[Other] Selling By Lwin Gyi

... Gyi Ower--- @lwingyi2580 or ower gf @PL230000 Sec ower -- @ethan_a ...

[Other] metalhead & emo & grunge suicide vibe

come_to_lviv metalhead & emo & grunge suicide vibe /ukr/ and world music shitpost з питань реклами та співпраці: @megs_vibe


... boy-grup pré-debut da GF Ent. KINGDOM aqui no telegram ...

[Books] ل آخرتي🤍.

f_gf_f ل آخرتي🤍. لعلها تكون شافعه لي ولكم 🫶 المالك :@Ba02_5

[Other] Кожухов Алексей Александрович

kozhuhov_al Кожухов Алексей Александрович Директор Губкинского филиала НИТУ "МИСиС" t.me/gf_misis

[Books] -نُوير٩:

fk_gf -نُوير٩: القُبول،مِن،الله،لأتِشد،امها𐂂:

[Other] переезд / last twilight’s gf!!

l4stw1 переезд / last twilight’s gf!! t.me/boost/L4STW1 6.06.24 t.me/INF0LT

[Beauty] Затерянный Сад

lostorchard Затерянный Сад Букинг x Стриминги skramz / blackened / post / emo / hardcore / metal

[Other] закрыто histi | txtlover

hissstii закрыто histi | txtlover taehyun gf (real) ❗️❗️❗️ укр / русс / англ я - @hisssti анон - @hhistiksbot

[Other] ;༊ NFW. Taehyung gf, 기아.

svtargirl ;༊ NFW. Taehyung gf, 기아. WARN!NG this channel don' ...

[Other] tweety bird

iufile tweety bird ‌ 🪷 i could spend hours talking about how much i love and admire my gf, jieun . i would move mountains for this girl, whose makes my life happier. ꒰ @ninaziu ꒱

[Cryptocurrencies] Jake gf proof’s

prooflic Jake gf proof’s @interesticng testie lama, punya @semuut

[Other] . 𝐇eeseung's gf [active]

hceaseung . 𝐇eeseung's gf [active] hello, welcome if you ...

[Other] the sanctuary

thnsanctuary the sanctuary "the diary of an angsty emo teen"

[Beauty] kriss_gf

kriss_gff kriss_gf Dancer, trainer, choreographer «Golden Flash» 💃🏻❤️

[Beauty] секта эмо мuны › twice⁹ | abouTZU

twiceoncenya секта эмо мuны › twice⁹ | abouTZU we believe in emo mina supremacy 👾 me → @waff_zz (квася) coop → @infotwiceonce anon → @twiceoncenya_bot start 23.07.07 ›

[Technology] Spiritually midwest emo

nothing_neww Spiritually midwest emo برای حرف با (هوری) @Nowyoucantalkwithhoriebot برای حرف با (صدرا) @SadSadSadrabot برای حرف با (شرل) @Sheranonsbot