[None] cold heart

coldheart000 cold heart هر چی🌚🌵 http://t.me/HidenChat_Bot?start=6614500188

[None] Humans ?

whyhumans Humans ? Everyone says that life is not possible without the heart, but it is your brain that commands it to beat. http://t.me/HidenChat_Bot?start=1644077745 - From someone with INTP mind - 333

[Cryptocurrencies] Funny Games

cumdown Funny Games Not God but a swastika So black no sky could squeak through. Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face, the brute Brute heart of a brute like you. (c) Sylvia Plath

[None] ibrahimforgaza

ibrabimforgaza ibrahimforgaza Ibrahim For Gaza Aid Humanitarian at heart, working tirelessly to deliver .aid and support to Gaza

[None] MusicUsy | موزیک یوزی

... کردی بهترین Listen To Your Heart ❤️ Admin: @HajAdmin Instagram : https://www ...

[None] Catholic Universe

... _universe Catholic Universe Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all ...

[Cryptocurrencies] ROMBAK.

... . ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ (...) ㅤ — @Rhymiest— ㅤ Painting soundscapes of the heart's ㅤ labyrinth in depths expanse ...

[None] Shape Of My Heart ?

shapeofmyheart0 Shape Of My Heart ? موسیقی به سبک رز ? https://t.me/HarfBeManBOT?start=NjU5MDcyMTg0

[None] Fluid Sings

... basically just to express my heart. Hi btw.? @iamfluid •Main Channel ...

[Education] MY LIFE♥️

laith_alaa11 MY LIFE♥️ Your love has occupied me as if you hug my heart with all your strength ♥️ @Laith_a11bot بوت التواصل الي محد يتواصل

[Beauty] You are in my heart.

qw1td You are in my heart. Ştôp běing mŷ #pąst - bęcôme mŷ #ręaĺ ònę

[None] try not to bark

mywifeisd3ad try not to bark Talk to me as I am sleeping Hold me while I'm dreaming Honestly, I could just breathe you in Met you when my heart was bleeding

[Beauty] избранное

xiilm_1 избранное the madness of your heart. @xxlms1

[None] ℂ??????я?????

carafernelia ℂ??????я????? Caraphernelia: (n.) A broken heart disease that occurs when someone leaves you, But leaves all their things behind.

[Technology] LeBeCcAh

huhshv LeBeCcAh lebeccah is a feeling from my heart to yours:) t.me/HidenChat_Bot?start=1344278657 ناشناسم :)

[Technology] وقتایی‌که‌دلم‌میگیره!

heart_icu وقتایی‌که‌دلم‌میگیره! بلدم تکیه کنم دوباره به خودم.

[None] heart joice! close

heartjoice heart joice! close … ? rearranging words to an oft-repeated incantation swearing to discovering something new. @heartjoicebot | @colderhills

[Music] Higanbana

bucinsq Higanbana ㅤㅤ ፠ Higanbana ፠ ᭝ describe the heart's ️࣭◗ ?anything ⨾ @SPIDERLlLY_BOT ?Owner ⨾ @FIFAEVIL

[None] ??? ??????? ???????, ??????? ?????.

therogueprins ??? ??????? ???????, ??????? ?????. ???? by @matrobsmith With a heart cloaked in mystery and a ...

[Books] قلب أزرق?

blue_heart_m_n قلب أزرق? ‏"أنتَ تراهُ متناقضاً لكنَّه يُجاهد يجاهِدُ نفسَه والدنيا وشيطانه والهوى"?

[None] ??Hana strawberry

... ??Hana strawberry I put my heart and my soul into my ...

[Technology] empty emotions

empty_emotions empty emotions Monday, 5 June, 2023 1402/ 3/ 19 the heart gets used to pain