lovestoryneverend LOVE STORY NEVER END mistake is a single page of life but relation is a complete book . so don’t lose a full book for a single page 💕 #road15K #firstborn 💫 1 December 2018 💘
blubank_com ḃlu Bank bank, but lovely Powered by Saman Bank
baudopaia baú do paia é paia mas é a vida it's paia but it's life
bojacklaunchpad BoJack's Launchpad Official Launchpad of @BoJackDev Here I post my launches, but I don't launch often. I only launch good coins with support from big chads and based community. Promo: @BoJackDev
... emoji here @Premium_emojis_bot. But send only link plz ❗️ Any ...
drkpink Dark&pink I so dark but i love pink The combination of you and me?? Unknown:
itz_umairrr SST UMAIR وما الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ and the life of this world is nothing but an illusion !! For 1vs1 @Umairly
blinksareaaa blink’s area ?? a wts/wtt/go channel for mainly blackpink but will release listings for other groups!
makhkash786 Mohabat MAKHKASH My Best Friend is My Book. ? Life is Beautiful But in Islam ?❤️? Don't Forget Durood Sharif..! ? ✉️ @makhkash789 ?
shinrinyokufa ???? ??? ??? I'm still figuring myself out, but i know that im a simp. •
... We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeate ...
swoopstyle Swoop’s Scoop Contact me directly @Swoop29 Welcome to Swoops Scoop! A journey into defi, NFA but a safe spot for degens and investors. DM me for marketing services, I specialize in AMA’s and VC’s
... . We’re both Engineering majors (but we hate it)
... you tube channel, now deleted, but archived here https://www.altcensored ...
durovfreeofficial Free Durov Official Free Durov Official — a meme token on TRON for those who know that fate can toss not only millions, but also in "special conditions" of detention.
aa1cc HAPPY LIFE SECRETS It's not just fleeting moments of pleasure, but a more enduring state of well-being. For contacting @AAAUU
... retransmission des informations, dans le but de faire, le plus largement ...
... maybe it's not cheap but we provide good service. and ...
someonefrom1989 Someone from 1989 It's always midnight here ? I stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror Connect us:?? (Unknown messages) @Sheisdefinitelydeadbot
stargirlluna gossip girl Call me what u will But i do care? NO. ??
r_blackmagicfuckery r/BlackMagicFuckery Anything that clearly has no other explanation but no good voodoo black magic fuckery. @r_channels
... 's top stories. His blunt -but fair - commentary is refreshing and ...
memsfbi العتبة الكاولية المقدسة We are not the only ones but we are the best الترجمة : تعشگ طير تلگـة صويحبك صيـاد
darkred260 ????????? There's more to it than one can think of But there's no need to show -Was never meant to be accepted- Aquarius | ENTP | 7w8 | saiposexual