[Politics] Scarfe ~ 愛

interlucidos Scarfe ~ 愛 Grupo destinado a mostrar a vergonha desses nerd da internet.

[Other] Cyberespaço Nerd

cyberespaco2023 Cyberespaço Nerd Conteúdo Cultura Pop

[Other] Geek+

geekmais Geek+ Bem vindo ao Geek+, sua melhor fonte de informação sobre a cultura nerd dos jogos e HQ's do Telegram. Contato: @cinesac_bot Grupo: @geekgrupo Extensão: @arquivoscine @CineMaisBr

[Other] 🐙🧿||🎄❄️||— Хакодный щитпост.||— Hakoda Neural Network. [nerd home]||🤍❤️🤍|[but still bar three queer))0)]

... 🐙🧿||🎄❄️||— Хакодный щитпост.||— Hakoda Neural Network. [nerd home]||🤍❤️🤍|[but still bar three ...

[Other] nugget haose 🐤

nuggethaose nugget haose 🐤 welcome! please read pinned ...

[Other] Mundo Geek Nerd

mundogeeknerd1 Mundo Geek Nerd Grupo de Conversa Filmes, Séries, Animações e HQs Instagram https://instagram.com/mundonerd2023?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=

[Technology] Nerd

nerddelulu Nerd https://telegram.me/BiChatBot?start=sc-1125907-vjmFwuc http://t.me/HidenChat_Bot?start=1487863545

[Other] fox tox

... rare forecast: high chance of nerd, partly yiffy with sparse drunkenness ...

[Other] Nugget Rush News

nuggetrush_news Nugget Rush News JOIN THE NUGX RUSH

[Other] Eric's basement

thehellfireclube Eric's basement she/they sitcom/comic/sci-fi nerd @JasonFromFridayThe13th ‌https://t.me/HonestaBot?start=MTA3NTA4NDgyNw

[Technology] Abscond.

... 'm his son) a real nerd for philosophy, literature, mythology, dinosaurs ...

[Other] Empire Mc'Nugget$ Chat

empiremcnuggets Empire Mc'Nugget$ Chat И помните. Империя не заботится о вас! по всем вопросам не обращаться

[Other] хз

kiminamiek хз что может быть лучше чем nugget лs

[Other] Love It If We Made It

... Funerals” Basically a morally gray nerd character with good music taste ...

[Beauty] Бебе

... - https://instagram.com/_spicy_chicken_nugget_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

[Blogs] 🌿Nugget Place🌿

nuggetbuster 🌿Nugget Place🌿 🌺Hola🌺 ¡Bienvenidos a mi ...

[Other] Nugget Rush Chat

nuggetrush_nugx Nugget Rush Chat P2E Meme coin game to win real GOLD - JOIN THE RUSH

[Cryptocurrencies] love, rosin 🎻🩵

loverosin love, rosin 🎻🩵 previously nugget haose please read t&cs before buying admin @sixpcnuggets spreadsheet: https://tinyurl.com/loverosinss