beauty] Ryabov Says

ryabovsays Ryabov Says Являюсь гарантом уже с 2018 ...

[Other] KESAWA

... weirdo. But that girl always says, “I’m not strange, weird ...

[Beauty] Fun But Useless Sh*t I Learned Today

funbutuseless Fun But Useless Sh*t I Learned Today Exactly what it says on the tin. Канал о книгах https://t.me/promiscuous_bookworm Для связи @jadzia_mccoy

[News] mari ✨says✨

ssaymari mari ✨says✨ ваш маяк ‘марі’ від ‘марина’ пишемо, говоримо, зцілюємо

[Cryptocurrencies] #As_hannah_thinks

... _thinks The channel's name says it all. By Hannah Tsehay ...

[Other] GFTL

rrrruunnn GFTL My father says we live in a grave for the living @AnnggelBot

[Cryptocurrencies] None Left Behind

... Behind Test me in this , says the Lord Almighty, and see ...

[Cryptocurrencies] Simon Says CALLS

simonsayscalls Simon Says CALLS Trying to catch another 500x and sharing potencial MEMECOINS everything you need for success: linktr.ee/SimonSaysBuy

[Other] mashka says

mashkasays mashka says Всем привет! Я использую WhatsApp!

[Other] Tore Live Chat

toresayslivechat Tore Live Chat Tore Says Live Chat (for commentary during broadcasts, when available) https://t.me/ToreSaysLiveChat/9404

[Cryptocurrencies] Tore Live

toresayslive Tore Live Live Streams on Telegram of Tore Says Show (when available)

[Politics] All sorts of shit

jebanistikafcjakaja All sorts of shit Channel name says it all

[Cryptocurrencies] shit telegram says

shittgsays shit telegram says like bash.org but less funny submit posts to @stgs_bot

[Beauty] SS | SIMON SAYS

ss_characterai SS | SIMON SAYS 18+ Не забудьте ознакомиться с информацией в закрепе. tiktok: kvakvakovskaya pr: @ss_characterai_info

[Beauty] mitrosha says.

j_antaresblog mitrosha says. ватафак сафари

[Other] Humans ?

whyhumans Humans ? Everyone says that life is not possible without the heart, but it is your brain that commands it to beat. https://t.me/HidenChat_Bot?start=1644077745 - From someone with IXTP mind - 333